Chapter 4

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Don jumped up and sprinted toward the ladder, he felt Leo grab his arm.

"Don calm down," Leo said strictly.

"We need to get off this building now!!" Don yelled.

"Why?" Raph asked.

"This damn building is going to fall, that's why!!" Don yelled.

"Don you're just being paranoid..." Leo said.

"I saw it!" Don yelled.

"You saw it?" Mikey asked.

"It was just a dream come on!" Leo exclaimed.

"Screw you!" Don said, pushing Leo's arms out of the way and climbing down the ladder.

"Don!...Damn it!" Leo said and followed him.

"Let's go calm him down," Raph said.

Mikey, April and Casey nodded and followed Leo and Don.

Mikey looked back and saw Karai watching them, then signaling her ninjas off.

As Don hit the ground he sprinted away from the building.

He stopped when he knew he was well away from it and caught his breath.

He watched Leo, Raph, Mikey, April, and Casey run up to him.

"Ok Don...Now that you got us off the building, calm down and tell us what happened," Leo said.

"I saw my head...I saw everything..The building falling and everyone dying," Don said between breaths.

"You saw it? Like a vision?" Mikey said.

"He just had a bad dream," Leo said with a disbelieving expression.

"Why won't you believe me?" Don asked, feeling shocked and betrayed.

"Because it's impossible to see death before it happens Donnie, We're ninjas, not psychics," Leo said, rolling his eyes.

"You think I would just make up a lie like this?" Don said.

"Listen Donnie calm down," Leo said.

"No you calm down!!!" Don screamed, "I'm saving your damn lives!!"

"Nothing happened Donnie..You haven't saved us from anything."

"Something's going to happen, Everything happened exactly how it happened as I saw...The airplane, My phone, Mikey falling."

"You didn't see anything!!" Leo yelled.

"WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE ME!!!" Don screamed.

Then they all felt the ground slightly shake.

They all turned around and looked at the building. As the top half cracked off and leaned forward unnaturally. Then the building broke in half and the left side fell onto the building. Then the top half completely broke off and broke to pieces as it hit the ground. The six of them watched in horror as the other half of the building fell forward and shattered as it slammed to the ground.

They looked at the pile of rubble and stone that once was a building that they were standing on.

Mikey was the first to move,

He turned his head toward Don and stared at him.

Followed by April, Tears running down her eyes.

Next was Casey, Then Raph, Then Leo.

Don didn't take his eyes off of the pile metal and stone. He then turned his attention to the movement at the far end, He saw Karai staring at the pile and four foot ninja's with here, But she had like twenty up there. Must not have made it. It happened...Exactly as it would happen in the dream.


The car ride back home was silent and unpleasant.

Twenty minutes of avoiding everyone's stares.

When they returned to the lair they all sat in the main room, Leo in his chair, Raph, April and Mikey on the couch, Casey sitting on the floor between April's legs.

And Don on a chair from the kitchen.

Don looked up from the ground, turned his head toward Mikey and saw as he quickly looked away from him.

He glanced over at Raph and got the same treatment.

He didn't look straight at Leo but he looked over at his direction and saw he was staring at him, didn't bother to look away.

He returned his attention back to the ground and kept to himself.

He tried to replay the events in his head, first with the dream, or whatever it was.

His brothers dying, April and Casey dying.

They didn't just die, but they were brutally slaughtered.

Mikey being literally torn in half.

April having an antenna impaled through her neck.

Raph being crushed in half.

Casey falling.

He closed his eyes and shook the thoughts away. He opened his eyes at the sound of Raph grunting and standing up.

"Alright look I'm not going to sit here the rest of the night in the dead of silence," Raph said as he crossed his arms.

"I agree," Casey said.

"We can't pretend like if we ignore this then we would forget about it," Mikey said.

"But...we almost died," April said.

"Yeah almost...but we're still here," Raph said.

"Thanks to Don.." Mikey said.

Don glanced up and saw everyone was staring at him. He opened his mouth to talk, but closed it.

"Don?" Leo said.

"What?" He asked angrily.

"Do you want to say something?"

"What's there for me to say, You want me to tell you that what happened happened and we can just get over it!!!" Don yelled.

"No...I just want an explanation of-"

"What's there to explain, I saw the damn building collapse and got everyone off. There! There's your explanation!!" Don yelled.

"You don't have to yell," Mikey said.

"Whatever!" He said, crossing his arms and looking away.

"You know what, Don got us out of there," Raph said as he walked into the kitchen, "So I say we celebrate our lives" He grabbed the sparkling cider he saved for later and brought out cups.

He gave one to each and held out the last one for Don.

Don jumped up and slapped the cup out of his hand, "You want to celebrate this!?" He yelled.

"I want to celebrate our lives...We basically had a near death experience and we're still alive, I think that's something to celebrate," Raph said.

"Well it's not...can we just stop talking about this? Please."

"Don what are you being like this?" April asked.

"Cause I can see it in everyone's eyes that you all think that I'm lying and that I'm a freak."

"Don no one thinks you're a freak, we're just all scared here and we don't know what's going on, we all just need to chill out and-" Leo was soon interrupted.

"DON'T TELL ME TO CHILL!!!" Don screamed and kicked his chair over.

He looked angerly at all there faces, seeing the fear and confusion.

In a blind rage he ran up the stairs, Into his room and slammed his door closed.

He rammed his fist into the door again and again until he couldn't feel his hand.

He laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling, tears rolling down his eyes.

"What's happening to me..." He said quietly.

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