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She was sat in the class daydreaming and looking out the window. The Death Eaters mask burnt into her mind. Her friend nudged her elbow, "You're thinking about him aren't you?" She asks.

"No," she shakes her head.

"Tiffany, Lucindra stop that chatter!" One of the professors yelled.

"Sorry sir," they said in unison.

At lunch, they sat outside together looking out at the vast expanse of the forest.

"What was it like having him that close to you?" She asks, Lucindra looks away blushing to herself as she thought over it.

"It was er... Frightening and intimidating," she said lying.

"Were you scared?" Tiffany asks.

"Yes, I was very frightened!" She says and tried to hide her smile.

"I am very surprised you didn't get caught!" Tiffany said as she started writing in her book again, feeling the professor's eyes on them. 

"You forget how stealthy I am!" She said smirking, knowing she had a close run in with the patrols. 

 "Yes, that too. But to risk getting expelled and punished?" She said. 

"I got up close to a Death Eater though, didn't I?" She reminded her friend, and nudged her elbow. 

"Yes, now stop reminding me, anyone would think you're obsessed with him?" She said lowering her voice, as the professor began to walk down the aisle in between the desks of the studying students whose quills scribbled and scratched on the parchments. Both girls focused their eyes back on their books. The bell then rang signalling the class had ended. 

"Before everyone leaves, can I just reiterate how dangerous it is to leave the safety of your dorms at night, and if you have to go out you will be chaperoned by one us, and anyone found leaving the grounds will be expelled and punished!" The professor reminded the whole class.  They all nodded and left for their lunch breaks. 

"Shall we go to The Leaky Cauldron and grab a butterbeer?" Tiffany suggested. 

"Yes," Lucindra nodded. The two girls left the grounds in the daylight, not a single threat to be found and the atmosphere seemed different, it was busier and bustling with many people around. Both girls stopped and looked in the glass of the shops, even a bookstore drew their gaze. 

"Do you need a new book?" Tiffany teased her friend, "Your room is overflowing with books!" 

"I know, but one more can't hurt!" She said as they both walked into the shop. The bell tinged and drew the attention of the cashier who offered them a smile, but at the back was a young man with long dark hair, high cheek bones with almost an elvish appearance, and piercing eyes. He was dressed all in black and walked with a cane that had a snake on it.  "That's him!" She exclaims both girls duck behind a bookcase. 

"Just because he's wearing black doesn't make him a Death Eater!" Her friend said. 

"It's his eyes, I remember them. They were the same eyes that were staring into my soul!" She said. 

"You know you're blushing right?" Tiffany said. 

"No, I'm not! Shut up!" Lucindra snapped and tried to stay hidden from the possible Death Eater. 

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