Chapter 5

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Leo sighed and rested his head in his hands.

"What are we going to do about this guys?" April asked.

"I don't know...I can't even imagine what Don is going through..." Mikey said.

"Do you guys really think he saw it before it happened?" Raph asked.

"I don't know...It all just seems...unbelievable," Leo said.

"Then it was one hell of a coincidence that he claimed to have seen it, then it actually happens...And there's no doubt in my mind that we would've died on that building," Casey said.

"I mean seeing something before it happens, it doesn't feel real...I mean why was it only him who saw it? And we all know he's been stressing lately because of his work...Maybe he just needs a good night's sleep," Leo said.

"I don't know Leo...I think this is for real," Mikey said.

"Explain this Leo...If you don't think he saw it...How did he really know that the building was going to fall," Casey said.

"...I don't know..."

"You don't think that Don actually made it happen right?" Mikey asked.

Leo looked up at him in silence.


"I'm sorry but come on...It would have to one huge coincidence to say somethings going to happen then it actually happen," Leo said.

"Leo's got a point," Raph said.

"But why would Don want to do something like that?" Casey asked.

"I don't know...I think we all need some sleep," Leo said.

"I'm not leaving," April said, "I want to be here for Don."

"Ok...We'll stay here...Is that alright?" Casey asked.

"Not a problem at all...I'll make out the guest beds," Mikey said.


Don opened his eyes.

He looked around, scared for his life. He was surrounded by darkness. He stood up and tried squinting in the darkness.

"HELLO?!" He screamed.

Then a beam of light shined down on the ground.

Revealing a dark pit.

He slowly walked to it and looked down.

His stomach dropped at the sight.

He saw his brothers, April, Casey, And Karai.

Laying dead on the bottom.

"No.." He said softly.

Then a giant hand shot from the pit and grabbed Don and lifted him in the air.

"Soon." He heard a dark and sinister voice say.

Don jerked awake, gasping for air.

He looked at the clock, Nine o'clock.

He laid back down and regained his breath.

He placed his hand on his hand and felt the sweat that lingered there.

He sat up and slid his feet off and stood up. He left his room and placed both of his hands on the cold metal railing and looked over the edge.

The lair was empty and quiet except the snores that rang throughout the lair. He walked down stairs and noticed something in the dojo. He peeked in and saw April and Casey peacefully sleeping. Guess they didn't want to go home.

He walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, pulled out some juice and didn't even bother to get a cup.

He just sipped away from the carton.

"Donnie," He heard and almost dropped the carton. He tunred around and saw April standing at the door way.

"Oh..Hey April," He screwed the cap back on and slid the juice back into the fridge. "You slept here?"

"Yeah...We really didn't feel like walking home at dark," April said, "You ok?"

"Never better."

"Don-" April started.

"Can we not talk about this, I just kind of want to forget about it," Don said.

"Sorry...Just know this..If you need someone to talk to, I'm here," She said.

"I know...Thanks."

"So how did you sleep?" She asked.


"Morning dudes!" They heard.

"Morning Mikey," April said.

Mikey walked in and sat down next to Don.

"Well...I'm going to go wash up," April said, then stood up and walked out.

"So..What's up Don," Mikey asked, kind nervous for some reason.

"Nothing...How'd you sleep?" Don asked.

"Bluh! Don't even ask...Stupid nightmares," Mikey groaned.

"Tell me about it," Don said quietly.

"You had one to?"

"Yeah," Don wanted to get off this subject.

"..About?" Mikey knew Don wasn't going to answer but it was worth a try.

"Nothing." He stood up and stretched.

"Don-" Mikey started

"Look Mikey I-"

"Listen to me!" Mikey sorta yelled, "I know what you're going through and I know you want to forget about it all but please..I'm scared..Just please...Tell me what you saw!"

"Mikey... Listen...When everyone wakes up I will explain everything ok?" Don said.

"...Ok," Mikey said quietly.


Breakfast really wasn't pleasant, Everyone saw in silence and ate their eggs. But every so often, Don would look up and see one of them staring at him. He took a deep breath.

"Look...This needs to stop, We can't just keep quiet when I'm around," He said, "I know you all have questions, But I don't have all the answers, I don't know why I was the only one who saw it, I don't know why I saw it, All I know is that I saw it and it happened."

"But how did you know that what you saw was actually going to happen?" Raph asked.

"...Everything I saw before the building collapsed, Happened after I saw it," Don started, "My phone vibrating and no notification, Mikey tripping on the pipes, The airplane."

Don looked around as they sat in silence.

"I know this all seems unreal...But it's over...Let's just forget this ever happened ok? Let's just drop this and forget everything."

Leo looked down at his eggs and played with them with his fork.

He wanted to forget, But he couldn't. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had in his stomach.

The feeling that Don was lying.

He hated himself for feeling this way.

But nothing made sense. Seeing a huge accident before it happening and being able to get people off.


Was Death just toying with us or something?

"Leo?" He heard Raph whisper.

He looked up at him, "Yes?"

"You ok?"

Leo glanced over at Don, who was staring at his plate, but he could tell he was listening.

"Yeah...Yeah I'm fine," Leo stood up, walked out of the kitchen and into the dojo.

He needed to get his mind off of this whole thing.

Then he heard the dojo door close.

"Ok Leo if there something you want to tell me then say it," He heard Don say.

Leo turned around and stared at him, "I'm sorry Don, You're my brother and I love you but I don't believe you."

"You don't believe me?"

"No...It seems unreal to tell us that you saw that building collapse before it actually happened."

"Then tell me what happened...Tell me what I saw and how I knew that building was going to collapse!!!" Don yelled.

"I don't know Don, but going around and scaring them isn't working."

"You think I want to scare them, I'm just telling them the truth!!" Don yelled, "I don't care what you believe. I saw what I saw and that's the end of it!!"

Don turned around and walked out of the dojo, slamming the door on his way out.

Leaving Leo alone.

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