Chapter 2 - Arrival

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" are your living quarters!" The tour guide said, showing the group their rooms. Laff had said that he had 'ways' to pay for the ship, but didn't specify further.
"They close automatically after 10pm and stay closed till 6am. You all have your own bathrooms. If you aren't in your rooms by 10, I hope you have a way to stay warm! The ship's heating turns off to conserve power. Fuel tanks are in the control room. You'll receive 'tasks' to complete to keep the ship in order. Enjoy!" The tour guide finished, before walking over to Laff and talking to him a few feet away. Laff, in turn, took the tour guide to a secluded room and a few loud bangs were heard. Moments later, Laff came back without the tour guide and a happy smile beneath his mask.

"Welp! Tha's taken care of." Laff stated, dusting his hands off.

"What'd you even do? Where'd Terry go?" Muffin asked, confused by the random bangs.

"Was tha' his name? Oh well. He went home. And everything's payed for!" Laff responded, giving Muffin a warning glare as to not mention anything else—to which Muffin shrugged and went back to talking with Nadwe.

"Welp! Bettah get to work! I beliieevve he said the tasks were ovah here somewhere.." Laff enthusiastically stated, before rummaging through some papers on a nearby desk. "Ah! Here they are!" He said as he handed out the papers to everyone. Looking over the tasks, someone let out an annoyed groan—that someone being Nadwe.

"Are you kidding me-!? I got the Simon Says task!? That's so annoying-" he grumbled before turning to Woolf with a mischievous smile. "Hheeeeyyyyy, Wooolf, good buddy, my best friend, mi amigo—" Nadwe began before Woolf cut him off. "I'm not trading tasks with you. Nice try, though."

While groaning in response to Woolf's reply, Muffin chimed in and muttered something to him about sucking it up, to which Nadwe rolled his eyes with a quiet 'whatever' before gesturing for Muffin to follow him so they could do their tasks together.

"Welp, they're gone. I'm gonna go find my" Oof murmured, heading towards the living quarters. "You don't even know what it's called-?" Dino chuckled, walking after him.

Soon everyone else departs—Blaza, TBH and Laff going to Nav (Laff needing to go to steer the ship), Woolf heading to electrical, Meme going to Medbay (no surprise there), Joocie staying in storage, and Socks staying in security instead of doing tasks. Tasks are being completed and nothing dramatic has really happened yet.

Bonus mini chapter—Muffins and Tophats

"Come on, Muffin!" Nadwe shouted, dragging Muffin by his stubby little arms as the two ran to Reactor. "I wanna get this stupid task over with."
"But I've still got my tasks to d-"
The trouble makers soon found themselves in Reactor, with Nadwe standing infront of the keypad while Muffin messed with the vents.

Bleep bleep bleep bloop

Nadwe tried putting in the combination as the order indicated, but due to his memory of a goldfish, he failed. 'This is almost as annoying as the Admin swipe', Nadwe thought to himself.

A clank from the corner threw Nadwe out of his thoughts and into the real world, his head jerking towards the direction of the noise. And there sat muffin, his stubby little muffin body halfway in the vent.

"Uh- oops..?" Muffin murmured, having evidently fallen in while messing with it. A groan escaped Nadwe as he walked over to the other, hoisting him out of the vent and setting him on the ground with a tap on his head.

"Thanks man, you're a LIFESAVER" Muffin dramatically exclaimed, a hand falling to his own forehead like a theatre kid would in a play.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. C'mon, help me out over here." Nadwe glared, starting to make his way back over to the keypad—only for Muffin to playfully shove him, causing the Tophat wearing teen to nearly fall, before turning around and attempting to tackle Muffin—all in good fun, of course. This action led to the two running around the ship, playing some elaborate game of tag and climbing on metal containers.

At this point the two had run around the entire ship twice, and through the middle 3 times. Now they sat in the cafeteria, catching their breath.

"Give up yet-?" Nadwe asked, nudging Muffin, who responded with a grunt and leaned against the table. "...I'll take that as a yes then."

Just then, Meme walked over, stopping infront of the two. "What're you doing?" He asks, squinting at them.

"Uh— taking...a break..?" Muffin hesitantly answered. Why didn't he leave the lying to Nadwe? Everyone here knew Muffin was a horrible liar.

"W- show me your lists."

The two shuffled through their pockets, handing Meme the two lists—which both had nothing done on them. He looked up at the two  with an unamused expression before sighing, handing the two their lists back.

"Just...get back to work." The onesie wearing man mutters before walking away—presumably off to do more tasks. Once he's gone, the two look at each other with nervous looks. Muffin is the first to stand, shoving the list in his pocket.

"Uh...maybe we should listen before they shoot us out the airlock." He mumbles, looking to Nadwe. "Yeah.."
A moment of silence goes by before Nadwe smirks and shoves Muffin. "Race you to comms!" He shouts before taking off. "W- HEY!" Muffin soon follows suit, almost tripping while doing so.



I feel like the mini chapter was a little longer than the actual chapter- the actual chapter was around 400+ words and the mini one was around 500+ words-


midnight motivation ig. Cool.

Word count: 975 words

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