Chapter 7 (Radish Fiction Version)

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Stupid. That was what Asha had been mentally screaming at herself over and over. Stupid! Her jaw tightened at the embarrassing encounter earlier. Why do I do this to myself? she asked herself painfully as the memory of his mocking laughter rang in her head.

The apologetic expression on his handsome face, the dazed look of panic and concern–they didn't last long. As soon as he recognised the girl in the pool, any indication of guilt faded. The smirk that took over taunted her misfortune.

"It's you, Madamoiselle Strauss!" she repeated in an animated voice, which matched the comical, but annoyed expression she had. Her face relaxed into a pout. "Jerk!" I should have stayed home! Maybe this was the reason why her emotions were flashing red.

Asha recounted the events of her sheer bad luck. Zach would have been in complete hysterics deep inside while he his blue eyes looked down at her drenched state from a crouching position by the poolside. She struggled to push herself out of the pool. With her soaking wet clothes weighing her down, she must have been a funny sight to watch as she squirmed and wriggled in the water like a hooked worm. He was definitely more entertained than anything else.

"Here, let me help you out," he offered between snicker.

It was tempting to finally feel what it was like to hold his hand. "No, it's fine," she declined coldly. With palms flat on the pavement, she managed to push herself up and out of the water. She squeezed the hem of her top, wringing as much water out as she could. Asha could feel a lot of eyes on her. From her periphery, she noticed two guys staring at her, studying her. She shifted her eyes on the water, hoping to spot her eyeglasses floating about. When she inadvertently made eye contact with some girls, they instinctively pulled their boyfriends close. She knew exactly what they were thinking and how they felt. It was almost mind-blowing how superficial men and women could be. This was not new to her. A scowl lined her face when she saw a redhead challenge her with a staring match–a warning for her not to even come close to her man. Asha's eyes glared at her in return. She wasn't in the mood for such possessive behaviour, nor did she have the time. It didn't take a full second before the redhead shuddered, and looked away in defeat.

"I'm really sorry about this," Zach said to her, bringing her glowering attention back to him. His eyebrows furrowed with concern upon seeing the dark expression on her face. Suddenly, everything that was happening was no longer funny. She was angry, and it was quite unsettling. His tone became more serious. "Really, I'm sorry."

She was about to say something to him when she felt a towel wrap over her shoulders. She turned around and saw Lark Mizushima towering over her five-foot-eight stature. Her expression softened. Whatever fire that was ignited within her was immediately extinguished by the gentleness of his touch upon her shoulders. "Thank you," she said softly.

Lark was the captain of the basketball team. She had seen him play a few times. The man played better than any professional team she had seen on TV. He made more three-pointer shots than anyone did free throws or two-pointers. When he went for the basket, he didn't jump–he flew!Not only was he a god on the basketball court, he was also the president of the Student Council. With him standing right in front of her, she was certain she'd just stare at his exquisite face for ages. The smile he gave her was generous–generous enough to melt a girl's heart with its warmth. It was a smile that lit up his eyes...His eyes! Big, almond-shaped, brown circles which slightly slanted at the corners. Every detail on his handsome face was beautifully framed by his straight, black hair that fell past his lean shoulders. Athletic, a born leader, and bloody attractive! It's no wonder Cat can't get enough of you!

"That should keep you warm," Lark said, resting his hands on her shoulder.

"Thank you," she repeated, wary of her tone and her body language to protect herself from malicious interpretation from any scrutinizing gaze. She glanced towards Cat's direction, wishing that she wasn't around to see Lark paying attention to her.

"You should get into some dry clothes. I'm sure Miranda can lend you some," Lark suggested, giving Miranda a hopeful look.

The corner of Miranda's lips lifted into a slight snarl. Maybe no one noticed, but she sensed her contempt. Asha already knew that Miranda wasn't pleased with the attention she had lost to a nobody like her. She looked around her, and saw how some guys scurried to rescue this damsel in distress from her saturated ordeal. She turned her attention to Miranda again, and mentally shook her head. Help me? Pffft! Even if it was the last good deed she had to save her soul, I don't think so!

Then another two boys squeezed through the crowd with towels in their hands. They nudged each other out of the way in a playful competition as to who got to Asha first. Disappointment fell on their faces upon seeing Lark there already.

"Thought you might need a towel," one of them croaked. "Are you okay?"

"Thank you," she managed to say, grateful for the kind intention. She then turned to where Zach was standing–supposedly standing. He was gone. He must have walked away to laugh his heart out.

"Hey, I got some clean clothes in my car you can borrow," the other boy offered.

She smiled, only for it to disappear quickly when someone bellowed, "Hey! You're that L.T.B.P. girl!"

Asha thought she'd die right there and then. Why couldn't that day just disappear from everyone's memory? She faced the girl who blurted it out. It was Miranda's best friend, Connie–the one she has referred to as Jigglypuff. Laughter followed from those who knew about that story. As for those who were clueless–they were immediately filled in with all the details about the day when Mr. Larson played a prank on her.

She bowed her head, and bit her lower lip. Don't cry! Don't cry!

"I think you should go inside," Lark suggested, sensing her discomfort. He gently pushed her towards the house.

Uncomfortable with all the fuss Asha was getting, Miranda lunged forward. "Yes!" she blurted out in agreement. "It's freezing. I think you should come inside and get you out of those wet clothes." She grabbed Asha's hand and pulled her towards the house. And out of the bloody limelight!

Asha was taken–more like a combination of being led and being dragged–to a room. It wasn't as huge as the rest of the ones she had seen, but still big enough to fit her bedroom. Before she could ask any questions, Miranda had already tossed a white robe at her, which she managed to catch. "You can wear that. It's clean." Then pointing at the appliances that stood side by side, "Dryer. Washing machine," she uttered coldly. An awkward silence followed. Miranda drummed her fingers on top of the work bench as she studied the room with furrowed eyebrows, thinking what else she might have forgotten. Nothing came to mind. She shrugged. "Well then, I'll leave you to it!" She pursed her plump, pink lips to form a poor excuse for a smile. "See ya!" she waved before walking out the door and shutting it behind her.

Asha instinctively sprung towards the door, and jiggled the knob. A wave of relief calmed her nerves down when she managed to twist the door open. She didn't know why she thought Miranda would lock her in. At least, it wasn't a cleaning closet. She bitterly remembered having been locked inside a janitor's supply room in high school. It was prom night, too! Never again was she going to any similar events! "I'm not attending parties like this either!" Asha's forehead wrinkled, squeezing the awful memories out of her head. She travelled more than three-thousand, two hundred, seventy kilometres to get away from the past. No way! Not again! Not ever!

It was puzzling how people could be so cruel to those who are different. She completely understood the superiority and inferiority complexes, which drove people to behave adversely to those hose who didn't please their perceptions. The necessity to gain validation of control over those who were weak was almost like a means of survival of one's existence.

But I am not weak! she screamed in her head.

She grew up watching movies where women of beauty held the power to draw people's admiration. Yes, they had been a target for the hideous pangs of jealousy, but admired nevertheless. They were never alone. They were never ostracised. In fact, people gladly clung onto them like their link with them was an accomplishment. Why was she alone then?

Asha kept her gaze at the clothes tumbling inside the dryer as if the perfect circle of movement would give her all the answers. Convinced that she'd never understand why she seemed to repel most people, she decided to think of something else instead. "Where in the world are my glasses?" she pondered. She knew it floated away when she hit the water. But surely, someone would have picked them up. She shifted her weight on the stool she was sitting on, and leaned back against the wall. She managed to hide safely behind those glasses for nearly five months. She expected she'd be able to use it as a disguise for much longer. By this time, whoever found them would have discovered they were fake. The first layer of her disguise had been peeled off. It was time to stop hiding. "I'm not a child anymore. This is not high school." In a few days, I'll be eighteen. Asha took a deep breath, lifting her chin up at the same time. I suppose I have to be myself, just as the saying goes! If she was destined to be excluded...A frown came across her face as it pained her to think, Well! If I'm destined to be alone...So be it.

A soft knock on the door interrupted her deep contemplation. She sat up. Cat must have brought her glasses. Cat. She was her first real friend. She's seen me without the glasses, and she doesn't seem to have any issues. "Come in," she invited. Her eyes were still focused on the tumbling clothes when she heard the door open. She caught a whiff of the delicious aroma that suddenly filled the air. The scent of food reminded her of her hunger pains. She smiled as she turned towards the entrance. "Yey! You brought"–her smile vanished–"food," she ended softly when she saw Zach balancing a plate on one hand, a canned drink under his arm, and a glass of pink, icy liquid in the other, while pushing the door closed with his foot.

He met her shocked gaze. "I thought you might be hungry."

Asha couldn't understand why her heart was beating double time again. God! After everything you've put me through! How the hell could she rid her herself of the fluttering sensation whenever Zach was around? "Oh," she managed to say in a nervous whisper, while her eyes were transfixed on him. His stare sent her face flushing. She looked away, suddenly feeling self-conscious. She adjusted the robe hastily after realizing how the neckline had gaped a bit lower than it should, revealing a small curve of her cleavage. If she wasn't careful, Zach would have had an eyeful! She pulled the robe down at the hem, hoping to stretch it longer or hide her long legs.

He laid the glass and the can on top of the washing machine. "I wasn't sure what you wanted so I got you a bit of everything." He pointed at the golden brown piece of chicken. "These are the best! They are to die for! If you haven't tried them, you've lost ten years of your life!" He picked up a fork and skewered a piece. "But not to worry for I am here to rescue you and return the ten years you've lost!" he cried out, emulating the comical super heroic voice as he extended his arm to offer her the piece of food.

Everything he said was a blur to her. All she remembered was something about her being hungry. Damn him! How does he do it?

Receiving no reaction from Asha, his enthusiasm died a notch. His extended arm retreated, then looked down. "Tough crowd," he muttered under his breath. He hooked a stool across the floor with his leg, dragging it in front of her before he sat on it. He took a deep breath, summing up the courage to gaze back at the eyes that sternly stared into his. "Are you all right?"

The hint of affection in his voice lined her skin with goosebumps. She continued to stare back at the crystal blue orbs. "I-I'm okay," she stammered. It was hard not to stare at him. He was so beautiful! His army green shirt clung onto his skin, revealing the muscular ripples of his body. His left elbow rested on his thigh, making her notice how he suited his deep blue jeans. The rough material fitted his legs nicely. Her eyes inadvertently strayed between his slightly parted thighs, making her notice the bulge in between...She whipped her head away from him. What the hell? Couldn't she just be with this guy without having to involve embarrassing herself?

"Really sorry," he said. "I didn't mean for you to fall into the pool."

The sincerity was there but she could feel the hint of amusement lining his voice. "Forget it. It was an accident."

He gave her the plate. "Here. Eat something."

She stared at the plateful of food. "Is this meant to be a peace offering?" she asked playfully and smiled. She thought she heard him take a breath. She met his gaze once again, trying hard to keep her emotions at bay. The cute smirk on his lips was calling out for a kiss. If she didn't have a grip on her own sanity, she might have done just that–kiss him.Then, if I kiss him, I might allow him to unwrap the robe and...Asha! Stop!

"I guess, you can call it that." He watched her delicate fingers pick up the fork. "I'm really sorry." He paused, recalling the trick he played on her when school began. The day hadn't finished and he assaulted her with a soccer ball, which caused her to wear a patch for several days. And I didn't even have the guts to ask if she was all right."You must think the worst of me. I've been nothing but trouble for you."

She rolled her eyes. "You think?" she sneered. "I must have done something to you in a past life for you to be such a jerk," she huffed, her words muffled by a mouthful of food.

Zach was too absorbed with the way her lips moved as she chewed. It was quite cute and entertaining. "You must have killed me," he uttered without thinking.

Asha's heart jumped. A rush of cold air crawled up her back. The feeling of dread crept back into her. "Maybe," she whispered. She was not one who believed in superstitions, but she had never felt fear this inexplicably strong before.

Zach jerked back, raising his hands defensively in front of him. "I'm sorry! It's a joke!" He noticed her shoulders shiver. "You're cold, aren't you?" Flustered, he stood up and searched the hamper for another robe or towel. He reached towards the bottom and retrieved a pair of flimsy, purple thongs. His face contorted in disgust and threw it back as if it was disease ridden.

"Don't fuss," Asha told him.

"If you get sick, I won't forgive myself."

Just like that, she melted. The nagging sensation of menace disappeared, and was replaced by the sound of her pulse resonating in her ear. There was a deep longing to seek warmth in his strong arms. The silence between them somehow made the atmosphere intimate. Should she tell him? How will he react if I told him that I've been dreaming of him from day one? It was true. Not only once had Zach Larson been in her dreams, but every single night. In those dreams, she loved him deeply. Maybe that's why I'm going mental! If I don't tell him, he'll think I'm being ridiculous to fall in love with him because of my stupid dreams! Her eyes fell blankly on the plate, suddenly losing her appetite. There was always this one question that ended all those dreams, but she could never remember what it was. She didn't know why it suddenly bothered her now. "Zach, I–"

A knock on the door cut her off. Whoever was behind the door had the worst timing. "Yes?" Asha called out with a shade of irritation in her voice.

The door opened and Lark's bright smile entered the room. "I brought some food," he announced. He raised his eyebrows upon seeing Zach. Then he noticed the plate sitting on her lap. "Oh, I guess someone has already taken care of that part." He pulled the stool that stood in front of her with his foot, and settled himself on it. "Ah well, nothing wrong with having more food! You should try the maki. It's the best!"

Zach frowned, seeing how Lark took over his seat. "I bet it's to die for," he mumbled.

"I made it," Lark boasted as he picked up a piece with a pair of chopstick. "Try this one," he offered.

Asha's eyes widened as the seaweed-wrapped delight came closer to her. She had no idea how she was going to pick it out from the chopstick when she had one plate in one hand and a fork in the other.

"Say ahhh," Lark sang.

Flustered, she opened her mouth and felt him shove the entire piece into her mouth.

"She can feed herself. She's not a baby," Zach huffed. It was hard not to sound irritable. Although, Asha did look funny with cheeks bloated out with food.

"Well, that's a bit hard without a free hand," he retorted. "It's good, isn't it?" he beamed at her. "Old family recipe! Always a hit!"

All Asha could do was nod and chew. How did she end up alone with two guys? Looking from one to the other, she sensed some sort of tension. Well! This is different! She wasn't complaining though. She wasn't going to deny the fact that the attention excited her. Another knock on the door filled the silence between them. Who is it this time?

"Are you decent?"

She was happy to hear Cat's voice. "Yeah," she mumbled before swallowing the rest of the food. "Come in!" she called out.

Cat pushed the door open with her backside while she balanced two glasses in one hand and a plate resting on her forearm while the other hand cradled a couple of cans of fizzy drinks. "I'm sure you're starving. Sorry, I should have come earlier but there was a long line at the buffet and–" She turned around, and was astonished to see Zach and Lark with her. She took notice of the drinks on top of the washing machine, the plate on her lap, and Lark's hand that held a chopstick with a sushi roll at the end. Why is he feeding her?

Asha could almost hear Cat's heart plummet. How am I going to explain this? She didn't know which was worse–the boy Cat liked was feeding her, or the fact that she was dressed with nothing but a short bathrobe in the company of two very handsome men. Everything was so wrong in so many levels. "Hey!" She took a deep breath. "Well, now we have enough food to have a party of our own," she exclaimed nervously.

Cat's eyes shifted from Lark to Zach, and back to Lark. She was nearly half-naked in the pool earlier, and he didn't even take notice of her. She loses her hideous glasses, and suddenly he's here? With her? She felt sick.

Lark rose up from his seat and laid the plate on the stool. "Here, let me help you with those," he offered, approaching Cat.

The mere touch of their fingers when he took the glasses from her made her insides tumble and squeal in her head.. He took the plate off her forearm next, and laid it on top of the washing machine. "Thank you!"

"This is interesting," Zach nodded as he removed the plate from the stool and put it with the rest of the food. "I wonder who'll be joining us next," he wondered, claiming his seat back. "Want a drink?"

"Pink punch or fizzy drink?" Lark asked eagerly, getting a glass ready.

Was it her imagination, or did she notice Zach clench his jaw? She glimpsed towards Cat, who was biting her lower lip. The hurt expression on her face made Asha feel terrible. "Hey, Cat?"

"Huh?" she responded weakly.

"Do you know if anyone found my glasses?"

She put her hand into the pocket of her jeans, and retrieved the glasses. "Yeah," she drawled.

Asha's heartbeat quickened. She groaned. She knows the lenses are fake!

Cat stretched her hand out, returning the spectacles. "Here."

"Thanks," she whimpered, accepting the glasses. She was about to put them back on when she saw the web-like crack across both lenses. She gasped. "Oh no!"

"You'll be all right without them, right?"

Cat's question sounded more like a statement. "I-I suppose."

"How long 'til your clothes are dry?" she asked, gesturing towards the dryer.

"I hope in less than fifteen minutes," she replied. She wondered if Cat deliberately did that to change the subject.

"The DJ is spinning some wicked tunes out there. Wanna go dancing after?" she asked.

Lark's grin widened. "Dancing is fun!"

Asha just shook her head. "After I get back into my clothes, I'm calling it a night." It had been a very long day for her. She caught Cat's questioning gaze. "Oh, don't worry about me. I'll be able to get home on my own." She was supposed to go home with Cat. "I don't want to cut your night short," she added immediately. "There are still buses running at this time and–"

"I'll drive you home," Lark volunteered.

Asha rolled her eyes towards Cat who quietly leaned back on the work bench, looking defeated. She wrapped herself in the comfort of her own arms, almost accepting the fact that she was perpetually invisible to Lark Mizushima. Her heart must be breaking. "Oh, that's fine," she quickly declined. "I don't want to spoil anyone's night. Don't mind me. I can go home by myself. I just need to check the timetable on my mobile–" She searched around for her phone, and remembering where it was made her groan. She grimaced towards the dryer.

"Oh, honey," Cat cooed sympathetically. She walked towards Asha, and patted her on the shoulder. "If it's any consolation, your phone already died of drowning when you hit the water."

All she could do was nod in agreement. "You're right. At least, my little purse will be dry."

"And your money," Cat snorted, keeping herself from laughing.

Zach ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Oh, Asha, I'm really sorry about this."

The way he said her name had her blushing all over again.

"Let me make it up to you! I'll drive you home. It's the least thing I could do."

Lark arched his eyebrow and tapped him on the shoulder. "I already offered, mate," he smiled. "I'm taking her home."

Zach slowly turned to face the guy. Sarcasm was all over his face despite the wide smile he offered him. "She didn't say 'yes', did she?"

"W-Well–" Lark frowned at the technicality of his argument.

They both looked at Asha, expecting for an answer. "I–" The beep from the dryer interrupted the tension that was building up. "Ha!" Without wasting another second, Asha passed her plate to Zach before heading towards the dryer. She popped the machine open and carefully felt through the clothes. "Yey! They're dry!" she announced as she scooped them out. "I guess I'd better change now," she told the three who remained standing there. Cat started to head towards the door while the two boys didn't seem to budge. Asha shifted her eyes from one boy to the other. "Ummm...I'll be needing some privacy, please," she told them.

"Oh!" they both said in awkward unison.

"Of course," Zach turned away, his face blushing at the sight of what seemed to be bra strap dangling from the pile in her arms.

"We'll wait for you outside," Lark winked before herding Zach towards the door.

Asha was finally alone. Did he just wink at me? She exhaled loudly. She could feel the blood vessels in her face warming up, and the tension in her stomach that was ready to explode.


Hello everyone!

Thank you so much for reading! Up to  Chapter 14 is currently uploaded on Radish Fiction, while the other chapters are still in the process of proofreading. 

We are expecting for the Android version of Radish to be available some time in May. Woo! Not long now! In the meantime, the iOS version is free to download from the iTunes Store. Anyway, while the Android version of the app is not yet available, the writers are allowed to post chapters of their stories on free platforms, such as Wattpad, three weeks after they've been unlocked on Radish Fiction.

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