Beyond Birthday X Mello ~ Marks That Will Never Go Away

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Warning, this contains yaoi, which is boyXboy. Don't like, don't read. Also, this will contain strong language.


Mello and Beyond. The two shared an odd relationship.

Beyond would often show up at Mello's house uninvited, to clean the blood off of his clothes, or to dispose of a murder weapon, or evidence of any kind. But, Mello couldn't say he disliked this, actually, he quite enjoyed the murderer's company. However, he would never tell anybody that.

Beyond was very possessive of Mello. Almost as if he wanted Mello all to himself.

Mello parks his motorcycle in the driveway of his house and hops off. He takes his helmet off and unlocks the font door. He sets his helmet on the ground and hangs his jacket in the closet. He walks into his house, noticing the light on in the kitchen. He takes his handgun out and slowly makes his way into the kitchen

"Why don't you have any jam?" There stands Beyond Birthday, looking displeased as he looks through the fridge

"Why the fuck are you in my house?" Mello asks, setting his gun on the counter

"Oh Mihael, you make it sound like you don't want me here." Beyond says, closing the fridge and moving to the small pantry to continue his search for jam

"How many times have I told you to call me Mello?" Mello says, watching as Beyond rummages through his pantry

"How many times have I told you that I know that's not your real name, Mihael?" Beyond smirks. Mello narrows his eyes at the back of Beyond's head

"How the hell did you get in, anyway?" Mello asks

"You left your bedroom window unlocked." Beyond answers, nonchalantly

"My bedroom is on the second floor." Mello states, obviously wondering how he got up there

"I know." Beyond wasn't going to give away how he got up to Mello's bedroom window.

Beyond grabs something out of the pantry, then closes the door and turns to face Mello. Beyond throws a chocolate bar at Mello, he catches it with ease. Beyond then cracks open a jar of strawberry jam and begins to eat it with his fingers. Mello opens his chocolate bar and breaks a piece off with his teeth.

"What the fuck is on your neck?!" Beyond says, eyeing the bruised spot on Mello's neck. He knows that he didn't make it, because he hasn't been to see Mello in over two weeks, and all of the marks he'd made would be gone by now.

After Beyond's visits, Mello's body was always covered in hickeys and bite marks.

"I got drunk at the bar and woke up with this thing. It's no big deal." He answers, snapping off another piece of chocolate with his teeth

"Who gave it to you?!" Beyond demands, ready to kill whoever put that mark on his property

"Calm the fuck down! It's no big deal!" Mello yells, stomping angrily out of the room

"No big deal, hmm?" Beyond smirks and grabs a wooden cutting board out of one of the kitchen drawers.

Beyond hides the cutting board behind his back and walks up the stairs and into Mello's bedroom. Mello sits at his desk, which, conveniently, faced away from his door.

Beyond quietly makes his way across Mello's bedroom, and whacks him over the head with the cutting board.

Beyond drags Mello's body into the car, and drives to an old, abandoned building that is well away from the town.

Mello open his eyes slowly, his head pounding in a steady pace with his heart. He immediately recognizes his surroundings, he's in the old abandoned building where Beyond took him when he was pissed. He also notices that he's been tied to a chair, his legs to the legs of the char, and his arms to the backrest.

The only thing illuminating the dark room is the moon shining through the broken windows.

"You're finally awake." Mello hears from behind him. Mello smirks, he had not been afraid of what Beyond was going to do, he never was. Actually, he found the whole situation quite arousing.

Beyond moves around Mello, into his field of vision.

"Do you have any other marks you'd like me to know about?" Beyond asks, putting his hand on his hip

"Why don't you find out for yourself?" The smirk remains on Mello's face

"Oh Mihael, you never were the easy type." Beyond sighs, crouching in front on Mello in that frog-like position he and L shared.

He pulls the zipper of Mello's leather shirt down, revealing nothing more than the pale, well toned chest and stomach of the younger male.

Beyond smirked, Mello's body was his to mark once again. This time, he would make two marks that would never go away...

Beyond began hungrily sucking and biting Mello's neck. Once he had completely covered the mark that he had found on Mello's neck, and had placed a few more over his neck, Beyond moved down to his chest, and began marking that.

Once Beyond had left a few dark, bruising marks on Mello's chest, he pulled away, leaving Mello wanting more.

Mello was slightly confused, Beyond had never stopped so suddenly before. Once they go started, the two were usually connected in one way or another until the early hours of the morning.

Beyond smirked at the panting blond in front of him. He could clearly see that Mello was beginning to become aroused. Beyond was also feeling the familiar feeling that he got in his stomach whenever the two were together.

"What the hell, Beyond?" Beyond smirked even more at the slightly distressed tone in Mello's voice, signalling how much he wanted him.

"Don't worry, Mihael, we aren't finished yet." Beyond gets close to Mello's ear "I've got something special for you this time..." Beyond's voice sounded devious, even more so than usual.

This sent shivers down Mello's spine. He felt a small twinge of fear mix with the arousal in his stomach.

Beyond lightly bit Mello's earlobe before pulling away and walking into the darkness.

When he came back, he was holding a box and a bucket. Mello recognized what was in the bucket as coals, they looked to be red-hot coals.

Beyond set the bucket down beside the chair Mello was bound to, and opened the top of the box. Beyond pulled out a fair sized piece of metal that was skillfully made to look like a 'B'. A branding iron, Mello could remember someone calling them.

Things finally clicked together in Mello's head, and he knew what Beyond was planning on doing. He was going to brand him with his initials.

Mello was slightly nervous about being branded, but he wasn't going to show it.

"I'm sure you've figured out what I'm going to do by now, so there's really no need for me to explain it to you." Beyond stuck the branding iron into the bucket of hot coals and left it there

"Where should I put the mark?" Beyond smirked and ran his fingers down Mello's chest, his stomach, and hooked his fingers in the belt loops on Mello's pants. Beyond brought his face so close to Mello's that their noses were almost touching

"No input, hmm? Should I put it on your cheek?" Beyond asks, focusing on the eyes of the other. Mello narrowed his eyes, he definitely didn't want Beyond's initials on his cheek. He could tell from the size of the branding iron that if Beyond were to brand his cheek, he would have to put one B on each cheek, for both wouldn't fit on one.

"Don't." Mello growled. Beyond laughed the laugh that Mello knew that he practiced in private.

Beyond connected his lips to Mello's, stopping any other words from leaving his mouth. Beyond already knew where he was going to brand Mello, he was only teasing him.

Beyond pulled away from Mello again, and grabbed the end of the branding iron that wasn't submerged in hot coals.

Beyond took the branding iron out of the coals and looked at it briefly. The hot coals had turned the iron red with heat. Mello gulped before looking at Beyond, who lined the branding iron up with Mello's skin, and pressed it onto him.

Beyond was going to burn his initials into the right side of Mello's rib cage. They younger male screamed out in pain, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He could hear his own flesh sizzling under the branding iron. His breathing became more uneven, and when he thought he was going to pass out, Beyond pulled the branding iron away from his skin, and immediately pushed it back into the bucket of hot coals.

Mello's head falls forward as he tries to catch his breath. The burning pain on the skin covering his ribs was excruciating, and he knew that he would have to go though it again.

Beyond put his hands on either side of Mello's face and forced him to look into his eyes. Mello's eyes were unfocused and watery, and he couldn't seem to catch his breath.

Beyond removes his hands, causing Mello's head to fall forward again. Beyond grabbed the branding iron out of the bucket of coals and lined it up again. He presses it into Mello's skin again, right beside the last one.

"Fuck!" Mello curses, throwing his head back. This time, tears did escape his eyes and ran down his cheeks. The pain felt worse, and Mello wasn't sure how much longer he could take it.

He bit down on his lip so hard he drew blood, and pulled against his restraints. Beyond finally pulled the iron away and set it on the floor.

"Are you crying?" Beyond asks, smirking at Mello

"Fuck off." Mello grunts breathlessly. The terrible burning begins to lessen, but doesn't go away

"Untie me." Mello demanded. Beyond's eyes widened slightly. He did as was requested of him and used a large knife to cut the ropes that were restraining the other.

As soon as Mello's restraints were gone, he stood and pushed Beyond into a wall. He would not be the only one leaving with marks that would never leave.

Their bodies pressed together, which was painful for Mello, because of his branding, but he didn't care.

Mello forced Beyond's shirt over his head and onto the floor. He sunk his teeth into the flesh on Beyond's neck, causing the other to hiss in pain.

Beyond had never liked being the submissive one in situations like this, but given what Beyond had just done to Mello, he thought that he deserved to take the dominant position.

Mello left a few bruising marks on Beyond's neck and over his chest before pulling away and grabbing the knife that Beyond had used to cut the ropes that had bound him to the chair.

He also picked up a piece of rope from the ground. He held the knife in his mouth while he tied Beyond's wrists behind his back. He then takes the knife into his hand and looked Beyond in the eyes

"What are you planning, Mihael?" Beyond had an idea of what Mello was going to do, but asked this question anyway.

Instead of talking, Mello pressed the blade of the knife into the skin covering the right side of Beyond's ribs. He began to carve a deep 'M' into Beyond.

Beyond bit his bottom lip and watched as Mello finished carving the M into his skin. Mello drops the knife onto the ground and looks back into Beyond's eyes.

Mello ran his hand over the M and up Beyond's chest, onto his cheek, smearing his own blood onto his cheek. Mello then reconnected their lips, both fighting hungrily for dominance.

Beyond hated not being able to touch Mello, he was beginning to wonder why he had let him tie his wrists.

Mello knew Beyond hated not being able to touch him, that's why he bound his wrists. He wasn't going to untie him, either. If Beyond wanted to free his wrists, he was going to have to do it himself.

"Fucking untie me, Mihael." Beyond growled, pulling away from the others lips. Mello smirked.

"No." He said, running his hand over Beyond's chest again. Beyond shivered. He wanted Mello, now.

Beyond looked at the knife on the ground. Mello noticed this, and kicked it away, into the darkness.

A deep growl escapes Beyond's throat. He was twisting his wrists and trying to pull them out of the rope, but Mello had tied one damn tight knot.

Mello smirked again, and reconnects his lips to Beyond's. Beyond bites Mello's lip, almost drawing blood.

Beyond finally feels his wrist slip out of the rope. He puts his hands on Mello's shoulders and pushes, sending them both onto the floor.

At this point, both men knew that they were in for a long night.

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