Chapter 1 - The big announcement

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3rd person POV

"SOCKS, YOU BETTER HURRY UP OR I'M LEAVING WITHOUT YOUUU!!!" Blaza chaotically shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

As if on cue, Socks came crashing down the stairs—now in his space suit, holding the helmet. "I'm coming, I'm coming, you don't gotta yell!" Socks grumbled, quickly running to Blaza's side. "Do you really need that?" Blaza questioned, a bit annoyed.

"Of course I do. Plus, this 'event' is at Laff's house, right? He told me to wear my space suit next time I saw him." Socks stated, stretching. "Well, hurry up. It's a quarter to five, we don't wanna miss the 'big event'." Blaza quickly said, grabbing Socks by the wrist and dragging him out the door.

Time Skip

They pulled into the driveway, parking the car and stepping out of it, knocking on the door. A few seconds later, Laff opened the door to greet them. "Ello there, lads! Ally, TBVG, and Oompa couldn't make it, but the rest of tha gang is here." He quickly informed them, ushering them inside as if they were planning a heist.

"What's all this about, Laff? You aren't usually this...formal." Socks questioned while being pushed inside the house. "Legal problems and whatnot, you'll find out later." The gas mask wearing British man stated, finally getting them inside and shutting the door behind them Everyone else was already there, either talking or having small arguments over simple things—like Muffin telling Nadwe to get over his obsession with Monika. Socks and Blaza walked over and sat on the couch, waiting for Laff to come and tell them what was going on. Nobody else seemed to know either, so they were all on the same page.

Timeskip to around 10 minutes later

The room was getting quite loud now, with yelling, arguing, and normal conversations going on all at once.


The sound of an air horn made everyone shut up and jump in their seats, shooting their heads to where the noise came from. Laff was up front, holding said air horn. "Do I 'ave everyone's attention? Good." He stated before clearing his throat. "My friends, you must be wondering why I have brought everyone here today, and I have a...relatively normal explanation for it!" He said enthusiastically.

"...Relatively normal? Do you realize how suspicious that makes it sou–" Nadwe began, before being cut off by Laff. "Shut up, 4 year old. ANYWAYS. Recently, We've all been playing among us a lot, right?" He asked, looking to them all—especially Socks, he was kinda just glaring at Socks. Murmurs of agreement filled the room for a moment before they went silent again, waiting for Laff to go on. "Well, I did some research and went through problems...but long story short, we're gonna go to space. Among us in real life."

"...Legal problems? Laff did you get sued—" Socks began, before getting cut off by Laff again. What is it with Laff cutting people off? "I did NOT get sued. I did paperwork and bought a rocket."

"And...where did you get the money to buy said rocket..?" Dino cautiously asked. "UHHMM—" Laff began, sweating. "...Laff. did you steal a rocket–" Dino asked again.

"Just– nevermind that, do you wanna go to space or not!?" Laff suddenly yelled, causing Socks to squeal and shove his helmet on. "I'll take that as a yes, then. TO SPACE WE GO!"




Also the words were glitching out and disappearing while I was writing
And overlaying other words

Idk man 😔

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