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The morning was here, but being in the deepest darkest dankest belly of the woods the sunlight barely pierced this deep. It took Eskandar gently shaking my shoulder. "Wini, come on you need to wake up now," he said. 

"No," she whined pulling his tail over her face.

"I know, I don't want you to leave either," he said standing and Winifred fell backwards. 

"Thank you for that," she said and pushed herself off the ground.  

"Sorry, but you would have been there all day otherwise," he chuckled. She said her goodbyes and left the forest, she began her journey back to the world of the muggles. She was in London by noon. She watched as the buses raced up and down the roads, and made her way to the ministries entrance. She took a deep breath in and within moments she was deep underground and walked with all the hustle and bustle, no one even looked at her. 

She made her way to the offices and requested to be seen, "you'll have to wait he's far too busy to see you now" the receptionist said filing her papers and ignoring Winifred. "Go sit over there," she pointed to the vacant seats. She huffed and took a seat, she played with her pendant and her eyes roamed over the buildings. She hated it, it was claustrophobic and built up, she wanted nothing more than to finish her business and get back to the wide-open grounds of Hogwarts. After an hour of waiting and boot-tapping, she was finally called in.

"Now why do you bother to come this far?" Mcnair asked.

"For the health and safety of the creatures I care for," she said. He sighed, ran a hand over his hair and laughed. 

"Those creatures? They're aggressive and deserve whatever it is you are claiming they are suffering from," he said. 

"Are you telling me that you and the ministry are causing this?" she barked and stood up pushing her chair away. 

 "I am not making any claims, I may not like the creatures and yes, I was going to end one but that was for the safety of the students..." she interrupted him. 

"Perhaps you should have looked into the facts...." he then interrupted her. 

"As I was saying, Winifred, I would not harm them," he said. "Maybe someone has poisoned their food or water supply?" he suggested. 

"No, no one has access to that except me," she said. 

"Well perhaps you should up the security," he replied. She huffed a laugh. 

"If only it was that simple," she replied.  

"You've wasted your time just go home, you are not going to get our answers here," he said. 

"I will expose you!" She exclaimed and stormed out of his office and began the journey back to Hogwarts. She whistled knowing that one of the Thestrals would hear her, she waited several moments and finally, she could hear the heavy beating of wings and before long a Thestral landed in front of her. She hauled herself onto his back and began the journey back to Hogwarts no further in her investigation. 

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