Near X Reader ~ A Kitten

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You and Near had been dating for over a year now. You had just graduated high school, and had gotten into the College/University of your dreams. Meanwhile, your albino boyfriend continued the search for Kira

He made as much time to visit you as possible, and you visited him often as well. He was currently staying at your apartment with you for a week to celebrate your graduation.

You sit on a park bench, hand in hand with said albino boyfriend, watching the sunset.

You sigh happily and lean your head on his shoulder

"It's getting dark, should we go back to the apartment?" Near asks, looking down at you with a small smile on his face

"Yeah, I guess so." You answer as you stand up. He stands as well, still holding your hand

You walk back to your apartment, admiring the stars that had slowly begun to appear in the sky

You get into your apartment building and walk up the many flights of stairs that lead to your apartment. Soon reaching your floor, you walk to the door of your apartment, only to find a small cardboard box sitting in front of the door. A quiet whimpering sound is coming from the box

You let go of Near's hand and pick up the box, opening the top slowly. Inside the box is a pure white fluff ball, or, in other words, a kitten

"Why would someone leave a kitten outside your apartment?" Near asks, looking at the small kitten

"I'm not sure, but the poor little thing must be starving." You say, unlocking the door to your apartment and walking inside

"I have a feeling you're planning on keeping it." Near says, following you in and closing the door behind him

"I can't just leave him out there," you state, carefully lifting the kitten out of the box and cradling it in your arms

"He's so cute, and so soft." You giggle as he uses his paw to push himself up so he can lick your cheek

"He definitely is soft." Near says, petting the kitten gently.

"What should I name him?" You ask, looking at Near. Near only shrugs and continues to pet the kitten. The kitten purrs as Near pets behind its ears

You think it over, then come up with a name

"Zach." You say quietly, putting a bowl of milk on the floor and placing the kitten in front of it

"Hm?" Near, who was stacking cards on the floor by the kitchen table, hums and looks at you in question

"I think I'm going to name the kitten Zach." You answer, watching as Zach quickly finishes the bowl of milk

Near nods, then resumes stacking cards. You pick up the bowl and place it in the sink

When you turn back around, you see Zach ready to pounce on Near's card tower

"Zach!" You call, but it's too late. Zach pounces onto the bottom row of stacked cards, causing the entire thing to fall to the ground

You flinch slightly as the cards fall down, covering the floor and your kitten

"Sorry, Near." You say, walking to the fallen card tower

"It's alright, he's just a kitten, he doesn't know any better." Near replies, picking up the kitten, sitting cross legged on the ground, and placing Zach in his lap. He begins to rebuild his card tower, while Zach falls asleep on his lap

You mentally awe, knowing that it would embarrass Near if you said it out loud

"Do you think you can watch him while I go and grab some food and toys for him?" You ask, he nods, never looking away from his cards

"Thank you." You kiss his cheek before grabbing a jacket and your purse.

You walk to the pet store and pick up some kitten food, toys and a small bed. After paying, you go back to your apartment.

When you open the door, you see Near laying on the floor by his card tower, Zach curled into a little ball on his chest

"Aww." You smile and set your things on the counter

"Y/N, what do I do? It's sleeping and I don't want to move it." Near says, moving his head to look at you

"I bought him a bed, so we can try moving him into that." You take the small cat bed out of the bag and kneel beside Near

As soon as you try to move the kitten, it begins squealing and meowing

"I think he's comfortable." You giggle, carefully petting the white fluff ball

Near stands up slowly, and makes his way to your bedroom. He slowly and gently places the kitten on your bed, making sure not to wake it up. He steps out of the room and closes the door

"That was cute." You smile and hug him. He hugs you back, holing you around the waist

Suddenly, Zach starts squealing and you hear him scratching at your bedroom door

"Aww, he loves you!" You laugh and kiss Near gently before letting go and opening your bedroom door

Zach runs to Near, who kneels down and pets the kitten

"I love you too, little guy." Near says quietly, looking at the kitten, who purrs happily. You smile, a happy feeling arising in your chest.

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