Light Yagami X Reader ~ My Goddess

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You were smart, beautiful, friendly, perfect, right? Well, you had one flaw...

You were madly in love with a murderer.

You roll over in bed, to find the man you love smiling sweetly at you

"Good morning, beautiful." He says, his voice still slightly husky from sleep.

"Good morning, Light." You smile back at him.

He leans his head forward just enough to brush his lips against yours.

"Today is the day." He whispers, his lips still against yours. After today, everyone would be out of the way, and Light would be able to create his new, perfect world.

You pull away from him and get out of bed. You walk out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, where you start the coffee pot.

"Y/N, do I need to go over the plan one more time?" Light asks, as he hugs you gently from behind

"No, I know exactly what I have to do." You answer, smiling as he leaves light kisses against your neck.

You were not going to the warehouse with the others. You would be staying here, waiting to intervene if anything were to happen. Light had given Mikami a small radio to hide inside his clothes, and had given you the other one. He then instructed Mikami to say and spell the names as he wrote them into his Death Note, so that you could copy them down onto a regular piece of paper. However, you were told to be ready with a piece of paper from the Death Note, in case anything went wrong.

"By the end of today, you will be the queen of the new world." Light whispers into your ear, before pulling away from you and turning to walk to the washroom.

You hear the shower start, then the bathroom door opens once again, and Light pokes his head out

"Care to join me?" He asks, smiling slyly. You smile back, before nodding and making your way to the bathroom.

After your shower, the two of you got dressed into semiformal attire. You pour some coffee into a travel mug, and add some cream and sugar, before twisting the top onto the cup.

You walk him to the front door

"You've got your page from the Death Note?" He asks, taking the travel mug from you

"Of course," you take it from your pocket and show it to him. He smiles and presses his lips to yours

"Good luck," you whisper, lips still against his. He pulls away from you and pulls the door open.

"I'll see you tonight," he says confidently, closing the door as he exits the house.

"I hope so," you feel fear strike your stomach. You knew that this was extremely dangerous, and Light could easily die.

You take a few breaths and remind yourself that Light had planned everything out perfectly, making sure that absolutely nothing would go wrong.

You walk quietly over to the desk where you would sit and wait for the first sign that things were going wrong.

You hear nothing for a long time. Until, suddenly, you can hear everything, everyone's voices.

You can identify all of the members of the task force, and what you assume is the SPK. The one voice that stands out to you is the one that is very monotone, and slightly bored sounding. You guess that that is the 'N' that Light had been talking to for the past while.

You hear Mikami spelling out the names of all of the members of the task force, as well as everyone else in the room. You quickly write them down onto the regular notepad paper.

That's when the commotion starts. You hear yelling, and shouts of disbelief.

"Y/N!" You hear Light shout, as if the rest of the commotion wasn't enough for you to start writing everyone's names onto your page of the Death Note.

"Who is Y/N?" You hear the monotone voice ask.

You finish writing all of the names that Mikami had said, as well as his own, and Misa's, as Light had instructed you to do.

Your eyes immediately flicker to your wristwatch, watching it intently

"Near!" You hear a woman shout, then something falls to the ground. The first name you had written down was 'Nate River'.

Many other voices shout in fear as more bodies hit the floor. Then, as you hear Mikami fall, you loose audio. He must have landed on the radio.

You jump out of your chair with joy.

Light won!

He could now rule the world the way he wanted to!

After a short amount of time, the front door to the house slams open, and Light rushes in.

"You did it, Y/N!" He smiles and grabs you by the waist, then picking you up and spinning you around.

"You won, Light!" You squeal as he puts you down, hugging you tightly. He slowly pulls away and gets down onto one knee

"Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife, and Goddess?" He asks, pulling out a black velvet box and opening it, revealing a beautiful diamond ring.

"Of course!" You cover your mouth with your hand, so happy that you could cry. He slips the ring onto your ring finger and pushes his lips to your passionately.

"I will be the God of this new world, and you will be my Goddess," he says happily, before pushing his lips back to yours.

After that, the ruling of Kira became more and more accepted around the world.

Light finally came out to the world as Kira, and everyone was seemingly overjoyed. The two of you were granted a large, beautiful wedding.

From that point on, Light and yourself lived a life fit for a God and his Goddess.

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