Chapter 9

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Don just couldn't wrap his this, was it just pure coincidence that Casey died right when he avoided death.

It felt like it was a long shot, but maybe it was just coincidence.

But the way he died was just un normal.

You really don't see people dying like that every day. It didn't even look like an accident.

Don sighed, he's been in the shower for almost thirty minutes now.

He should get out.

But he didn't want to join the others, it was just dead silent out there.

No one is talking to anyone.

April just sits in Leo's room and cries.

Mikey told Don that he didn't even feel like playing video games.

That's saying something.

Raph is just as depressed as anyone, not as much as April of course, but out of the four of us, he took Casey's death pretty hard.

He stood up and turned off the water, stood motionless for a minute, then stepped out.

When he dried off, he looked at himself in the mirror.

His skin looked very pale, bags under his eyes.

He sighed and tied his mask around his eyes, he didn't even know why.

He nodded his eyes and took it off, threw it on the counter and walked out of the bathroom.

"Where have you been?" Mikey asked.

"Shower," He said quickly.

"Where's your mask?"

"Didn't feel like wearing it."

Don stopped for a second and looked around.

Leo was in the dojo, Mikey was sitting on the couch, Raph was in the kitchen, sitting on the table, staring off into space. April not in sight.

He stared at Raph.

Took a deep breath and walked toward him.

He took a seat next to him.

"Hey Raph," He said

Raph turned his head and looked at him, then looked back at the ceiling, "Sup."

Don sighed, "I..I just wanted to talk."

"Came to the wrong place," He said kinda low.

Don knew this wasn't going anywhere.

He sighed and stood up, leaving Raph alone.

He didn't really know where else to go.

So he just walked into his lab and closed the door.

He leaned against the door and slid down to the ground. He wished he stayed in the shower.

Nothing was right anymore.

He looked up at his computer, then his radio. 

But then he thought of that song that played earlier.

The one that said something about building collapsing.

He knew for sure that that wasn't coincidence.

That seemed to planned to be a coincidence.

He stood up and walked to his desk and took a seat in his chair.

He stared at the black computer screen. He didn't really feel like working on his research.

He turned on his computer and watched the dark screen light up and flash to his background. He clicked on the internet icon and saw the updated news.

'Statistics show that candles are the number one cause of fire in the united states.'

"How?" Don said to himself, then saw a link 'More strange facts'.

Don shrugged and clicked on the link.

'Every day 20 banks are robbed. The average take is $2,500!

The most popular first name in the world is Muhammad!

Tablecloths were originally meant to be served as towels with which dinner guests could wipe their hands and faces after eating!

Tourists visiting Iceland should know that tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult!

The pilgrims used turtle's shell as bowls for soup'

Don shuddered at that one.

Then one caught his eye.

'A turtles shell is as strong as a sword'

Chills were sent down his spine for some reason.

It was such a random fact.

He knew it was a fact also.

Leo was struck in the shell with a sword and it chipped it.

That's the main reason why Don is making the shell armor, then he thought of something to get him mind off everything.

He still needed to finish the turtle armor.


As Leo gave the punching bag one more good punch, he stopped and caught his breath.

He unwrapped his hands and threw them to the side.

Then he heard a small thud, turned around and saw a sword on the ground.

"Huh.." He said to himself.

He walked over to the fallen sword, bent down and picked it up and set it back in its place on the weapon rack.

Then the room suddenly got slightly darker.

He turned around and saw that two candles have gone out.

Leo stared confused at the candles, they never go out.

Unless someone blew on them.

Leo walked up to it, grabbed the pack of matches, lit one and gently lit the candle.

As it lit on fire, he lit the other one. He set the pack down and walked out of the dojo.


Mikey set his plate in the sink.

Dinner was a disaster.

Don took his plate into his lab.

Raph didn't even eat.

April ate but in silence.

Mikey and Leo were the only normal ones that ate and talked a little.

He began to wash the plates until April came next to him and began drying the plates.

He wanted to talk to her, but he didn't know if she did earthier.

Meh. Couldn't hurt.

"Hey April," He greets, trying to sound as cheerful as possible.


"April...How are you doing?"

'Way to get her ready Mikey...Nice one.' He thought to himself.

"It doesn't even feel like I'm here anymore...It all feels unreal."

"I know how you feel...When Splinter died..I felt like I was in someone else's house,," Mikey said.

"Yeah...I just...I wish I could see more time," April said.

"I know its hard now...But it gets better" Mikey wrapped her arms around April, "You will always have us."

"Thanks Mikey."


Raph looked at the clock, almost eleven o'clock.

He stared back up at the ceiling. He couldn't stop
thinking about what he saw.

The way that Casey stared back at him.

He closed his eyes, wanting to get some sleep, but he just couldn't.

The one friend he had, the one human he could take guy stuff about.


Just like that. But you know what they say.

It's always darkest before the dawn.

I hope.

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