Chapter 3

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(Shit's about to go down!)

Raph closed the door, slid the key into the ignition and started the engine.

Then Raph stepped on the gas and drove off.

"So how's the move going?" Don asked.

"Slowly but fine," April answered.

"Yeah all that's really left is all her clothes, like six boxes," Casey joked.

"Stop," April growled, slightly slapping him on the leg.

"Awww you two are adorable..!" Mikey squealed, "So you two planning on having any kids?"

"Mikey!" Leo said quickly, "Not a good question."

"It's ok Leo...Well we've been talking about it a little, we're still on the fence," April said.

"Well I don't know about you but I would like a Casey Jr, " Casey smirked.

"Just what we need, another Casey," Raph added, chuckling while everyone laughs

"Ehh shut it!" Casey blushed from embarrassment.

"So Don how's your research on the shell armor coming?" April asked.

"Pretty good, I got everyone's measurements and once I test it, we should be able to try them out," Don pulled out his shell cell and brought up a picture of them and passed it to April, "Here's what they look like."

"Cool," April said.

"Let me see!" Casey said, he took the cell and upon doing so, he felt a small electric shock, "Ouch!"

"What?" Leo asked.

"Nothing..just a small shock" Casey said, passing the phone back to Don.

"Oh be careful," April said.

As they continued talking, Don looked at the phone, he watched as the little drop of blood rolled down the numbers.

"Casey show me your fingers," Don demanded.

Casey gave him an odd look, then showed his fingers.

They were clean and unharmed.

Don looked back down at the cell and saw the blood, he ran his finger through it and looked at his blood covered finger.

"Don what's wrong?" Leo asked.

"Nothing...Nothing I thought I saw something," He said as he wiped the blood off with his belt.

"We're here!" Raph announced as he stopped the car and turned off the engine.

"This place?" Casey asked.

"Yep, this is where it happens," Leo said.

"It looks like this place is on the verge of just crumbling down," April said, observing the place.

"Yeah we always thought so," Mikey added, shrugging.

They left the battle shell and stood outside, looking at their surroundings.

It was the abandoned part of town, streets not taken care of and broken glass.

Why doesn't anyone clean it up.

Don looked at the building, He saw one with a large sign on the front that said Dan's Diesel.

But some letters were scratched off, Revealing only three letters Die.


He turned around and saw Mikey waiting by a ladder. Leo, Raph, April, and Casey were already on their way up.

"You coming?"

"Yeah..yeah..." Don walked to the ladder and climbed up.

When they got up the building, they were surprised at the sight of many foot ninjas.

"What the.." Raph said.

Karai appeared from behind on foot ninja, "Well isn't this a surprise?"

"What are you doing here?" Leo asked, raising an invisible eyebrow.

"We thought we would go out for some late night training..what are you guys doing here?" Karai asked

"Training," Don answered.

"Listen...We made a truce with you and your foot clan. So if you don't mind, we will be on our way," Raph spoke with an irritated tone.

"By all means, we were just finishing up," Karai said.

"No go ahead...we're going to just stretch over here," Leo said.

They got into a circle and started stretching out there muscles.

Don jumped as he felt his cell vibrate.

No one could be calling him, Everyone he knew was next to him. He picked it up and opened it.

No notifications. Weird.

"Ouch!" Mikey yelled.

They all looked and saw him on the ground, "Sorry...stupid pipe got in my way."

Don looked at the two pipes that stuck out of the edge of the building. Even weirder.

"So you guys made a truce with these guys?" Casey asked.

"Yeah a couple months ago. It was getting a little tiring fighting them night after night, so we just made a truce," Leo said, shrugging.

"Whoa!" Mikey yelled as an incoming plane right above them, causing the ground to shake slightly.

"That guy was way too close to the buildings..!" April exclaimed.

"Got that right, I hope nothing happened to them," Leo said.

After stretching for a couple more seconds in silence, Karai walks up to them.

"We are finished, the roof is yours," She said.

"Finally!" Raph said and stretched his arms once more.

Leo elbowed him in the stomach, "Thanks"

"Wait!" April shouted

They all looked curiously at her.

"Did anyone else feel that?"

Then they felt as the second floor collapsed to the first.

Then the third, then the fourth.

The buildings whole interior collapsed to the first floor and the structure began to give away.


The floor beneath them cracked and they all held on to the edge.

"CASEY!!!" April screamed

He stood motionless in the middle of the roof.

Then the floor beneath him gave away and he fell fifteen stories to the ground.

"NOOOOO!!!" April screamed.

"Oh my god!" Raph yelled.

Then the building jerked forward, causing Mikey to fall onto and air conditioner.

"MIKEY HOLD ON!!!" Leo screamed.

Don watched as Karai and the foot ninjas tried to escape the collapsing building.

But some ninja's fell over the edge.

He looked at Leo and Raph as they held on for dear life on the edge.

Mikey was holding on the air conditioner.

Then in a flash, the air conditioner exploded and sent Mikey shell first into the two pipes.

"MIKEY!!!" Raph screamed

Mikey looked down and saw the two pipes sticking out of his stomach, He looked at Don, "Donnie".

Then a crack ran straight through the middle of the pipes and the building tore apart.

Mikey felt the two pipes going to opposite directions.

April fell forward onto a chimney.

She wrapped her arms around the metal base and held on for dear life.

The building broke into two half's and slowly began to fall opposite ways. The two pipes that stuck Mikey then fell apart, taking two sides of Mikey.

"OH MY GOD!!!" Don screamed as his younger brother was torn apart right in front of him.

The two halves of the building then began to fall.

The side they were on was going to crash into another building.

Don looked for Karai but she was on the other side. Then the building jerked again, making Raph fall over the edge.

"RAPH!!!" Leo screamed, but then saw his hands on the edge. He was able to climb up to his chest.

Don turned his attention toward April as she screamed.

"APRIL STAY DOWN!!!" Don screamed

But it was too late, An another air conditioner exploded and sent an antenna through the air, Then into Aprils chest. She stared in shock at the antenna at stuck out of her stomach.

She then fell forward.


Don couldn't bare it.

Casey was dead.

Mikey was dead.

Karai was surely dead.


He looked at Leo who was trying to pull Raph back up.

The building jerked to life and fell toward the other building with Raph still off the edge.

Then they hit.

"NOOO!!!" Leo screamed.

Don stared at his brother as blood was pouring out of his mouth as the edge of the building rested on the other building.

"Mother of Mutagen..!" Don exclaims.

Then the building fell forward and sent Leo and Don rolling toward the edge. Leo grabbed a hold of the ladder as Don grabbed the edge of the building.

Body hanging fifteen stories in the air.

"DON!!" Leo screamed, "HOLD ON!!"

"I CAN'T!!" Don screamed back.

Then his fingers gave out,

Making him let go. The last thing he saw he saw was the building falling unnaturally.

Then he saw complete darkness.

"Listen...We made a truce with you and your foot clan, So if you don't mind, we will be on our way," Raph spoke with an irritated tone.

"By all means, we were just finishing up," Karai said.

"No go ahead...we're going to just stretch over here," Leo said.

Don snapped out of his trance and inhaled.

Feeling out of breath suddenly.

He looked around, seeing everything was back to normal.

Mikey...Casey... April..they were alive.

Like it was a dream.

He felt the sweat roll down his face and neck.

"You ok Donnie?" Mikey asked.

Don looked at Mikey in shock, "Did you see that?"

"See what?"

Don looked around at the building that he saw collapsed.

"Don what's going on?" Leo asked.

"I...I saw it..."

"Saw what?" Raph said.

"I saw-"

Then he felt his phone vibrate, "No..." He pulled it out and opened it, Seeing nothing, "Oh my god..!"

"Don what are you-" Mikey said but was soon interrupted.

"Mikey the pipe!!" He yelled.

Then Mikey fell back and hit the ground hard.

He recovered quickly and looked up at Don.

"Don how did you know he was going to-" Leo started.

"I saw it...I saw everything," Don said.

"Don you're not making sense," April said.

"Whoa!" Mikey yelled.

Don watched horrified as the plane flew very close to the building, just like he saw in his vision.

"We need to get off this building," Don said as a tear fell down his cheek.

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