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The pair played all night, with the same copper coin within his grasp. So far it was tallying up to the winner being the Master of Water and the young guard in the loser bracket. And at the moment he was a very sore loser, "Oh come on, just one more round. I'm sure to get this one." He begged the chained elemental. 

Nya looked up at the ceiling, "Nope. I'll take my chances." 

"Please, I'm so close to getting tied."

"You're 1,278 wins away from getting tied with me. One round isn't going to cut it." 

Jay shook his head in defeat, putting the penny back in his uniform pocket. He put up both his hands, "Fine, you win. Congratulations Nya Smith, you sunk my battleship." He admitted, getting a confused facial from the raven. 

She doesn't even know what the 'battleship' statement meant.

He directed his gaze to the small window of the cell, the morning sunrise was starting to seep through meaning a new day has arrived. Something started to buzz, and took out his phone from his back pocket. Reading the message he looked back at the Master of Water with a small smile, "My butler's here with the mouse. I'll go get it real quick and then we can start back in the work rooms for our time slot." He explained. 

She nodded her head as he started walking off. Jay really hopes she doesn't get herself into any trouble while he's gone. Running up the stairs to the waiting room felt like hours for a three minute walk, Jay thought at least. Once he made it to the main floor, he noticed Ed waiting on the small couch with a cage holding a white mouse hostage. 

Ed the butler turned his head towards Jay and a big grin appeared on his face, "Ah Jay my boy, I got the mouse you wanted. I didn't know what type of mouse, Edna said it should be a Guinea Pig, but I'm pretty sure she still doesn't know the difference between what rodents are what-" 

Jay chuckled at his servant confused humor, Ed felt more like a father to him than Cliff ever had. The same could go for Edna. Jay's mother hasn't always been to best at attendance. She used to be really involved in his life when he was younger, but once all of his nightmares started she started to distance herself from him and his father. 

To Jay, it's still very unclear on the relationship status on his parents. 

"Thank you, Ed. I really appreciate this." 

The servant handed Jay the cage, "Anything for you, son." 

The freckled boy thanked his butler once more before going back to the lower level. He slightly peeked at the little project Nya had requested, and he still does not understand why she would need a animal to show more of her powers. She the Master of Water, she can only control water. 

Once he made it to the lower level, he double checked to make sure that no one was sneaking behind him. The white mouse was squeaking in its little cage, giving Jay the hint that the creature was frightened. He wouldn't blame it. 

Jay walked down towards the Master of Water's cell, luckily no casualties seemed to have happened while he was gone. "I got a special delivery for Ms. Smith." Jay joked, grinning at the elemental. 

She giggled softly, "Thank you, kind mouse keeper." 

The chestnut haired guard unlocked the woman's closed cage and took off her chains around her wrist & ankles. From the looks of things, Nya was starting to get used to walking on her legs without any help. She walked side by side with the young guard, having side conversations, ignoring all the stares the other guards were giving them. 

Those electric blue eyes wondered over to the little mouse, "I'm going to name you Peter." He announced, smiling down at the petite creature.   

Nya looked at him in pity, "I wouldn't get to attached." 

"Why not?"

"You'll see." 

He gave her a confused look as he signed in to the work room, both walking in without any problems. Jay handed the young woman the caged mouse, "Ok, so before you do whatever you're going to do with the Peter, warm up with the water in the buckets. Then you just inform me whenever you're ready." Jay told her. 

She nodded, taking Peter's cage from Jay's grasp. Placing the cage down on the stone floor, Nya started practicing her powers. The white fluffball was scurrying all around its cage, glancing over his shoulder at any corner it sees. 

"You still haven't told me what the mouse was for yet, so are you going to tell me now?" Jay asked for about the hundredth time of the hour. 

"Why tell you when I can show you." 

Before a word could come out of his mouth, the Master of Water released the mouse from its cage and did the unthinkable. 

... It was floating in mid air. 

Her eye turning from their glistening ocean eyes to a deep, scarlet red orbs. Her brows furrowed, keeping her gaze at the object in front of her. Pale arms raised, with her veins pulsing throughout her body. She scrunched up her fist, squishing the small creature. 

It's body twitched, moving any time Nya's fingertips allowed. She held her hand, causing the creature's pupils to widen. The breath was taken right from it. She twirled her fingers causing the mouse to twirl around with it, following every command it allows her. 

The raven lowered it down to the ground. Letting it settle first, before releasing her hold and calmly circling her hands around the small creature. The center of the mouse, where to heart should be, started to glow. It suddenly took a breath. 

Awakening from its nightmare, it scurried off in a crack in the corner of the room, and escaped. Nya closed her eyes, once she opens them back up again her ocean eyes return. Power overwhelmed her, and she collapsed onto the floor. Jay rushed to her aid checking for a pulse on her neck. 

He felt it and sighed in relief, "No wonder you wouldn't tell me earlier. Don't scare me like that." 

She chuckled softly, her eyes peeping from her closed lids, "Sorry," she paused, "Peter is fine by the way."

Jay pulled her back against the wall, "H-How were you able to do that?"

"Which part? Controlling the blood, or bringing the mouse back to life?"  

"Everything." Jay admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"It's kind of hard to explain." 

"Take your time," he checked his watch, "We still have about an hour before curfew." 

The Master of Water crossed her legs and had her hands in her lap. "Well blood is made of water, I found that out when I was younger. Whenever I got the chance to use my powers, I would practice. Soon enough I realized I could seal up wounds but drying up small cuts, and bring blood to pump the heart back up again. I can move the body however I please." 

"So if you could, you could quite possibly throw me to a wall and escape?" 

She shrugged, "Most likely." 

Jay leaned on the wall next to her, "That's kind of cool. If elementals weren't illegal, you could probably use those talents in the medical field if you wanted to." he told her. 

Nya rolled her eyes at him, "If only, right?" 

The guard looked down at her, "You could really use that type of power to win the tournament, you know?" 

She looked up at him, "I don't think I can." 

He raised a brow, "Why not, you seem to be fully in control. The only thing we could work on would just be your stamina so you won't collapse every time you use your powers." he told her, grabbing a hold of her small hand. 

She didn't flinch, she only clutched on to it more. 

"I know, it's just- I. I just have bad luck when it comes to using me powers against other people." She confessed, pulling her knees closer to her chest. 

"Like you previous guards?"

She took in a breath, biting onto her quivering lip, "Yeah." 

His gaze deepened, squeezing her hand in reassurance, "There's something else. It wasn't just the guards was it." 

She looked down to the floor, a single tear slipping away, "N-No."

"I-I hurt him. I-I hurt my own brother."  

Hello! Sorry for the wait. I've been really busy these past couple weeks with school, extra curricular, and other things lol. I've been wanting to make Nya 'The Master of Blood' for SO LONG! I just needed to fit it into a story, and this story just felt like a perfect opportunity to play with the concept. Some of y'all actually guess it last chapter! I hope y'all are safe and doing well in our current state of reality. I love you all so much and I will see you in the next chapter, BYE!!!  

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