Chapter 2

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(Enjoy mah bad writing peeps!)

Mikey sat at the table, Staring at the clock, Watching the little hand slowly move around the numbers.

They had three hours left until April and Casey come, And time was literally taking its time. He leaned back and sighed deeply.

"What's wrong with you?" Don asked walking in.

"Nothin..Just bored," Mikey answered.

"You want to help me with something?" Don asked.

"Sure why not."

Mikey stood up and followed Don into his lab, Don took a seat in his chair and ordered Mikey into a chair in front of him.

"Ok so I'm working on a type of armor for our shells, See." He turned Mikey around.

He picked up this hunk of metal and placed it on his shell, "Its suppose to protect us from attacks, Cause if anything happened to our shells then were screwed."

"I see...So what do I need to do," Mikey asked, tilting his head.

"I just need you're correct measurements of your shell, I already got mine and Raph's, I'll get Leo's later."

Mikey sat and let Don take measurements of his shell, After a couple minutes of silence, Don placed the metal armor on the floor.

"Ok all done, Thanks."

"No problem."

Mikey stood up and walked out of the lab and into the couch, He turned the TV on and flipped through the cannels.




He stopped at 180 and it was a show that had footage of shocking moments. Airplanes crashes, Earthquakes, Trains crashes, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Car accidents, Stadiums collapsing, Roller coaster crashed, Building being blown up and falling over. Mikey set the remote down and watched the show for awhile.

Then the screen fizzed.

Mikey stared confused at the flickering screen.

The picture was going in and out of focus, It had colors shooting across the screen. Mikey flipped the channels but it was the same thing for every channel.

"What are you watching?" He heard.

He turned around, surprised at the sudden voice.

Raph's voice.

"Oh..Uh..." He turned back to the TV and saw the picture was back to normal and remained on channel 180.

"Uhh..Nothing...Where were you?" Mikey asked.

"I was out working on my motorcycle, stupid thing is still not working," Raph said.

"That sucks...God I'm bored."

"You wanna train a little?" Raph said.

"Sure...That should waste sometime."

Mikey followed Raph into the dojo and stretched his arms.

"When we're done here, Remind me to clean this wax up from these candles."

"Sure thing."

They got into position and started training.


Leo grabbed the two movies off the shelf and walked up to the cashier. He handed her the two movies and she scanned them.

"Seven dollars."

He handed her the money, Took the movies and walked out of the store.

He pulled the trench coat up to his face and began walking down the street.

Walking past people talking on their cell phones. He stared at this one women who was putting make up on as she walked. Don't people do these things at home?

He turned into an alley and lifted a sewer lid and jumped inside. He slid the lid back on and walked down the dark sewer tunnel.

He felt the tunnel shake slightly as a train passed. He turned to the left and walked up to the door. Pulled the lever and walked inside.

Upon entering he saw Don walk across the lair carrying a red gas tank.

"What's that for?" Leo asked hanging up his coat and hat.

"For Raph's motorcycle, He wanted me to fill it up and see if it works," Don said.

Leo nodded and watched Don walk into the garage, He heard Mikey and Raph training in the dojo.

He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup from the cabinet. He set it down and opened the fridge and pulled out a glass container of orange juice, poured some in a cup and placed it back in the fridge. He sipped the OJ down sip by sip.

He set the empty glass in the sink and leaned on the sink.

What was there to do?

Out of sheer bordem he walked to the fridge and opened it. He jumped back in shock as the glass container fell from the fridge and shattered on the ground.

"Jeez," He said.

He quickly grabbed some paper towels set them on juice.

As he put pressure on the towel, he jerked his hand back and looked at the blood as it dripped from the cut on his hand. He should have picked up the glass before he cleaned up the juice.

"Damn it," He said.

He quickly got up and ran his hand under water.

He turned off the water and placed a paper towel on the cut. Putting pressure on it to stop the bleeding. He returned his attention back on the glass and picked each one up carefully. When he was sure all the glass was gone, He placed more towels on the juice and soaked it up.

When it was all clean he went into the bathroom, Grabbed some bandages and wrapped his hand tightly.

He walked back into the main room and saw Don about to go into his lab, But stop at the sight on Leo.

"What happened to your hand?" He asked.

"Nothing I just cut myself on some glass," Leo said.

"Oh...You ok?"

"Yeah it should be fine," Leo said.

"Ok... well I'll be in my lab if you need me."


Leo walked to the book shelf, grabbed a book, sat in the couch and read.


Leo opened his eyes and saw Mikey staring at him.

"Leo wake up!" He exclaimed.

Leo sat up and looked at the clock.

They were going to be here any minute. "Crap," He said, Standing up and stretching.

He looked around and saw Raph in the kitchen and Mikey still staring at Leo.

"Where's Donnie?"

"He's getting the Battle Shell ready," Mikey said.

"I thought we were walking?"

"No surpassingly there doing some construction work on some building and Don thought it might be too risky, So we're just going to drive to the south part."

Leo wasn't expecting this, But it wasn't going to ruin the night. Then they heard the lair door open and saw April and Casey walk in.

"Hey guys!" April greeted.

"Sup dudes," Casey added.

"Hey, you ready for an awesome night?" Raph asked walking out of the kitchen.

"You know it, did you get the movies?" April asked.

"Got them this afternoon," Leo said.


"Hey uh Where's Donnie?" Casey asked.

"Getting the Battle shell ready," Mikey said.

"Ok its up and ready to go" Don said, walking inside.

"Hey you two," He said.

"Hey Donnie!" April smiled.

"Ok, so whenever you guys are ready we can start heading out," Leo said.

"Let's go," April said.

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