L X Light ~ Confused

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Thank you KurohiTheDemonNinja for requesting this.

WARNING: this contains yaoi, which is boyxboy. Don't like, don't read.


And there Light sat, handcuffed to and staring at the dark haired man who was supposed to be his enemy. Light had been having some confusing feelings about this man whom he was trying to kill.

At first, he was only allowing himself to get close to L to try and find out his real name, so he could kill him. But, his feelings have turned into something more.

Light had tried so hard not to acknowledge these new feelings, but they became harder and harder to ignore, leaving only one option. He had to accept the fact that he had feelings for the detective that he'd been battling against.

He tried to convince himself that if he killed L, these feelings would go away. But, one problem remained; he still didn't know L's real name.

So, he sat silently, watching as L licked all of the whipped cream off of a strawberry before biting into the juicy, ripe, red berry.

"Light-kun, is something wrong? You've been staring at me for a while now?" L asked, turning his head to look at Light

"Oh, it's nothing Ryuzaki." Light's cheeks heated slightly, for he had been caught staring... Again.

L looked deeply into Light's eyes with his dark, emotionless eyes. Light knew that this meant L was trying to find something to tell that he was lying

Light turned to his computer and continued to look over things for the Kira case.

The door burst open, and Misa dashed into headquarters.

"Light, guess what~?" Misa said in a sing-songy voice

"What?" Light asked, turning his office chair to look at the blonde woman

"I got some new clothes I want to show you~ come see~!" She said, sitting on his lap

"Misa, I'm working on the case." He said dismissively

"But Light..." Misa says in a whiney tone

"You can show me later, alright?" Light suggests

"Okay!" Misa replies happily

"Please keep in mind that wherever Light is, I will also be." L says, not taking his eyes off of his computer screen

"But I don't want to show you my new clothes, I only want to show Light!" Misa whines

"Misa, there's no point in arguing. If you still want to show me, we can come see them later." Misa stands up and crosses her arms

"No! I only want to show you! I don't want to show that pervert!" Misa shoots a glare at L, who still doesn't turn around. She then let's out a 'humph' and marches up the stairs to her floor.

Light sighs and turns back to his computer and continues to work.


It was getting late, and Light was getting tired. However, he didn't want to go to his room. Because, then he and L would have to be alone together for hours while Light tried to sleep.

Each night he had the urge to pin the detective to the bed, or to the wall, and do unspeakable things to him.

This was the problem. Will all of these thoughts swimming around in his head, it was impossible for Light to sleep.

"Light-kun, are you getting tired?" Light jumped at the sudden question. Light sighed and decided to admit defeat. If he didn't try to get some sleep, he wouldn't be able to function properly tomorrow.

"Yeah." That's all he said. They stood, L grabbed the laptop from which he worked while Light 'slept'. They walked to their room, and entered, closing the door behind them.

Light sighed again, as all of the things he would love to do to the detective came racing back to his mind. He could control his thoughts while they were around others, but as soon as the two boys where alone, his thoughts raced.

"Light-kun, are you sure everything is alright, you have been sighing a lot." L asked, looking at Light as he set his laptop onto the bed

It was then, with those words, that Light decided he'd had enough of controlling himself. Whether L shared his feelings or not, he was going to show L, one way or another, that he had feelings for him.

"Light-ku-" L was cut off by Light pushing him into the wall and connecting their lips.

When Light pulled away, L was confused. Was Light just trying to get him to trust him so that he could figure out L's real name? At that moment, L didn't exactly care what Light's reason was for doing it, he only knew that he wanted him to do it again.

"I'm sor-" Light's apology was cut off by L pulling Light forward, causing their lips to connect again.

L licked Lights bottom lip, to which Light opens his mouth. The two boys fight for dominance for a while, before L finally allows Light's tongue into his mouth.

Light noticed that L tasted sweet, like the strawberries he was eating earlier. He enjoyed the sweet taste that remained on the detective's lips and inside his mouth

Light could feel L's hands slipping hinder his shirt, but the handcuffs would make it difficult to remove clothing.

After Light had explored L's mouth fully, he pulled away from L's mouth, only to begin placing kisses over his neck.

After searching for a while, Light had finally found L's sweet spot. Light began to suck and occasionally bite the spot, trying to make a mark.

Before Light could finish making his mark on L's neck, L pushed away from the wall and pushed Light onto the bed, forcing the two to switch roles. Neither minded, though they both liked being in control.

L pulled the key for the handcuffs out of his pocket and unlocked his cuff, then Light's. Almost immediately after the handcuffs are off, L begins removing Light's shirt.

Light's shirt came off quickly, as did L's. L began tracing his tongue over Light's exposed chest.

Light could feel a growing bulge in his pants, he hoped that L would help him with it...

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