Chapter 8

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Don stood up and walked out of his lab, upon entering the main room, he saw Mikey and April on the couch and Leo and Raph in the kitchen.

Casey still hasn't gotten back.

"Hey you have your shell cell?" April asked.


"Cause Casey has been gone for two hours and he isn't answering his cell," April sounded worried.

"Don't worry..he probably forgot to charge it," Don said.

"Yeah but don't you think he would be back by now? I mean the store isn't that far away," April said.

"Probably in traffic," Mikey said, rolling his eyes.

"I don't know," April said.

"If he isn't back in another hour and still hasn't called, we will go out and look for him," Don said.

Don walked into the kitchen, his gut felt as though something was wrong.

Casey would probably be back in a couple minutes.

He walked to the fridge and looked inside.

"Raph..Can you give us a minute?" Leo whispered.

Don heard Raph stand up and walk out. There was a awkward silence.


"Look," Don closed the door and walked to the table, took a seat and looked at Leo.

"I know that you're just as confused about this as I am, But you have to know...I had nothing to do with that building. I have no idea what I saw and I don't know why I saw it. But I saw it."

Leo sat in silence, "I don't blame you...It's just...When you said that the building was going to collapse. And it did, I didn't even know what to believe...I'm sorry I acted like that."

"No I'm sorry...I didn't want to yell like that...I just have a lot on my mind," Don said.

"I understand...But you should just take a break from everything," Leo said.

"It's not as easy as you think," Don said.

Leo and Don stood up and hugged.

"Thanks," Don said and smiled.

"That's what I'm here for" Leo said as he smiled back.

"Ok..We're going!!" April yelled.

Leo let go and walked into the main room, "What's wrong?"

"Casey...He should have been back by now," April said.

"He's probably on his wa.y back now," Raph said

"Can we go..Please?" April begged.

"Let's go," Leo said.

April walked to the door while the four of them put on their trench coat on.

They walked out of the lair and to upper ground.


"He should be here," April said.

They looked around the parking lot for any sign of Casey.

"What color was his truck again?" Mikey asked.

"Red," April answered

"April it's not here, we've been searching for twenty minutes," Raph said as he crossed his arms.

"Then where would he be?" April asked.

"Maybe back at your guys' apartment?" Leo suggested.

"He would have called," April said.

Don sighed and looked around.

He was even a little worried about Casey.

Where could he be?

He turned around, "Guys he's not here."

"April let's go look at your apartment," Leo said.

"Let me try to call him again" April said, then she took out his phone and punched in the numbers.

Don sighed and looked around, then the sound of a very faint jingle.

He strained his ears to listen for it, then it stopped.

"He's still not answering," April said.

"Wait...Call again..!" Don said.


"Call again!" Don said louder.

Aprils punched in the numbers and held the phone to her ear.

Then Don heard the faint ringtone.

"Over there," He said, then ran over to the sound.

The ringtone got louder and louder, but stopped.

When he stopped, He looked over to where the ringtone was heard and saw smoke.

"Oh no..." He said.

He ran over to the smoke and found the red truck. He saw the smoke coming from the window. He watched in horror while the rest of them caught up and stopped next to him.

"C-Case?!" Raph yelled

Raph then ran over to the truck and looked through the window.

"OH MY GOD!!!" He screamed.

He stepped back quickly, hand to mouth, knelt down and vomited.

"Casey!" April yelled.

She ran to the car but Don grabbed her and held her back.

"NO!" She screamed ,trying to push away from Don.


Don tried desperately to hold her back.

Leo walked over and grabbed April and lead her away from the car.

Mikey walked over to the truck and grabbed Raph.


"Don't look don't need to see it," Raph said, tears running down his cheeks

Mikey knelt down and helped Raph to his feet.

Don watched as Leo lead April away and Mikey as he helped Raph.

He looked back at the truck. He walked up to it and placed a hand on the truck.

He pulled back immediately as the truck sent tons of electricity through his hand.

He shook his hand and looked at it, watched the blood drip down from his finger.

He looked back up at the truck.

He didn't want to, but he felt he needed to.

He craned his neck and glanced through the window. He saw Casey's body flailing around.

Pipe from the window through his head. Eyes seemed to have burst from the electricity.

He quickly stepped back and looked away.

He tried to keep the vomit from spewing everywhere, but it seemed impossible at the time.

He bent over and vomited out his guts. He felt a hand on his back.

"You ok?" Leo's voice was heard.

"Yeah..." Don managed to say.

"Come on...we need to get out of here" Leo said, " I called the police, they should be here in a couple minutes."

Don wiped his mouth of the vomit and followed Leo.

He looked back at the red truck. Casey's body still flailing around.

Feeling a weird feeling in his stomach.

Like...He didn't know.

He joined Raph, Mikey, And April.

Mikey had tears running down his cheeks.

Raph's face was buried in Mikey's shoulder, hard sobs heard.

And April...screaming his name, crying really hard.

"WE CAN'T JUST LEAVE HIM!!!" April shouted.

"We can't touch him or the truck," Don said, "The whole thing is electric time bomb."

"April..There's nothing we can do," Leo said.

April cried into Leo's shoulder.

"Come on...Let's get back to the lair before the cops show up," Leo said.

As they walked out, Don took one last look at the red truck.

Feeling the same feeling he felt that night before he saw everything.

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