Super Fluffy One-Shot! L X Reader X Light ~ A Polyamorous Relationship

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Thank you frnnkieroo for this request!

For anyone who doesn't know, a polyamorous relationship is when someone has more than one partner at a time, with the knowledge and consent of everyone in the relationship.

Also, I tried to make this as fluffy as I could, I hope I did alright.


Riding to the hospital in an ambulance... Not exactly how you had planned to spend your Friday night...

Now, you might be asking yourself 'how did I end up in this situation?' Well, allow me to refresh your memory...

You were driving home from work, your favourite song blasting over the speakers of your car. As you were jamming out, you didn't notice the car speeding towards you, swerving all over the road.

When you had finally noticed, it was too late, and the car smashed into the front of your car.

Now, back to the current situation: you, riding to the hospital in an ambulance.

You lay on a stretcher in the back of the ambulance with a pounding headache, sore ribs, and you're pretty sure you can see your own collar bone poking through the skin on your chest.

One of the paramedics puts the needle to a fluid bag into your vein and puts a piece of medical tape over it, to prevent it from moving

"This is medication to help with the pain. It should begin working soon." The paramedic says. The world around you begins to go black, but you welcome the darkness, hoping that it will help your pounding head.


When you wake from your haze, you're being wheeled down the crisp, white walls of a hospital.

You hear your mother crying, and your father comforting her. The doctors say something about emergency surgery, and you hear your mother begin to cry harder. She asks if you're going to be okay, and the doctor answers, though you don't catch what he says, because the blackness welcomes you into its world once again.


You flash in and out of consciousness many times while the medication they gave you to knock you out while they did the surgery wears off.

You open your heavy eyes once again, looking around the room they'd put you in. You see L and Light sitting in two chairs facing your bed. They were having a conversation about something, so they hadn't noticed that you'd drifted back to consciousness again.

You open your mouth to say something, but only a horrible croak-like sound comes out. Their attention turns to you

"You're awake." L states, as a relieved look covers his usually stoic features

"Thank god you're alright." Light lets out a sigh of relief

"We should alert a doctor." L states, Light nods and the two stand up. They make their way quickly out of the room.

You look around, in search of something to drink. You see a bottle of water sitting on the bedside table beside you, and move your arm, the one that's not in a sling, to grab it.

You sip it carefully, and the dry feeling in your throat begins to lessen.

L and Light soon return, a doctor in their wake.

"Miss. L/N," he addresses you, looking at his clipboard. He looks up at you, looking over the brim of his glasses. Once he sees he has your attention, he continues

"You had quite a few injuries from your accident. Most of them were small, and will heal easily, however, we had to do surgery on your collar bone, and you now have a metal plate and seven screws holding it together. Two of your ribs were cracked, but they will heal naturally with time. You also suffered a small concussion..." The doctor goes on to tell you to be extremely careful, and not to involve yourself in strenuous activities for a while. He also tells you not to remove your sling unless bathing, and informs you that you will need to see him again in one month so that he can check on your bones and how they are healing.

"Thank you, doctor." You say, and move your good arm to shake his hand. L and Light help you stand, and help you walk to the car.

You sit in the back and look at the medicine the doctor had given you. He'd prescribed you some heavy duty painkillers. Your head was pounding again, and your collarbone and ribs hurt. You thought that you'd better take one of these when you get home.

Light, who was driving, pulls into the driveway and parks the car. He and L then help you out of the car and into the house, being overly careful and protective.

You sit on the couch and sigh

"How do you feel, Y/N?" Light asks

"Not great. Could one of you get me some water, please?" You ask

"Of course." L answers, as both he and Light stand up and move to the kitchen.

You smile slightly when you hear the two of them arguing about who would give it to you. You heard Light threaten a game of tennis, and L saying that they didn't have time for that. You giggle slightly as you hear them playing rock-paper-scissors.

They walk out of the kitchen, L smiling happily and holding a glass full of water, and Light pouting slightly.

"Thank you." You say and take the water from L. They both sit down, very carefully, on either side of you.

You try to open the bottle of painkillers with your one good hand, and fail miserably.

"Here, let me get that for you, Y/N." Light says. You hand him the bottle and he opens it easily, then hands it back to you

"Thanks." You say and take one of the pills from the bottle. You hand it back to Light, asking him to close it for you.

You put the pill into your mouth and take your glass of water from the coffee table. You take a sip of the water and coax the pill down your throat. You take a few more sips of water and set it on the coffee table.

L had turned the TV on to (your favourite show). You lean back into the couch cushions and begin to feel drowsy. You remember reeding on the medicine bottle that that was one of the side effects.

You yawn, and both boys turn and smile at you.

"Are you tired, Y/N?" Light asks, you nod and yawn again

"Do you want to go to sleep?" L asks, smiling sweetly. You nod again

You help you off of the couch and up the stairs, to the bedroom the three of you share. They help you change into pyjamas and into bed.

"Do you need anything before we go?" Light asks

"No, I'm alright. Goodnight, I love you guys." You yawn again

"We love you too." L leans down to kiss your cheek, then Light does the same, and they walk out of the room.

You fall asleep happily, thinking of the two men you you loved with all of your heart.

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