Chapter 1: A Detective With No Initiation

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No initiation.

No motivation or call to investigation or initiation of such investigation even with hundreds of thousands lives definitively swept off the map. 

Near had abstained from investigating the current affairs of events. Instead, he was in headquarters, completely refusing to acknowledge the case before him. News reports from countries around the world filled the headlines, but Near didn't dare even instruct any of the personal agents at his command ranging from Halle Lidner, Anthony Rester, and Stephen Geovanni to do anything whatsoever except observe.

When his lack of desire or initiative more specifically became apparent after several reported months of the detective's absence of word or command on the matter with his public identity pronounced as the faceless L, the SPK questioned him.

Anthony Rester: "...Why are you choosing to keep your foot out of this case?"

Near: "It's simple. There's no reason for me to put my foot in the current state of events as is. Why waste time with another copycat?"

Anthony Rester: "Thousands of people have been reported to have died of heart attacks and the ICPO is requesting your help. Something needs to be done."

But Near did not waste time with the solidification of a response. In some locked away capacity of inability to address even one of the most trusted of his inner investigative circle concerning cases at his attention, he did not even bother with the formality of a sign or symbol to be left alone. 

The abnormally short, vertically challenged detective whose long hair had grown from years of mistreatment of his personal health and blatant disregard of facilities of cleanliness played with sets of toys for his occupation, stacking up decks of cards to keep himself occupied for the time being in an intricate, niche style. He was running out of things to do. Sooner or later, material creativity expressed through the visual rearrangement of decks of cards or any material of that matter that the detective could tangibly interact with would be absolutely null. 

Still, though, Near believed, through the façade of his selfless and automated behavior, that it was better than pursuing virtually nonexistent answers through the shabby crosshairs of the current situation surrounding the deaths of thousands of people. Thousands. Millions including other possible causes. Throughout his stacking of cards, Near's postulations began to tick and disperse throughout his mind, generating various possibilities. The ratio of deaths to the population of Japan's region throughout the past five years had been wavering since a solution had been brought to the previous copycat Kira. 

Per the 100,000 of the existing population, roughly 900 deaths were happening, meaning that the population was being deducted from very quickly in Japan according to the statistics Near shelved during his refusal to investigate. His period of inactivity as a recluse shoveled on throughout the weeks as he accumulated more and more stacks of cards, placing them upon one another.

How could anyone possessing a notebook write so unfathomably quick to the point of dooming Japan's population to skepticism and fear of those surrounding them? Even the original apprehended users of the notebook weren't so curt to the point where they could cut such obvious corners. 

This time, local police agencies were too afraid to intervene or act and Interpol, the International Criminal Police Organization, an organization responsible for the facilitation of police agencies for the namesake of cooperation and crime control, abstained from any interference.

Furthermore, the abstinence of police agencies was coupled with Near's rejection of their advances for his help and cooperation in getting rid of the new storm of Kira cases. Something strange was happening, but what exactly, and why? No one knew. 

Few people could understand what was happening and why the new L refused a helping hand. Could it been for the pure reason that he wasn't interested by the new Kira? 

All anyone could do was hypothesize the reason why the current L refused to interfere in the case matter and postulate upon what interested him or drove his next move.

No motivation. Near was in the highest seat of power most would die for; a force to be reckoned with and a force to control the staff of most bureaus of other countries and mobilize and hunt out the cause of the genocides happening across the world at an alarming, scary and frequent rate exceeding most capabilities of those his predecessor had ever dealt with in the past. 

Near's nonexistent performance was to witness by the inner circle which accompanied him as he nonchalantly stacked a deck of cards measuring ten feet high, nearly to the very ceiling of the operations quarters he locked himself away in, often refusing to go outside or receive any sunlight. 

Anthony Rester, Stephen Geovanni, and Halle Lidner all looked forward, perplexed by his lack of activity and complete lack of initiative. It was scary to know that Near had no interest in solving a case even when alarming details came in at the minute such as the revival of the previously defunct network, Sakura TV, which was back and up again, spreading propaganda at an alarming rate, reestablishing the television show known as Kira's Kingdom to spread the unofficial philosophy of the unknown killings happening around the world; all part of a sickening series of heart attacks.

They tried to speak to him, but nothing got through. Even with the scolding that Interpol gave to the detective known worldwide as L but known in actuality by the inner circle of the Special Provision for Kira as Near in their recorded meetings and conversations spied on by third parties assigned by the SPK, Near did absolutely nothing. He was a sitting, seemingly ineffectual detective with no initiation of investigation; no reason to seemingly turn his sights on Kira. As much as it may have seemed, Near would not be offering forth any output of any kind on the current state of affairs. 

In a private chamber of the SPK headquarters, Near's inner circle openly talked amongst themselves in hurried pace, carrying fear and doubt from the lack of action and initiative expressed by Near. It did not seem he would be mobilizing anything soon, nor would he be solving any official cases or reporting anything of value that he had picked upon with the surveillance power he attained as the new and recent holder of the title of the world's greatest detective.

Nothing happened. The detective treated the situation as another C-Kira case.

Near breezed through case file after case file. The Kira cult, an individualized group of worshippers hailing Kira to the proportional status of a deity, a cult that Near personally despised, had resurfaced, claiming to be composed of divine worshippers that were capable of bringing upon the same wrath Kira cursed upon those that disobeyed him; if not worse. Even past that, the victims that were slain as a result of the spree weren't even those who had committed crimes. 

Teru Mikami, the personally selected hand of Kira. Dead by suicide.

And Misa Amane, another affiliate of Kira. Dead as well by suicide.

Though most associated with the original were either dead or disassociated via means of being allied with police, it seemed a new group was rising. A corrupt organization aiming to use the power of notebooks to restore the world under a perceived utilitarian sense of order under preconceived sense of control. A regime that Near was neither capable of tackling on himself, especially with the current underwhelming sense of just keepers of justice in Interpol's system after the last previous attack by Kira in an attempt to increase Japan's economic structure had went completely over the greatest detective's head.

If not for the information Near possessed, there would be virtually no chance of keeping track of the operations or deaths. Heart attacks and deaths caused by them subsequently were being discovered every single day as cases of autopsies for the leaders of separate countries. When they attempted to convene with Interpol to keep track of the causes and the specific case in mind, Interpol eventually shutdown, no longer taking requests for representatives of each country's principal police agency to convene at the former headquarters. Near remained silent. As the systems of justice and institutions responsible for keeping order became more and more passive, the world started to bend to the new world order enforced by Kira more and more. Few dwellers just enough to fight back; to turn the tide or even say no existed or preexisted in a time. They all seemed to fade into the dark, nonexistent by the looks of it, seemingly disparaged by a grand new world order led by a supernatural figure carrying the alias of Kira. 


And while Kira led, L was nowhere to be found.

If Near wouldn't do anything, perhaps someone else would.

A leftover collection of the remains of a previous team; a previous incarnation from the leftovers of the Japanese Task Force still existed, though most of them had departed, far away in relative proximity.

Perhaps they would intervene before it was too late.

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