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Video games, everyone's favorite pass-time regardless of gender or age. More specifically Arcade games, and when one is to think of Arcade games they would think of either Racing or Fighting games.

Like Street Fighter. With the "Shoryukening" and "Hadokening" of Ryu.

Like F-Zero! With the ever astonishing Captain Falcon.

I'm AhmedSalah120 and I'm here doing my best to prove to you all who will take the league and win a Death Fight!


Abandoned at a young age, Ryu was taken in by the mysterious martial arts teacher Gouken, whom of which would give him a place in the dojo to be trained in the ways of martial arts alongside his best friend and friendly rival, Ken Masters.

The art of the Ansatsuken - or Assassin's Fist - fighting style, to be precise!

...Which is a bit misleading - the Assassin's Fist fighting style was based on brutally murdering your opponents. However, Gouken's teaching of it is based on not killing them, instead teaching a non-lethal variant. Unlike his violent brother, Akuma, which eventually led to...

Well, he's the finger-painting sadist-killing guy...

At age 23, Ryu left the dojo, and began his neverending quest to wander the world in search of opponents to meet and fight in a bid to improve himself and test his abilities and limits.

Probably to say "Screw you, I'm actually worth something" to the douchebag parents who abandoned him! Anyway, he sure has a lot of fighting moves for when he's in the ring.

The Shoryuken is a powerful uppercut that can launch the victim into the air, and the Hadouken is a power energy blast - not a fire blast - that is capable of penetrating evil entities...so apparently WATERFALLS are evil!
And...physics as well, I suppose.

He also uses the Tatsu... Tat...suma...ki... fuck-whatever-that-name-is helicopter kick attack, helpful for flying around and passing over projectiles.

And finally, he has a powerful step kick capable of hitting with enough force to bounce opponents off walls. This is what Ryu calls the Joudan Sokutogeri.

Heh heh heh... "And diarrhoea joke foot"... ah, the memories...but I had to disagree boomstick is means "Social Problems"
...😐😐😐😐😐 the fuck...THE fuck...the FUCK...THE FUCK?!

Anyway. in his time in the Street Fighter tournament, he took on many powerful foes, eventually going the distance to reaching the then champion, Sagat. And things didn't exactly go well for our favourite martial artist of mystery, as Sagat was effortlessly trouncing him.

But then Sagat made the mistake of being a good sport. Sagat offered to give Ryu a hand back up onto his feet. Ryu's response? A punch SO powerful, it cut him open and nearly killed him! What a dick!

This was a taste of the dark energy within Ryu... the Satsui no Hadou. Literally the Surge of Murderous Intent. Akuma was constantly driving Ryu to give in to the Dark Hadou's addictive quality and murderous power.

However, over time Ryu began to shun this dark energy, attempting to limit its use, and eventually drive this murderous energy out of him.

So that whole Evil Ryu business won't show up today! But over time, Gouken instilled a strong belief in the world warrior and giving him an even stronger transformation.

If he can shun the dark energy and detach himself from all emotion, he enters an altered of consciousness, boosting his speed, power and abilities to ridiculous levels!

This is known as the Power of Nothingness. Still won't be a good a name as the Diarrhoea Joke Foot.

The Power of Nothingness allows Ryu complete control over his mind and body, and is so focused of a form that it is capable of withstanding the Raging Demon. You know, the soul-killing attack that anything sinful can't really survive.

But the last part of Ryu's move set comes from his Super Arts - enhanced versions of his ordinary attacks. The Shinku, Denjin and Metsu Hadoukens are powered-up versions of the Hadouken, The Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku is a powered-up version of...you guessed it, the Tatsumaki Senpukyaku--finally I said it.

And the Shin Shoryuken is a powered-up Shoryuken that, even if blocked, becomes a multi-hitting Shoryuken attack. It was this exact attack that Ryu used to scar and nearly kill Sagat.

Ryu is skilled enough to take on numerous thugs at once, and has defeated a large variety of opponents, such as M. Bison, Dudley, Hugo, and even the genetically created super warrior Seth.

He is also strong enough to lift a boulder with Oro's weight on top of that, fast enough to be able to dodge gunfire and durable enough to survive getting impaled on Akuma's fist.

Surprised he didn't lose his lunch right there! Anyway, he's not exactly invincible despite being the poster boy for Street Fighter! He's lost a number of matches fair and square to the likes of M. Bison, Oro and even Ken. And he's also constantly in stalemates with Akuma, whom he doesn't seem to have beaten in canon. Not yet, at least...

And despite having a wide variety of skills, he actually have a fairly simplistic fighting style. But even still, it's no doubt that Ryu is a legendary warrior.



In the world of F-Zero, some centuries after ours, Formule 1 doesn't exist anymore. The audience only cares about F-Zero races, which is basically races of machines that levitate and chase themself at hypersonic speed!

In any races there must be a champion, and in case of F-Zero, it's Captain Falcon!

If there are different incarnations of Captain Falcon, the man's background is always mysterious.

All that we know is that he's a bounty hunter, and that he's born in Port Town. Falcon constantly tries to take down the plans of the criminal organization Dark Million Shadow, leads by Black Shadow.

Being a famous racer, and a well-known bounty hunter that takes down villain, Captain Falcon is forced to leave in anonymity to maintain his security.


As a racer, he accomplishes with his vehicle, the Blue Falcon, many incredible feats. He has beaten every single other competitors, and among them his clone Blood Falcon, but also Black Shadow himself.

But it wasn't enough for Captain Falcon who defeated champion of F-Zero in Hell, Deathborn ! BUT IT WASN'T ENOUGH YET, and he defeated the "Creators", supposedly of his universe, in a race. No need to tell that his vehicle is incredibly durable and fast, but also powerful enough to make other vehicles crash ! Because yes, F-Zero is dangerous.

The Blue Falcon has also a command called the Boost Fire. It makes the Blue Falcon spins and travels incredibly fast, and if someone touches it without a power of the same kind...well, let's say this someone will learn how to fly.

Driving such a vehicle, and even being a F-Zero racer is also a proof of an excellent reaction speed.

But outside of his vehicle, Captain Falcon is one hell incredible of a fighter. Being a bounty hunter, he knows how to fight. He can go toe to toe with his clone in a fight, was fast enough to react to a beam and deverted it.

Well, he took the laser to the shoulder and it hurt, but his friend didn't die. What a hero ! He's also physically strong enough to shatter some telekinetic bounds made by Black Shadow.

Before getting into the real thing, he's a quick fighter with powerful strikes.

Falcon Kick is a kick engulfed by fire, Falcon Dive lets him grab his opponent and releases him in an explosion, and the Raptor Boost is a burning uppercut he makes while dashing toward the opponent.

He can also calls the Blue Falcon anytime he wants. But no doubt that his most powerful technique is...THE FALCON PUNCH !


When Captain Falcon wants to finish his opponent in one hit, he unleashes this punch that makes a fire bird effect on his fist !

It killed Black Shadow instantly, on the middle of an explosion. And this Black Shadow has an insane durability, as he's capable of surviving a mountain blowing up.

It can be only a good mastering of the pyrokinetic, but if it is not, well the Falcon Punch has been calculated to have the power of the Mother of all bombs. So it will be a damn powerful punch.

Moreover, Captain Falcon and Black Shadow are linked as they are supposed to respectively represent the light and the dark, and so not being able to defeat each other. But with the help of Rick Wheeler in the anime, Captain Falcon succeeded, before being killed in the explosion of the Dark Reactor.

But this win means Captain Falcon's durability is also as strong if not superior to Black Shadow's. Not talking about his strenght and speed that is already far superior.

However, Captain Falcon has weaknesses. Captain Falcon shouts the name of all of his special attacks, which can make him quite predictable. He also has much more experience in racing than in fighting actually.

He can be a bit overconfident in himself, or perhaps he just knows his level well. And he has that gun he never uses. HE USED IT ONE TIME, AND IT IS A BEAM PISTOL!

Why are you suddenly howling?



At last we're near to the end and I'm near to tell you the solid answer about Who Would Win This DEATH FIGHT!!!!


The camera moves to the right showing a shiny Blue Falcon. Ryu looks to his left as the camera quickly switches to man in blue suit and yellow pants running.

Ryu then looks to his right as the camera shows the man's red and yellow helmet with a yellow Falcon emblem on the front. This man we see running is none other than Captain Falcon!

As Ryu shrugs his shoulders and is about to land a punch the man shown running earlier pops up from a tunnel. He blocks Ryu's fist with a his own preventing him from touching the Blue Falcon.

Ryu: Whoa your fast but I mean no trouble, I'm just here to destroy this stupid looking go cart so I can progress to the next stage. (author's note: 4th-wall breaks everybody)

Captain Falcon: Stupid, GO CART?! I heard you also beat up my good friend over there!

Captain Falcon points to Ryu Suzaku.

Captain Falcon: You seem like a interesting opponent. How about I beat a lesson out of you? So how about it? Show me your moves!

Ryu: Very well then...


Falcon strikes first with a right jab directed at Ryu's chest which Ryu manages to barely block with his hand. Captain Falcon then begins to constantly throw jabs all directed around Ryu's upper body.

Ryu successfully blocks them by reacting quickly and easily memorizing Falcon's pattern of jabs.

Eventually Ryu grabs one of Captain Falcon's hands and drags him into a Shoryuken. The Shoryuken causes Falcon to soar high into the air, Ryu jumps up and then proceeds to do his Tatsumaki Senpukyaku consistently kicking Captain Falcon higher up.

Once Ryu was done, Captain Falcon performs an Aerial Falcon Kick Fury on Ryu causing him to be launched back to the ground.

As Falcon lands on one knee and his hand, Ryu gets up and fires a Hadoken to which Falcon easily dodges with a roll. As Captain Falcon stands up and races towards his opponent's direction.

Ryu charges another Hadoken and fires right when Captain Falcon is close enough, but to Ryu's surprise Captain Falcon jumped up at the last second!

As it goes slow-mo we see Ryu's look of disbelief and Falcon's cocky smile as he then lands behind Ryu and goes for a Lightning Falcon Kick that goes straight through Ryu before he could react.

Ryu is then hit with a barrage of punches then jabs sending him backward as he tries to block the attacks and regain his footing. As Falcon goes for a Knee Smash to send Ryu flying back, Ryu blocks it effortlessly. Ryu then proceeds to elbow Falcon's leg and uppercut him once again with a Shoryuken.

As Captain Falcon lands on the ground Ryu jumps up and prepares to drop his fist onto the ground when suddenly Captain Falcon jumped up grabs Ryu and knees him causing an explosion as Falcon does a back flip.

Captain Falcon: Yes!

As Falcon flawlessly lands down, Ryu falls down harshly on some crates. Ryu gets up holding his hand up to his head and trying to regain his footing again, but as he is preoccupied with his balance Captain Falcon is sprinting towards him!

Right as Captain Falcon is about to connect a right hook, Ryu regains his balance counters the punch with a leg swipe that knocks over Captain Falcon.

Ryu takes this as an opportunity to strike; Ryu kicks Falcon in the face, then proceeds to knee him in the chest and neck.

Ryu then connects a jab, hook, ending it off with a kick to the knees and a Shoryuken.

As Falcon lands back down, Ryu charges another Hadoken. When his opponent got back up he fired but Falcon lands his Falcon Punch on the Hadoken causing the Hadoken to disperse! Ryu is shocked but doesn't let it distract him too much.

As Falcon rushes Ryu once again, Ryu then does the same they begin trying to punch each other only for their punches to land at the same time causing minor shock-waves in the air. As both try to gain the upper-hand they still continue to cause shock-waves.

As Falcon goes for a kick, so does Ryu leading to them once again cancelling each other's moves once again. As they both go for a punch once again they cancel each other out only this time Captain Falcon goes for an Explosive Falcon Dive then quickly does an Aerial Lighting Falcon Kick.

Both moves cause Ryu to get dizzy yet again, as Falcon is about to do another Falcon Kick just before it connects Ryu fires a Hadoken!

The Hadoken hits Captain Falcon in the chest and sends him flailing backwards.

As Falcon stands up straight Ryu comes rushing into the Captain's head with a knee and then does another Tatsumaki Senpukyaku that sends the Captain straight into the other side of the track.

As the Captain rubs his head he is then hit in the head in comedic fashion with several cartoon items such as an anvil, a safe, an anchor, and a wrench which finally knocks him out cold.

Ryu unsure of the fate of his opponent charges his Shinku Hadoken and fires into the hole that Captain Falcon's body made. Just before Ryu had fired however, we see Captain Falcon has regained conscious and gathers his surroundings as something catches his eye.

Captain Falcon comes bursting in with his Blue Falcon and passes by Ryu with great speed! Ryu is afraid that something of that speed would do to him if it ran him over. Ryu then decides its best to find a vehicle like that of his own.

Ryu jumps down from where they were fighting from and sees a circular red vehicle, which he jumps on top of and kindly tells the driver (Samurai Goroh) to keep on driving away from the blue vehicle to which he reluctantly agrees.

Captain Falcon drives down to where Ryu is, as Ryu tries to fire Hadokens to try to slow down and occupy Captain Falcon. All of the Hadokens disperse as they hit the windshield of the Blue Falcon causing a cloud to cover the vehicle.

Driver/Samurai Goroh: Hell yeah I could! Lemme tell ya...

Ryu: Just show and do it, don't tell!

Samurai Goroh speeds up as they lose sight of the cloud that covered the Blue Falcon. They then pass by a news reporter.

News Reporter: This just in, a mysterious stranger had the audacity to disrespect great bounty hunter and F-Zero racer Captain Falcon and is now riding with the rival of Captain Falcon: Samurai Goroh. The stranger has already caused over $1000 worth of property damage. Will this escalate into more chaos? Can the Captain stop this menace? More news and updates coming soon.

Suddenly Captain Falcon's Blue Falcon drops down and races towards Ryu and Samurai Goroh!

Ryu: Dammit he found us! Alright I got one shot.

Ryu then charged a Shinku Hadoken.

Samurai Goroh: What the heck are you doing up there!?

Ryu: Shinku...Hadoken!

It appears the Shinku Hadoken had a direct hit...but the Blue Falcon moved out of the way!

Ryu: Dammit...Should have known...


(author's note: Before we continue the fight, I want to tell ya, check out DEATH FIGHT EXTRAS to know what happened through these moment. Now let's continue)


The camera pans out at close up on a whole look at Falcon and then Ryu only to finally zoom out to show off all the chaos they caused.

Captain Falcon runs at Ryu with all of his speed as Ryu begins firing Hadokens to try to stop Captain Falcon. Falcon disregards the Hadokens as they fly by him and just keeps and on running as he jumps up to Ryu with all of his strength and does an Aerial Falcon Kick Fury only to be denied via a Shoryuken from Ryu.

As he is about to fall down, Captain Falcon does a Wind-up Raptor Boost that manages to hit Ryu before he can hit him and manages to let the Captain grab the ledge.

The Captain then jumps back up and kicks Ryu in the face causing him to fall onto his back. The Captain then begins repeatedly jabbing Ryu in the neck and chest area causing him to lose his concentration as Falcon ends his combo with a charged elbow attack to Ryu's chest sending him off the ledge.

However, Ryu luckily grabbed the ledge thanks to him doing a Shoryuken. Captain Falcon tries to step on Ryu's hand before he gets back up and manages to make him let go!

Only for Ryu to connect a Shoryuken on Falcon which allows Ryu to also get back up. Ryu walks up to Falcon who is still on the ground only for the Captain to connect a Heavy Raptor Boost on Ryu sending him flying as Falcon tops it off with a Lightning Falcon Kick and a Falcon Dive.

Falcon then goes for an Aerial Falcon Kick Fury only for Ryu to go for a Shin Shoryuken! The two moves collide sending both combatants flying backwards with Falcon almost falling off the ledge.

Ryu was knocked out cold as the explosion from the kick and it combining with the Shin Shoryuken knocked his head hard on the ground.

Soon after, the Captain got back up and ran over to the down Ryu and begins charging a kick to knock Ryu off the ledge before he can react or regain conscious.

At the very moment Falcon is about to land his charged kick, he is hit with another Shin Shoryuken that sends him atop the billboard behind them!

Captain Falcon luckily held on the top corner rim of the billboard, as he then drops back down and does another Wind-Up Raptor Boost in case Ryu tries to hit him with another Shoryuken.

But instead Ryu is seen charging some kind of blue aura as said aura is seen flowing around him on the ground.

But Captain Falcon noticed to late as he Raptor Boosted straight into Ryu's Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku that sent him flying around for that lasts up for a good 5 seconds.

The Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku sends the Captain back down onto the ground near all the chaos.


As a news camera bot comes near Falcon, he jumps on top of it and directs it towards Ryu. As Ryu just wants to end this and forget about it, he attempts to blast the Captain off with Hadokens.

A Hadoken flies by Falcon's head, another went straight past him and two went over the Captain's shoulders.

As Ryu was about to fire one last Hadoken, Captain Falcon quickly jumps to towards Ryu and smacks his opponent on the head with a Wind-up Raptor Boost that sends Ryu through the billboard this time.

Captain Falcon sends himself through the billboard with a Falcon Kick Fury that knocks Ryu off to the edge of the ledge.

Captain Falcon then Knee Smashes Ryu and to assure he blasts off the edge, Captain Falcon does another Falcon Kick Fury that sends Ryu flying and then smashing against the roof of a tunnel on a highway not to far by the billboard.

Captain Falcon Falcon Kicks down and begins sprints full force. When Ryu gets back up he sees Captain Falcon sprinting, Ryu tries to move but he is still stuck in the smashed roof!

Captain Falcon double jumps up and manages to grab Ryu just as he was beginning to get out and lands an Explosive Falcon Dive that sends Ryu on top of the roof this time rather than crashed into the side.

Captain Falcon and Ryu both get up and stare at each other once again.

Ryu: Lets end this before people start to get hurt badly. Please I'm begging you!

Captain Falcon: Speak for yourself. Do you know what you have done?

Captain Falcon: None of this would have happened if you didn't hurt my friend and attempt to break my racer!

Ryu: I'm sorry...

Captain Falcon: And now innocents are dead, how can you live with that!

Ryu: I said I'm SORRY!

Ryu fires a Metsu Hadoken engulfed with anger and sadness. The Metsu Hadoken manages to hit Captain Falcon and wraps around Falcon in the hate, anger, pain, sorrow, and agony that Ryu feels that blasts the Captain across the rooftop.

Ryu: I didn't want to do this...

Captain Falcon: What the hell was tha...

As he gets up, he is hit with a powerful right hook punch in his mid-section. Ryu's punch to the Captain's mid-section lifts him off his feet as Ryu then follows-up with a powerful left hook punch to the chin and finally the Metsu Shoryuken.


The Metsu Shoryuken sends Captain Falcon falling down from a somewhat high elevation as he then slides across the rooftop once again. Ryu then begins charging a Denjin Hadoken as Captain Falcon approaches Ryu with a Falcon Punch.

But the two moves hit at the same time, the fully charged Denjin Hadoken comes in contact with the Falcon Punch causing both attacks to disperse and both combatants to be shocked as a literal shock-wave made from the fire from the Falcon Punch and the energy from the Denjin Hadoken scatter throughout the wind.

Ryu and Falcon then both begin trying to outdo one another with combos. Captain Falcon tries knee smashing Ryu again only to be blocked, Ryu then tries his hand at another Tatsumaki Senpukyaku only to also be blocked.

Ryu then tries his hand at boxing his opponent out of blocking, striking at his opponent with a right jab, left hook and an uppercut. All three were countered by the Captain and the uppercut gave him the opportunity to uppercut Ryu with a Falcon Strike.

This leads to Captain Falcon juggling Ryu in the air with several back flip kicks. After one last back flip kick, the Captain jumps up and grabs Ryu performing a normal Falcon Dive.

As they both fall back down Ryu appears to have fallen off the edge, the Captain turns his back away from the edge of the roof believing he had won.


But unbeknownst to him, Ryu was still alive and holding onto the edge! Ryu silently gets back up and begins focusing, the camera goes within Ryu's mind as we see an infinitely-growing amount of zeros appearing in his head and his mind goes to a blank white. Both of these show that Ryu has entered a state of purity, a state of nothingness.

Captain Falcon: Huh, you're still alive? Then I guess its time to end this, Falcon-

Ryu: Shinku-

Captain Falcon: PUNCH!


The Purified Metsu Hadoken and the Falcon Punch coming into contact caused a greater shock-wave then any of the previous ones from before.

The shock-wave was big enough for vehicles, objects, and people around them in a single kilometer distance (around 3281 feet) felt it and were moved by it.

The shock-wave knocked both combatants out for a while, but as they got back up they immediately started fighting again ignoring the destruction they caused.

Captain Falcon grabbed Ryu and began furiously punching him in the face and then finally Knee Smashes Ryu off the ledge.

Captain Falcon then runs to Ryu and grabs him once again for an Explosive Falcon Dive. The Captain then follows up with an Aerial Falcon Kick towards the falling Ryu only to be hit with a Shoryuken and then a Tatsumaki Senpukyaku.

The Tatsumaki Senpukyaku sends Captain Falcon flying downwards against the road of the now chaotic highway. Ryu stops his landing with his fists and his leg strength.

As Ryu stands up straight he looks at a downed Captain Falcon. Ryu then begins charging a combined Hadoken filled with his Denji, Metsu, and Shinku Hadokens into one!

Captain Falcon notices his Blue Falcon and looks back at Ryu noticing he is standing close to the edge of the highway!

Captain Falcon (thinking to himself): I have to end this, before either one of us completely destroy this place! I don't care if one of us survive or if we both die...this has to stop now! If I die I'm sure he'll learn by now...I just have to distract him and then Blue Falcon will take care of the rest. I just hope it still works...


Falcon begins running towards Ryu's charging combined Hadoken as he finally gains all the energy and power he needs.

Ryu: Ha...

Captain Falcon: Come on...

Ryu: ...do...

Captain Falcon: ...Blue Falcon!

Ryu: ...ken!

The Combined Variants of Hadoken seemed to have completely obliterated Captain Falcon! Ryu begins huffing and puffing, after such a long and tiring fight and such a powerful move filled with all of his might and energy, it would make sense for Ryu to be fatigued.

A cloud of aura, dust and smoke appear around the direction Ryu had fired the Combined Variant Hadoken, he also sees the destruction that the fight caused.

(music stops)

Ryu turns around facing away from the destruction, towards the edge of the highway with a tear streaming down his face and started commenting on his opponent.

Ryu: I'm sorry for everything...You were a true warrior, standing up for what you believe in.

Ryu: Your friends, the people who admired you, the people who loved you, the innocents and civilians you swore to protect in turn for their praise.

Ryu: I'm sorry for taking it all away. But now its over and you can rest now, I'm not sure I can say the same about your friends but I'm sure they will understand.

Ryu (salutes):I am honored to have been able to fight someone like you.

As Ryu turns around he hears something off in the distance behind the cloud of aura, dust, and smoke! It was the Blue Falcon!

Whatever it was the Blue Falcon was ready to right about ram into Ryu as he suddenly heard...

???: "Come on Blue Falcon! Falcon Kick!

(music continues)

Suddenly a familiar man Falcon Kicks Ryu in the face as the Blue Falcon rams Ryu off the edge of the highway! As Ryu looked up he saw none other than Captain Falcon!

A quick flashback appears that he shouted "Come on Blue Falcon!" when Ryu fired his Hadoken, Captain Falcon jumped in and quickly ejected himself, double jumped and Falcon Dive onto a passing by news camera bot (same one from earlier) and directed away from the Hadoken.

He planned to use the Blue Falcon to ram Ryu off! After Captain Falcon Falcon Kicked Ryu he then immediately grabbed onto the Blue Falcon just before it rammed into Ryu. The two begin free-falling as Captain Falcon says two words...

Captain Falcon: Falcon.....PUNCH!

Ryu: I am still honored to have fought you...forgive me.

As Captain Falcon Falcon Punched Ryu's head they all came crashing down onto solid ground ending in an explosion. Captain Falcon though meant to stay on couldn't hold on for long and jumped off before it exploded.

Captain Falcon took off his helmet revealing a sad expression on his face

Captain Falcon: You are forgiven.... I can't help but feel like I should pay my respects and honor you...



That Falcon Punch is deadly. And it certainly is if it can destroy a mountain and kill Black Shadow who tanked a mountain bust attack and could overpowered a might Reactor which could cause a large space station to explode.

Whether or not the Falcon Punch's fire is it going to speeds of over 25,000 miles per hour (same speed as a meteor falling through the atmosphere and same info as the one from DK vs Knuckles) or Falcon is pyrokinetic is up to pure speculation.

But one cannot deny the shear strength of the Falcon Punch, after all like I said it killed Black Shadow who could take a fucking Mighty reactor that can blow up a whole freaking large ass space station!

While Ryu did survive Akuma's island bust attack it was not directed to him, if anything he just survived a mini-earthquake with luck.

While Ryu has a shitton more combat experience and was more battle ready and trained, Captain Falcon has his own long history of experience and his own set of strategic and tactical combat experience.

Falcon easily outmatched Ryu in speed. Captain Falcon can attack at supersonic to hyper-sonic speeds and supersonic to hyper-sonic reactions to boot.

Captain Falcon can casually destroy robots in the blink of an eye, Ryu can only react to attacks and movements as fast as sound and bullet speed which is only around supersonic.

Its still impressive nonetheless but Ryu himself actually moves at speeds closer to Subsonic speeds.

Let me shorten that for you guys, Falcon is Supersonic in travel speed and Hyper-sonic in reaction speed while Ryu's travel speed is Subsonic and he reacts to Supersonic speeds. Supersonic speed>Subsonic speed, Hyper-sonic reactions>Supersonic reactions.

Both had a considerable amount of attacks but Captain Falcon's move-set triumphed as his attacks were stronger and had more of force behind them.

Captain Falcon's Falcon Punch can actually calculate to around mountain level to even Country level destruction, way more than enough to kill Ryu.

Captain Falcon's Blue Falcon can also easily run over Ryu with its insane speed and force especially if caught off guard.

Same though can also be said if Captain Falcon falls victim to Ryu's Power of Nothingness as they greatly boost Ryu's stats more so than Evil Ryu.

Ryu is capable to destroy multiple city blocks but that doesn't hold a candle to even the mountain busting or possible country level Falcon Punch.

Can Captain Falcon really beat Ryu? "Shorheken"!

Captain Falcon

(Author's note: Before I reveal who's next, I wanna tell you again that if you're not satisfied by the outcome check out DEATH FIGHT EXTRAS to see alternate ending for this fight)

Who's next!?

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