2nd Half of Story

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Time seemed to pass a bit faster than before, everything just moving around her. She wandered around the town, and started to notice other spirits. They wandered just like her, seeming lost and confused. None of them could really comprehend what had happened, what they had lost in such a short period of time. It was mentally crushing to realize that you had lost everything you loved, and that you'd have to wait to talk or even just to see them again.

It was heartbreaking. No one could hear you or see you, except other spirits. The worst part about being able to see the other spirits, was that you could tell how they died. You could see weapons sticking out of their spectral forms; blood forever running from their phantom bodies. It was monstrous; a waking nightmare, though it wasn't really 'waking' since you weren't alive.

Delilah tried to avoid other spirits, due to their grotesque appearances. She did notice that as time went on, the spirits would suddenly stop showing where you could usually find them, and that new ones came constantly. She never saw what took them, or where they went; she could only assume.

She spent what felt like a few hours to her, but was a few days in the living world, wandering. She just spent the time she could looking over places she had been. She couldn't let go of her living life, even though it was over. She followed her family around for the next few days after that, talking and acting as though she was still alive, even though they'd never respond.


One day, Delilah was wandering around an old city park that she used to visit on her days off, when a figure draped in a cloak of night, that screamed danger and death suddenly appeared before her.

They lifted their head, to which she was expecting to see a skull, but ended up face-to-face with Death himself. According to her, he was quite handsome. He had piercing icy-blue eyes, vampire-white skin, and raven-black hair. She thought he was going to take her to the afterlife, but instead he asked her something.

"You must be Delilah. My name is Eric, though most just call me Death. I'm the Grim Reaper. I guide lost souls through to the afterlife." He paused, icy eyes locking into her's. "I was wondering if you'd like to take my place." He said it as a statement, more than a question.

Delilah paused, trying to wrap her head around what he was saying. "Wait, so you want me to become... Death?"

"Precisely. I've been working as Death for just over a thousand years. It takes a lot out of a person..." He sighed. "Anyway, I've been watching you for a while now. You seem unable to let go of your past. So, I figured you'd like to become the Grim Reaper, as it allows you to remain on Earth, working as a passage between worlds for those who aren't brave enough to do it on their own."

She thought about it for a long while, before nodding. "Alright. I'll take your place. But, how is this supposed to work?"

"I'll teach you everything you need to know. You'll become my successor, and as soon as you're ready, my cloak and scythe will be yours. And, one day you'll choose your own successor from all of the souls trapped between life and death, and then they'll become one of us."

"One of us? So, is there more than one Grim Reaper?"

"Technically speaking, yes. However, only one exists on Earth at a time. Once we move on into the afterlife, we can see each other again, and talk to other past Death's."

Delilah nodded, understanding more than before. Starting from that day onward, she was Death's apprentice. She followed alongside him, helping guide lost souls into the afterlife, and watching as they were reunited with their families, their appearances changing to be wearing their 'normal' clothes, without any weapons or bodily afflictions, meaning they were basically as perfect in their own way as they could be. It was beautiful. It still is.


When she was finally ready, Eric handed over his cloak and scythe to her at Heaven's Gate. She adorned them on her person, and watched him go through, and find his family. She smiled, though it was more sad than not, as she left. She would truly miss him. From what she tells me, he was a great guy too.

From then on for the next thousand or so years, Death was a woman. She did her job well, guiding lost and trapped souls from the world of the living, to that of the dead. She kept an eye on her family, helping them one by one as they all passed over if they needed it.

It wasn't until after she watched the world change, that she finally found herself moving on from her past life. She watched technology grow, people change. And, that's where I come in.


You see, my name is Logan. Logan William Greenwood. I was an orphan. I ran away when I was seventeen. The world hated me. Or, that's how I saw it at least. No one cared. No one looked my way. But, I was fine with it. It meant I could be whoever I wanted, without anyone prying into my business.

I became a street artist, working for money, living in alleys or broken down buildings. I ran away from the cops several times, but they didn't really care about catching me too much. I wasn't as bad as a lot of the other criminals in my city.

I became important after I found a group of runaways. I sold my art, and used the money to help feed all of them. They were my family. They were my everything. I had to protect them.

One day while I was out, there was a car chase. I ended up in the way, and got hit. It hurt... for a moment. I guess it was a pretty painless death. I was only 20 at the time. I couldn't let go of the world though, I still wanted to protect those I loved. I hung around the city, following the family I had made, and trying to help them out when I could without interacting too much.

That's when I met her. Delilah. She came to me one day, talking to me about the job of becoming 'Death.' She was amazing. I agreed. She taught me how to be Death, leading me through the process, and giving me a new purpose.


I've been working as death for a while now; a couple hundred years. Now, it's your turn. I've had my eye on you for a while now. You can't let go, can you? I know there's a lot here, I know it hurts, but it's okay. Once you become Death, you can stay and guide those who need it. Make sure they get where they need to be. I know you can do it. You'll do a great job. I believe in you.

And one day, you'll find a successor to take over. And, you'll see me again. Maybe you'll get to meet Delilah and Eric too. For now, let's start your training.

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