Mello X Near ~ Party (High School AU) Part 2

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"So, can I go?" Near asks again, standing awkwardly in the kitchen as his fathers give each other unreadable looks.

They look back at Near, Light biting his bottom lip slightly.

"Well, I guess so," Light says hesitantly, his eyebrows knitting together nervously. Near breathes a sigh of relief and smiles

"Near, please remember that you can call us at anytime to pick you up," L says, taking his lollipop out of his mouth

"Thank you!" Near exclaims and hugs his fathers.

One of the guys on Mello's football team had planned a party the Friday night after a game, assuming that they would win.

Near walks up the stairs to his bedroom and picks up his cellphone, texting Mello happily

'My parents said that I can come,' he texts

'Great! Do you have a curfew?' Mello texts back

'I'm not sure, they didn't mention anything,' Near answers, and it ends there. He then takes his books from his schoolbag and begins his homework.


That Friday passes quickly for Near, and after the final bell rings, he makes his way to his locker and packs his things into his bag.

Near then rushes out to the football field, hoping to talk to Mello before the game started.

Near drops his bag onto a seat on the bleachers before turning to find Mello and Matt hyping up their team.

Near calls Mello's name, and waves his arms around slightly, trying to get his attention. Matt notices Near and taps Mello's shoulder, pointing to the boy's boyfriend once he had his attention.

Mello smiles and takes his helmet off, before running over to the bleachers.

Near hugs Mello, who was much larger than usual because of his football equipment.

"Good luck," Near says, pulling away from Mello, who had wrapped his arms around Near's small waist.

Mello smiles, "I'll meet you at the bleachers after we win."

Near smiles back and nods before Mello tugs on his waist, pulling him forward and pressing their lips together.

"Mello!" Matt calls, waving his hand and silently telling the other to hurry up. Mello smirks as he pulls away, knowing that public displays of affection embarrassed Near.

As Mello knew he would be, Near was blushing, his cheeks tinted a light shade of pink.

"Mello, let's go!" Matt calls again, making the attention of the football team turn to Mello

"Leave your poor little boyfriend alone!" One of his teammates calls, making the rest of them chuckle, and causing Near's cheeks to heat up even more. Mello smirks as he flips his team off

"Cheer the loudest," Mello says as he places another quick kiss to Near's lips

"Always," Near answers as Mello runs back to his now cat-calling teammates.

The game is very close, but in the end, Mello and his team pull through for the win.

Near waits on the bleachers while Mello changes. Many other people remain on the bleachers as well, most talking about the party.

Mello walks back out to the football field, along with a few of his other teammates. Near notices that Mello was carrying his football helmet, which he would usually leave at the school.

"What's that for?" He asks, hopping down from the bleachers with his bag.

"I've only got one motorcycle helmet, so you're going to wear it, and I'm going to wear this," Mello explains, holding up his football helmet.

Mello and Near walk into the parking lot of the school, and over to where Mello had parked his motorcycle earlier that day.

Mello takes his motorcycle helmet off of his motorcycle and places it onto Near's head, tying the strap tight. The helmet fit Near alright, but was slightly too big.

Near climbs onto the back of the bike, as Mello puts his football helmet on.

"Hey Mells, we're taking a booze run. Do you want anything specific?" Near turns his head to see Matt in his own car with three of their teammates

"No, anything's fine for me." Mello answers, getting onto the front of the bike and starting it. Matt nods and reverses out of his parking spot, before driving out of the parking lot.

Mello was going to take Near to his house to drop off his schoolbag before going to the party. So, that's where they headed.

Once they had arrived at Near's house, Near takes his helmet off and runs into his house

"Near, I thought you were going to a party?" Light questions

"I asked Mello to bring me here first so that I could drop off my school stuff," Near explains as L looks out the window

"Why is he wearing a football helmet?" He asks, turning back to look at his son

"Because he only had one motorcycle helmet," Near says, dropping his bag off in the kitchen before walking back to the front door

"I suppose it is better than nothing," L mutters to himself as Light pulls the curtain back to look out the window

Near gets his shoes back on and gives his fathers each a hug before running back to the motorcycle.


The two had been at the party for a few hours now, and many people were beginning to become very intoxicated.

Near had already watched many people jump off of the roof into the pool in the backyard.

Near had not been drinking, as he did not like alcohol. Mello had not been drinking either, because he had to get Near home safely, or else his parents would surely kill the both of them.

Near walks into the kitchen of the house, avoiding all of the people who were either talking or making out. He was in search of a water bottle.

As he pulls open the fridge, a hand slams it closed again. Near takes a step back, startled at the sudden action. He sees a tall, strong looking man with dark hair standing in front of him.

"What're you looking for, beautiful?" The man asks, looking down at Near with predatory eyes

"Just some water," Near answers, making the man laugh

"Aw, come on, lighten up a little! I'm sure we can find you something better than water!" The man grabs Near's wrist, and drags him over to a group of other guys

"Chris, will you mix this beauty a special drink, please?" The way that the man said special made the hairs on Near's neck stand up, and he knew something was off.

He began to look around for Mello, but he was nowhere in sight

"Umm, I think I should go find my boyfriend," Near says, trying to free his wrist of the man's grasp

"But I just finished your drink!" The man who had been called Chris shouts, handing the drink to the man who would not let go of Near's wrist.

"Drink up, beautiful," the man pushes the glass to Near's lips, forcing the drink into his mouth.

The man only releases Near once the entire drink was gone. Near coughs at the sickeningly sweet taste left in his mouth.

Immediately, Near's head begins to spin. Near had an extremely low alcohol tolerance, and the drug that had been put in his drink was not helping. Someone pulls on his shirt, tugging the front of it open and breaking all of the buttons.

"Hey! Let him go!" Near turns his head to see Mello, Matt and half of the football team. Mello pushes the man who forced Near to drink the drugged drink away from him and punches him in the nose. Blood flies everywhere, and the man swings at Mello, who skillfully dodges and punches the man again, hitting his jaw this time.

The rest of the football team begins to fight the group of men, and Mello makes his way to Near. Mello wraps his arm around Near, basically holding him up. Mello knew that he would not be able to take him on the motorcycle like this.

"Matt, I need your keys!" Mello shouts. Matt nods and throws Mello his keys. Mello takes Near out of the house and finds Matt's car. He then gets Near into the passenger's seat and takes his phone. Mello gets into the drivers seat and texts Near's parents saying that he would be staying at Mello's house for the night.

Luckily, Mello's parents were not home tonight. Mello starts the car and begins driving to his house. Near was taking deep breaths, trying to keep control over his thoughts and actions.

About halfway to Mello's house, Near completely lost control over his body. Mello heard Near take his seatbelt off, and he felt Near's soft lips on his neck.

"Near, sit down," Mello focused all of his energy on ignoring his boyfriend. Near's lips move to Mello's ear

"I want you to fuck me, hard," Near whispers, kissing Mello's ear lightly

"Near, no, I will not let our first time be while you're drunk off your ass, now sit down," it took all of Mello's self restraint not to pull the car over and take his boyfriend right here, right now. Mello took deep breaths, he would not allow himself to take advantage of the boy while he was drunk.

Mello could hear Near giggle mischievously, and he felt the boy's hand on his upper thigh. Mello was cursing the assholes who drugged his too-innocent-for-his-own-good boyfriend.

Mello finally pulled into his driveway, and he got Near out of the car with minimal groping from the boy.

Once inside the house, Mello got Near a shirt that wasn't broken, and got him into bed.


Near groans as he wakes up, his head pounding.

"Here, this will help," Mello walks into the room with water and painkillers. Near sits up and takes the painkillers, drinking the water slowly

"I hate alcohol," Near sighs, knowing that he was also drugged last night, along with being forced to drink a very strong alcohol. Mello laughs slightly

"Do I even want to know what I said?" Near asks, looking at Mello worriedly

"Well, to use your words, you wanted me to fuck you, hard," Mello smirks as Near's entire face turns bright red, and he averts his eyes from Mello's.

Near shakes his head and pushes his face into Mello's chest to hide it from him. Mello laughs and wraps his arms around Near's back.

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