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There are many known ways to take a person out. Words are good and all, but I just like using my weapons. But there also people who prefer to fight with their bare limbs.

Iron Fist, the champion warrior of K'un-Lun.

And Liu Kang, the warrior of Earthrealm.

I'm AhmedSalah120 and I'm here doing my best to prove to you all who will take the league and win a Death Fight!

Young Danny Rand was the son of Wendell Rand, who once lived in the fabled city of K'un-Lun, which exists in another dimensional realm.

Wendell decided to take his son to K'un-Lun and traveled to Tibet alongside his wife Heather and business partner Harold Meachum.

While in search of the Nexus to K'un-Lun, Danny toppled off a treacherous mountain passage and dragged his mother and father over the ice shelf with him.

He and his mom landed on a ledge, but dad wasn't so lucky. He was dangling over the drop of the mountainside and asked Harold for help.

But in hopes to take Wendell's share of the business, he caused Wendell to lose his grip and plummet to his death. And this is why if I'm ever in a bad situation, I have a robot to help me.

Learn to put your trust in humans. Anyways, Heather and Danny weren't too fond of Harold causing Wendell's death so they left him to find camp on their own.

But then his mother was killed by a pack of wolves. Soon afterwards, Danny was found by denizens of K'un-Lun and began his rigorous training under Lei Kung the Thunderer into the Iron Fist.

At age nineteen, he got the opportunity to become the Iron Fist. But to do that, he would need to murder a fire-breathing serpent called Shou-Lao.

Danny succeded in doing so and plunged his hands into Shou-Lao's molten heart.

Afterwards, his hands started to glow weird, granting him the title of the Iron Fist.

As the Iron Fist, Danny is incredibly powerful. He can manipulate chi around his fist for the appropriately named "Iron Fist."

Not only that, he can heal himself too. He can purge himself and other from poisons and toxins, bring himself back to life, and break out of mind control?

He also has the ability to absorb energy and possesses some sort of psuedo-telepathy where he fuses his consciousness with another's to share the memories and experiences of his target.

He can also fire blasts of energy powerful enough to destroy cyborg ninjas even while tired and hungry.

Daniel can also help exorcise demons out of people and detect a person's life force. In order to prove to be the ultimate wielder of the Iron Fist, Danny has had to pull off inhuman feats. And I don't mean that kind of Inhuman.

He's strong enough to harm Spider-Man with a punch even when Peter was wearing his Iron Spider armor. Peter on his own can take a hit from the Hulk.

Danny has also broken through Spider-Man's webbing, which can easily catch a speeding roller coaster with people moving at 60 mph. Given that roller coasters weigh 10,000 pounds, to stop this coaster would require a force of about 300 tons.

He's also fast. He's able to react in microseconds, dodge gunfire, and he's been noted to have reflexes faster than lightning.

Not only that, but Danny can also take incredible amounts of pain. He's survived a hit from a triple iron that can hit with the force of a howitzer shell, or about 100 tons.

He's taken a headbutt from Spider-Man and has landed from an airplane to the ground without a parachute unharmed.

But his most famous attribute is his combat skill. He's defeated 88 S.H.I.E.L.D agents in under 7 minutes while holding back, defeated Warhawk, his superior, while tranquilized, and even bested an armed ninja who had thousands of years of experience.

But don't be fooled by his incredible skill and power. He is still human and has the same weaknesses as practically any other man. Also, he's not bulletproof without his Chi. And he seems to be incredibly susceptible to soul theft.

But Danny Rand has more than proven time and time again to be one of the most skilled warriors in the Marvel universe and has proven time and time again that he doesn't need Chi to have an Iron Fist.

Liu Kang was orphaned as a child and was raised by Shaolin monks.
But luckily, they didn't do any "monky" business with him, pun intended. He was trained to be a spiritual warrior.

His potential for Mortal Kombat was recognized and he was trained rigorously for it in hopes of defending Earthrealm. Then Raiden introduced him to Master Bo' Rai Cho to better his training.

Once his training was complete, he bested all challengers and earned the high honor of representing the Shaolin in the Mortal Kombat tournament.

Liu Kang specializes in the fighting style Jeet Kune Do, a hybrid martial arts and life philospohy founded by the legendary Bruce Lee himself.

Makes a lot of sense given that many of Liu Kang's attacks often revolve around kicks. A prime example would be his most iconic move, the Bicycle Kick, where he delivers multiple fast kicks to his opponent, how the heck he can still be in the air for more than one second?

His Flying Dragon Kick is him flying with his leg sticking out to kick his opponent's chest.

Liu Kang also has the ability to manipulate fire such as with his technique High Fireball, a dragon shaped fire projectile that harms the opponent.

For smaller enemies, he can use the Low Fireball, which basically the same thing only he crouches.

He also has a defensive technique called Parry where he fires up his fists in a parry stance. Should he try to get hit, he'll disappear in a burst of flames only to reappear behind his opponents and surprise his foes with a swift punch.

The Dragon's Roar is a powerful back fist and that's not even his deadliest ability.

That's right. Liu Kang has the ability to actually turn into dragon.
Now you're talking my language. In this form, he's stronger, tougher, and he can even breathe fire and chomp people's heads off.

(spoiler alert)

But the deadliest form so far is the Fire and Thunder God form. This form makes Liu Kang stronger, faster and tougher, also he can't use fire abilities only, but he can also use thunder and lightning abilities.

Long story short, since the evil Liu Kang stole powers from his past-self, Raiden mixed his powers with evil Liu Kang's, both these powers came to the past Liu Kang.

Even without his dragon form and his God form, Liu Kang is no slouch. He's strong enough to punch through Shao Kahn's chest with his fist wrapped in flames.

Not to mention so fast that Kitana can't land a single hit on him. He's easily taken hits from Goro, who is strong enough to rip off limbs and tear human heads into four with no effort whatsoever.

Not to mention that the dude has proven to be one the most powerful martial artists in the Mortal Kombat universe. He's beaten Ermac, a telekinetic fighter, in kombat and has beaten Kitana, one of Shao Kahn's top enforcers.

He's defeated Goro, who was the Mortal Kombat champion for 500 years. He's also managed to defeat Quan Chi and Scorpion of all people in a two-on-one fight, and has easily bested Shang Tsung.

He also defeated Cetrion who can be larger than a planet itself.

With this diagram above this hit must be required over 119.19216061185467481 yottatons of TNT or Large Planet level

He used the Jinsei that was flowing inside him to "fuel his fire" and after that, utterly destroyed the White Revenants and matched Corrupted Cetrion step for stepbefore ultimately killing Kronika.

Sadly though, Liu Kang never got to live the awesome warrior life. Instead, his fate was that he became a Revenant under the control of Quan Chi after being killed by a combination of his own fire and Raiden's lightning.

Still, even after death, this guy is one person you don't wanna challenge to a fight.

At last we're near to the end and I'm near to tell you the solid answer about Who Would Win This DEATH FIGHT!!!!

Iron Fist was punching the air in the dojo.

Iron Fist: I don't know who I'll face and I don't care. Not many can say that they have a victory over me.

Just then, Liu Kang appeared in a flash of fire.

Liu Kang: I am Liu Kang. Having been trained by the Shaolins, I will defeat you!

Liu Kang got into a battle stance and then Iron Fist did the same as well.

Iron Fist: Just try to do so.


Liu Kang rushed towards Iron fist with his Flying Dragon Kick technique, but Danny uppercut Liu Kang's foot up, launching him upwards. Danny jumped up and kicked him down.

Liu Kang got up and rolled back. Danny covered his hand in Chi. Liu Kang coated his fist in fire. They ran towards each other with their respective augmented fist. Their fists collided, creating an explosion that knocked both warriors back.

Iron Fist: You're pretty good.

Liu Kang: You're not too bad yourself.

Liu Kang launched a High Fireball, but Iron Fist fired a blast of powerful energy. They exploded and destroyed each other. 

Liu Kang took advantage of the explosion and used the Flying Dragon Kick, but Iron Fist caught Liu Kang and threw him into a wall while launching energy at him. Liu Kang got up from the attack and used the Flying Dragon Kick to close in.

Iron Fist proceeded to punch him, but Liu Kang used Parry and teleported behind Iron Fist. Liu Kang then surprised him with a punch to the back of the head and then hit hit back with his iconic Bicycle Kick move.

Iron Fist turned around and roundhouse kicked Liu Kang. Liu Kang got up and ran towards Iron Fist.

Danny threw a punch but Liu Kang blocked and used the Bicycle Kick, but Danny blocked every kick, grabbed his legs, threw him up, and fired an energy blast at him. Liu Kang managed to land on his two feet. Iron Fist cloaked his fist in Chi and threw a punch towards Liu Kang's face.

Liu Kang used Parry, disappeared, and attempted to punch Iron Fist, but he reacted just in time and uppercut him with a fist covered in Chi.

Liu Kang launched a Low Fireball, hitting Danny's feet. Danny knocked Liu Kang up through the means of a backflip kick. Iron Fist used his healing technique and started recovering health.

Liu Kang struck Danny as he was healing with his Bicycle Kick and then hit Iron Fist with his Flying Dragon Kick. Liu Kang coated his fist in flames. Iron Fist covered his hand in Chi. 

They collided, but this time, neither side was knocked back. They switched the energy with their hands and punched each other again.

They started repeating this act over and over again until Liu Kang used Parry, forcing him to teleport. But Iron Fist punched Danny with a Chi covered hand as soon as he reappeared.

Wanting to end this fast, Liu Kang transformed into a dragon and roared in Danny's face.

Iron Fist: Is this supposed to scare me? If so, it's failing.

Liu Kang attempted to bite Iron fist, but he dodged. Liu Kang tried again, but this Iron Fist uppercut him upwards, causing Liu Kang to stumble. He breathed fire at Iron Fist, but Iron Fist dodged and launched an energy blast that staggered Liu Kang.

Liu Kang then returned to his normal form spitting some blood.
Looking weak.

Iron Fist: I can't believe that one worked.

A lightning came out of nowhere striking Liu Kang, transforming him into God of Thunder and Fire.

Lord Liu Kang: This is the end of you.

Iron Fist then got surrounded by Liu Kang's lightning and fire. Liu Kang threw a huge ball of lightning and fire at Iron Fist.

Iron Fist: It was honor to fight you Liu Kang.

The explosion destroyed the whole dojo leaving nothing to Iron Fist but ashes.

Lord Liu Kang: There's no other way!


Iron Fist and Liu Kang were both incredibly skilled, but Liu Kang stood no chance. That was until Liu Kang defeated Kronika and Cetrion.

Cetrion's fatality that requires 119.19216061185467481 yottatons of TNT is a lot powerful than this.

Don't let this image fool you cause it just a mountain level. Also Iron Fist can dodge bullets but not lighting.

But don't think that it wasn't a close one, Liu Kang's resetting the history wasn't as impressive as it sounds like and Iron Fist aren't as weaker than Liu Kang as it look like.

Here's why, Liu Kang's didn't resetting The History of the whole Universe just the History of the Planet. And Iron Fist survived blow from Cyclops of the Phoenix Force, The Phoenix can destroy planets but The Phoenix has the power to destroy only not to recreate, while Liu Kang can do both.

Iron Fist maybe powerful AF but Liu Kang was the real challenge in this fight.

Looks like Liu Kang's chances of wining were as solid as "Iron".

Liu Kang

Who's next!?

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