Matsuda X Pregnant!Reader ~ Welcome To The World

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You've been married to the innocent, care-free Matsuda for just over a year and a half now. You loved him with all of your heart, so you were quite anxious when he told you that he was involved in the Kira case. Your anxiety only grew worse when you discovered you were carrying his child.

So there you sit, seven months pregnant, on the couch in your small living room, having an intense craving for (your favourite food). You texted Matsuda 20 minutes ago and asked him to pick some up from the store for you on his way home. He happily agreed and told you he'd be home soon.

You slowly stand up as you hear him pull into the driveway. He pushes the door open and you wrap him in a hug. He sets the plastic bag on the convenient table to your left and wraps his arms around your back.

"I missed you too, honey," he says, kissing the top of your head.

You pull back slightly to look into his eyes, "how was work?" His eyes shift away from yours

"We haven't made much progress..." He sighs, and you kiss his cheek

"I'm sure you'll find him soon," you say encouragingly, making him smile.

Before he can reply, you feel the baby kick. Matsuda chuckles lightly

"Hello to you too," he leans down to give your belly a gentle kiss, causing you to blush slightly and smile at your loving husband.

"Did you get (favourite food)?" You ask as Matsuda stands from his kneeling position

"Of course I did," he takes a box/bag/container of (favourite food) out of the plastic bag

"Thank goodness, the baby has been majorly craving it," you laugh lightly as he hands you your food

"Just the baby?" He asks, taking his own food out of the bag as you sit on the couch

"Fine, the baby and I  have been craving it," you revise your previous statement, making Matsuda laugh.

He sits beside you and you flick on the TV. The news pops on, and the announcer is talking about Kira, like usual. You immediately feel Matsuda tense beside you and change the channel. You keep switching channels until you find (your favourite show), then stop. Yourself and Matsuda happily watch that while you eat your dinner.

Once you finish your food, you feel the baby kick lightly. You giggle slightly and place a hand on your stomach, beginning to trace circles on it with your fingertips

"I enjoyed it too," Matsuda laughs slightly as you converse with your unborn child

"Oh Y/N, I can't wait until our baby is born," he kisses your cheek and places his hand over yours on your stomach

"That makes two of us," you smile and look into his eyes. The baby kicks, and Matsuda laughs

"Or three of us," you laugh at his comment, and your lips meet his

~About 2 months later~

You wake late one night to a large strike of pain in your stomach. Of course, this was the night that Matsuda was staying all night at work.

Great timing, kid. You think as you get out of bed and grab our cellphone. You dial Matsuda's number and waddle down the staircase

"Y/N? Why are you awake?" He asks once he answers his phone

"Matsuda, don't freak out, but the baby is coming," you say while attempting to shove your shoes onto your feet

"What?! It's not due for another week?!" He panics

"Matsuda! Meet me at the hospital!" You cry in pain as you experience another jolt of pain. You turn off your phone before he can protest you driving yourself to the hospital

"Fuck it," you grumble after another failed attempt at getting your shoes on. You throw the front door open and walk to your car barefoot.

You drive carefully to the hospital, almost there when you get to a train crossing... The light turns red...

"You've got to be kidding me!" You shout, feeling another pain in your stomach.

You hear your phone ring and put it up to your ear

"Y/N, where are you?!" It's Matsuda

"Sitting at a train stop," you answer, breathing heavily. The train zooms past and the red light dims, "I'll be there soon," you end the call and throw your phone into the passengers seat.

You get to the hospital, park, and waddle in.

"Y/N!" Matsuda shouts as you enter the hospital. He rushes over, many nurses accompanying him

"Miss, the doctor is waiting," one says

"We have a room ready for you," another says and they begin to guide you down a hallway.

You're four hours in, and the doctor has just instructed you to begin pushing. As you push, a mass amount of blood exits your body, along with a small baby

"Is it normal for there to be that much blood?" Matsuda asks, nervous for your health

The doctor rushes the baby around while the nurses try and stop the bleeding. You feel very faint, and hear the heart monitor quickly increase.

"What's wrong?! Is she going to be okay?!" Matsuda shouts, tears stinging at his eyes. Your eyes fall shut and your hand, that was being held by his, goes limp.

"Sir, we need you to wait outside," one nurse instructs

"What about my wife? And my child?" Matsuda asks as he is escorted out of the room. He plops down on one of the chairs in the waiting room. A doctor approaches him

"We are doing everything we can for your wife, and your child is doing very well. We have (him/her) hooked up to oxygen right now, as (his/her) oxygen levels were slightly low after the birth," he says, and Matsuda nods

"Thank you," his mind shifts back to you. What would he do if you don't make it? He can't raise a child on his own. Would he put it up for adoption? Would he keep it?

Before he knows it, two hours have passed, and another doctor is approaching him.

"Sir, your wife is awake," Matsuda jumps up at the words

"Can I see her?" The nurse smiles and nods, leading him back into the room where he last saw you

"Matsuda," your quiet, calm voice rings out from your spot on the hospital bed. He hugs you tightly, tears flowing down his cheeks

"I was so worried," he whispers, making tears fall from your eyes as well.

He stands up again, and you see a doctor walking towards the two of you, holding a baby in a (colour) towel.

You smile and he hands you your child.

"Hello there," you whisper, gently touching (his/her) hand with your pointer finger. (He/she) opens their small fist and grips your finger tightly.

One of the nurses hands Matsuda the birth papers, and he begins filling them out. The two of you had discussed what you were going to name the baby before it was born.

He finishes signing the papers and hands them back to the nurse. He leans down and kisses your child gently on the forehead

"Welcome to the world, baby (girl/boy)."

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