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*Dark themes*

"I'm Nya, Nya Smith."

Those few words stuck to the slim man like a knife. He stared at her in awe after she said that. This was nothing he would ever expect from the lonely poisoner like her, it felt unheard of. He just sat there and stared like she was a diamond in a pot of gold. 

Her eyes still puffy from before just glistened with the little amount of sunlight that was given in the small cell. The auburn haired man's electric blue eyes gazed upon her ocean blue ones filled with curiosity. Jay cleared his throat, "I'm Jay-"

"Jay Gordon, son of Cliff Gordon, founder of the Ninjago Elemental Facility. I know, you're quite talkative on your post." She responded without a stutter in her voice. 

His mouth dropped to the ground, she spoke and she listened to what he was gabbling about too? To think he thought she just didn't listen. The freckled boy shook his head back into reality and stared blanketly at the chained women. 

"You can talk-"

"So can you. And a lot of it too."

Jay scratched the back of his neck, "Well I'm practically bound to that most of the time. Um- well- a-a why do you, or why are you. You know." He tried to say, but failing miserably to find the right words. 

"Why did I respond to your apologies and never your greetings?" She finished off. The boy nodded with a nervous smile on his flushed out face. He was so scared of how she would respond that he never even realized the soft voice coming from the prisoner. 

Nya sighed, "Prisoners in the lower area are treated differently than the upper area. People up their have the privileges' to rom around and talk to other masters without a care in the world. Us however, are forced to stay in our cells and not make a sound. If dangerous enough we are chained and forced to live here forever. We cannot talk unless we want punishment to come along with it." She answered turning her head to look at the small window that gave a glimpse of what life is like. 

"Wow," Jay said, "I-I never knew it was that serious. The most serious thing I've seen was you and the old man." 

The raven haired girl looked down at the ground with her chains making rusting sounds from the movement. Another tear went down her face, "You would think that's serious until it happens over and over again like a cycle. Once they find someone to target they make it a trend with whomever they please." She told him.

Worry filled his eyes seeing the grief upon her face, "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked her. 

She looked at him fearfully, "You aren't going to tell anyone are you, cause if you are then the boss will come and bring out his gadgets-"

"No! No, why would I- gadgets? What gadgets?" The boy inquired. 

The pale girl sighed, "That's a story for another time."

The boy sighed, "I won't say anything about this I promise."



Nya took in a deep breath, "It happened a couple years ago, or however many days that was. A new guard was transferred to my post like you were after the last one had gotten himself fired for unlocking the wrong elemental and setting them free. He was rather dashing if I had anything to say about it. He would greet me, was kind to me, and protected me from the other guards in this place."

"After a couple months we started to become friends in a way. He would teach me a word everyday and have a lesson on it. The upper area gets an education while the masters down here do not, so when I asked him to teach me he accepted. He started with simple words like fun, friendship, and responsibility. Then he moved onto more mature words for my age."

"One day however, the lesson was different. He looked unwell when he arrived that morning, his face all pale and eyes droopy. I've never seen him like that before, and yet he still taught me the word for the day."

"What word did he teach you?" Jay interrupted.



Nya nodded, "He said that lesson was about love. I have told him I've heard of the word, but never understood the meaning of it. He said it was hard to explain in words so he told me he would come back later that night to do overtime." 

She gasped and tried to sulk in her pride while continuing the story, "He came back later that night. He was in a uniform still, but something was just different. He unlocked my cell and came over to me. His eyes told a different story than what I was told. No one else were in the hall, so he proceeded with what he intended."

"H-he started to do things. Things that I would not have know yet until he was finished. He felt pleasure within while all I felt were pain and broken. I screamed for him to stop, but he- he just continued. He never asked for consent, he just- he just abused the trust we had. He never took off the chains, so I could run. His grip were strong so I couldn't fight back. All I could do were weep and scream."

Jay didn't want to listen to where this was going. He already knew what she meant just by her descriptions of the event. The boy had a pit in the bottom of his stomach with guilt flushing over him. 

"When he was finally done, he left me in my cell like mess. Before he locked my cell back he sad, 'That is was the word Love means'."

Jay could feel tears welling up in his eyes. Never had he heard such a sickening story. Love isn't something physical, it's something more than that. It's a feeling where your safe, cared for, and protected by someone you have a liking to.

"What happened after that?" Jay asked her.

Nya looked down to the ground, "He left."

"He left?"

"I never saw him after that night."

"I'm so sorry, Nya. I-I could never. Truly-"

"Don't act like you have pity for me. You won't feel that way after I tell you the rest of my life story." Nya said with a stern look on her face. 

"Can you tell me the rest of the story?" Jay asked.

She smiled, "Tomorrow, I'll tell you the rest tomorrow. Just as long as you promise me something in return."

"What would you want?" He questioned with determination in his eyes.

"Could you bring me a flower?"


*I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. Had a busy couple of months, but here is something for the lost time. See you next chapter!*

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