Sayu Yagami X Fem!Reader ~ Feel Like This

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You and Sayu had been best friends since preschool. The two of you told each other everything, and I mean everything. However, lately, you had been keeping a large secret from your best friend. You'd been having strange feelings toward Sayu, feelings you couldn't explain even if you wanted to. You knew that girls weren't supposed to feel this way about other girls, but you couldn't seem to get the feeling to go away.

These thoughts flood your mind as you walk down the sidewalk with said best friend. She was talking about something -you weren't listening to exactly what she was saying- and smiling happily. The two of you were on your way to Sayu's house to work on a school assignment.

"Y/N, are you listening?" Sayu's voice snaps you out of your thoughts

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm listening," you lie, hoping that she would buy it

"Uh huh," she eyes you suspiciously, but continues speaking about possible topics for your assignment. The assignment was for History, and you had to pick a person who greatly changed Japan, for either better or worse, and explain what they did and how it effected Japan. Most of the students in your class had decided to do Kira, the mass murderer who had arisen a few months ago.

Once the two of you arrive at her house, you get onto the computer and begin researching possible people. You finally agree on someone, and begin the report on how they changed Japan.

As you sit on the floor in Sayu's room, your thoughts start to run wild once again.

You kept glancing at Sayu and thinking about how beautiful she was, and about how much you'd really like to kiss her. You thought about how soft her lips looked, and how nice they would feel against your own.

You felt horrible for having these thoughts, you knew they were wrong... But you just couldn't help it.

You start to feel sick to your stomach, you couldn't feel this way towards your best friend. She would be disgusted with you, everyone would. Your parents would disown you if they found out you had a crush on another girl. Tears began to burn in the corners of your eyes.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Sayu asks, touching your arm gently.

"I thing I need to leave," you state, standing from the floor and grabbing your backpack

"Are you okay?" She asks, standing up as well

"Yeah, I'm fine..." You couldn't look into her eyes, and you rush out of the room.

She walks you to the front door, "I'll see you at school," she calls, looking at the back of your head with a worried expression

"Yeah, see you," you respond quietly, not sure if she even heard you. You just needed to be alone, to try and get these feelings to go away.

You were scared, and you didn't have anyone you could talk to. Your parents would be ashamed of you, and you didn't have any other siblings you could talk to.

Tears fall from your eyes as you walk into the front door of your house

"Y/N, I thought you were staying at Sayu's house tonight?" Your mother questions

"Yeah," you come up with a quick excuse, "I don't feel well," you then walk up the stairs to your room

"Are you alright?" Your mother tries to follow you, but you lock your bedroom door before she can get in

"I'm fine, mom," you call through the door, as you slide your back down the wall and hug your knees to your chest. As soon as you hear your mom leave the door, the tears you had been holding back flow freely from your eyes.


"I'm really worried, Light. She hasn't been at school for four days," Sayu states nervously, standing in her brother's bedroom

"I'm sure she's okay, Sayu. She probably just caught a cold or something," Light replies, attempting to calm down his little sister.

"But she won't return any of my calls or texts, and when I called her house her parents said that she hasn't come out of her room, and-" Light cuts Sayu off from her nervous rambling

"If you're really worried, why don't you go see her?" He suggests calmly

Sayu thought it over for a second, "you know what? You're right! I'm going to go see her," Sayu says, rushing out of Light's room

"Tell mom and dad that's where I am!" She calls to Light on her way out. She rushes over to your house and knocks on the front door.

Your mother pulls the door open, "hello Sayu," she greets

"Hi Mrs. L/N. Is Y/N here?" Sayu asks, smiling at the woman

"I believe she is in her room," your mother replies, opening the door wider to allow Sayu inside

"Thank you!" She calls as she makes her way to your room.

She takes a deep breath and knocks lightly on the door, "Y/N?"

You hear her voice and hesitantly pull the door open, "Sayu? What are you doing here?" You ask, fear laced through your voice

"I was worried about you, Y/N. You haven't been at school in four days, and you won't return any of my calls. Are you okay?" She asks

"No, I'm not okay," you answer quietly, more tears threatening to fall from your eyes

"What's wrong?" She asks in a gentle voice. You sigh and pull the door open, allowing her into your room. You close the door again once she's in. She sits cross-legged on your bed, facing you.

You cross your arms over your chest and take a deep breath, "Sayu, I... I..."

You can't seem to get the words out. You sigh again, deciding to show her what you mean. You move closer to her and place your hands on her shoulders. You then press your lips gently to hers, your cheeks immediately heating up.

You pull away and turn away from her, scared to see the look on her face.

"I like you, okay?" You feel tears burning at your eyes once again. Sayu sits with a shocked expression on her face, and touches a finger gently to her lips

"I know it's disgusting, and wrong, and that you probably hate me now, but I needed to tell you..." Tears fall down your cheeks. Sayu stands from your bed and moves to stand in front of you. She presses her lips against yours, wrapping her arms around your neck.

"I could never hate you, Y/N," she whispers, lips still partly against yours

You stand there, dumbfounded. She didn't hate you, quite the contrary actually. She proved that she felt the same way as you.

++Extended Ending++

After that day, you and Sayu dated in secret for a few months, before telling your parents. Her parents were happy for the two of you, and you were constantly being teased by Light. Your parents, on the other hand, did not like that fact that you were with another girl. It took them a while to get used to it, but they finally accepted your feelings.

You sit on the couch in Sayu's living room, watching a drama on TV. Sayu has her arm wrapped around your shoulders, while you rest your head on her shoulder.

You look up at her and smile, thinking about how happy you are to be with her.

"I love you so much," you say, drawing her attention to you

"I love you too, Y/N," she replies, pressing her lips to yours in a passionate kiss. Luckily, Sayu's parents were out, along with Light... Or so you thought...

"Aww, how cute," you hear Light coo teasingly, making the two of you pull away instantly

"Light! I thought our were out with friends!" Sayu shouts in surprise, trying desperately to change the subject

"I was, but I left early because all they wanted to talk about was Kira," Light explains, still smirking at the two of you. Your cheeks flush red, and you avoid eye contact

"Oh, well, welcome home," Sayu says, turning back to the TV, her cheeks tinted pink as well.

"I'm going to my room, so you two can get back to smooching on the couch," Light laughs

"Light!" Sayu yells, jumping up from the couch and playfully chasing her brother up the stairs. You laugh and think about how much you're going to enjoy living your life with your best friend, who is now also your girlfriend.

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