1st Half of Story

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*Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of death.*

This is a story about a woman. Her name was Delilah. Delilah Stephanie Summers to be exact. Delilah was considered quite beautiful by many people as she grew up. She had a decently symmetrical face; deep lapis-blue eyes; fair-unblemished skin; and an hour-glass figure. She was stunning, and I'd agree that she still is.

She grew up in a big farmhouse that was packed to the brim with people all the time. She had four sisters, and six brothers; most of whom weren't blood related. Their parents fostered, and adopted most of the children, including herself. They only had one birth daughter, and two sons that were blood-related to them. Delilah went there when she was no more than five years old, straight out of her foster home.

The family also had three cats, two dogs, several birds, a bunch of frogs, a bunch of mice, and other sorts of animals and creatures in and around their home. There was a big barn out in the back for cows, sheep, pigs, horses, and even more animals. They grew pumpkins, potatoes, wheat, and a bunch of other vegetables to sell in the market, as well as cook and eat for themselves.

Delilah lived at home until she was 18, then she moved out and went to university to study agriculture. She wanted to figure out how to farm on her own, and help farmers. She also hoped to help cut down the use of pesticides, herbicides, and other such chemicals that could harm animals or humans if ingested.

She was at university for several years, until she was finally 21, and ready to take on the world. Sadly, she'd never really get that chance... I never really did either...


Delilah was driving just out of the city, on her way to her family's farm so she could go visit them. She also wanted to share the good news that she had a job ready to go.

She was parked at a red light, peeking at her phone to see if anyone had texted her or not. No one had, so she looked back up and started going when the light turned green. She failed to notice the giant semi-truck barreling down another side on the four-way turn.

The semi-driver was on his phone, and didn't notice the car pulling out in the middle of the four-way turn, since the road was usually empty and no one was generally on that road anyway.

Delilah realized the truck wasn't stopping a moment too late. It hit her nearly head on as she tried to turn onto another road. The tractor of the semi smashed right into the driver's side, crushing the car, and sending the two vehicles skidding and sliding off the road.

The semi-truck ended up landing on it's side, the driver was left unharmed though, minus the shock of it. The semi-driver quickly got out as soon as he realized what had happened. He quickly called 911 to tell them what happened, where they were, and to bring an ambulance for the other driver involved since he could tell she was going to need a lot of medical support.

He made his way over to the driver-side of the other car that had flipped to be upside down, the front thoroughly smashed in. He tried to look through the broken window to see if she was still breathing. He could barely tell, but he did notice her breathing, although it seemed quite labored. She was unconscious with blood running down her head, and he could see cuts from the glass as well covering her.

It took authorities and the ambulance several minutes to get there. They quickly got Ms.Summers to the hospital as well as the semi-driver, and got his account of what happened. He told them the truth about how he'd been looking at his phone, and didn't notice the other driver, getting arrested on account of distracted driving, and injuring another driver, which could also turn into manslaughter if she died from succumbing to her wounds.

The hospital found Delilah's ID, and managed to find records of her family. They contacted her parents to tell them what happened, and that they were trying their best to try and keep their daughter alive, and well.


Her parents, a few friends, and more family came that night to check on her. She was stable, for the moment, a machine breathing for her since her body was still dealing with the shock and having trouble with breathing on her own. She smiled and spoke to them quietly, eventually getting them to leave so she could rest.

Sadly, her body couldn't handle the wounds, and she passed away in her sleep. What was the end of this life of living, was the start of a new one as well, though not quite "living."


Delilah remembered waking up, sitting up, and looking around to see her family crying around her. She tried to talk to them, to tell her that she was still there, but they couldn't hear her. That's when she managed to hear the flatline sound off to the side, and behind her. She turned to see a monitor with a flatline on it, and caught something that startled her immensely under her on the hospital bed.

It was her!

She was herself immensely torn up, and that's when she remembered the car crash, and how much it had hurt. She eyed her deceased body, getting up slowly as she stared at it for a few moments. She was dead... But, wasn't she alive...? Apparently not.

She looked around, trying to come to terms with everything her mind was going through. If she was dead, then she didn't work, she couldn't talk or communicate with her family, she couldn't do anything. That hit her like a truck, though it wasn't as bad as the first time. Her thoughts whirled together as she quickly left the room and rushed out to try and settle herself.

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