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A pokemon that castor has is in loving memory to my aunt's dog maddie

Hug your animals cause one day you won't be able to


The news of a new bad guy spread like wildfire, news stations across the regions showed news of castor and what he's done.

Like blowing up places to steal tech and other items, even gyms were hit harshly and was forced to close for repairs.

But what was odd is that some gyms were safe and others weren't, it mainly had to do with some gym leaders that were close to ash.

Like the cerulean gym was just decimated and was just a crater (luckily no pokemon was harmed) and lumiose gym was set ablaze that took fighter fighters 2 hours to put the fire out and the gym was a burnt skeleton of it's former self.

Striaton gym was blown to bits and opelucid gym was doused in gasoline that caused a electric fire when a stray spark from a cable set the place ablaze (and right when drayden got back from grocery shopping) and even petalburg gym was burnt to the ground.

But another thing was shown and it shocked a lot of people, it was footage of two preschoolers chasing after a mightyena that had some furfrou in it cause they thought it was lost.

The two preschoolers (revealed to be twin sisters named rosa and rose) finally caught up to the pokemon (later found out was named maddie) and was trying to get the dog pokemon back to their school (yeah the school got shat on for letting two preschoolers run off) when a wild and angry tyranitar came out as was trying to attack them for getting into it's territory.

Castor came out of nowhere and football tackled the tyranitar away from rosa and rose, he also scolded maddie saying " don't you dare do that again maddie " while fighting off the wild tyranitar.

Then castor sent out a pokemon they couldn't believe that he has, it was mewtwo who didn't look like it was controlled or anything.

" blast the tyranitar with shadow balls and then sent it away "

Mewtwo shot out shadow balls like it was a machine gun at the tyranitar who couldn't protect itself from the assault.

Then he sent the tyranitar flying far away with a huge shadow ball that was also filled with psychic powers that hit the tyranitar hard.

When that was done castor went over to the twins who were scared, this was the same guy who blew up places and gyms and burned buildings down and also stole stuff.

But he saved them from a angry tyranitar who could have killed them and he even tackled it for arceus sake !

" you kids shouldn't have ran off, your parents must be worried sick "

He sounded nice but they were still scared of the guy who burned down a gym and danced on the ashes.

" we were trying to save this doggy here mr castor " rosa said as she lowered her head in guilt, her parents must be worried sick.

" yeah me and sissy were trying to save the doggy cause she seemed scared mr " rose replied as she softly petted the dog's head which she happily accepted.

" she just ran off cause she doesn't want a bath " castor said as he took out a luxury ball and tapped the dog's head with and it got sucked in.

So castor returned the kids back to school and left before cops could ambush him, but the parents of rosa and rose thanked him for saving their daughters.

That was a common theme whenever castor did something he would get the kids out of there or even fight a pokemon with his bare hands to save them.

He kept saying that he lost his son and didn't want anyone to go through the same thing, who was his son and what killed him ?

Brock and lillie and oak were walking into a battle center (think of like a pokemon center but it's a building for practicing battles that you could try different strategies and sets) to get their minds off of everything and relax but they saw a battle was already there.

It was castor (who actually came through a door instead of blowing a hole into the wall) and his opponent was serena.

Serena had her sylveon out while castor had no pokemon out, he was looking into a device on his wrist (like a poketech from sinnoh but it was bigger and slick with a protective case on it that was black and red camo pattern).

" just finding a pokemon to decimate your entire team but there are so many options " castor said as serena was getting impatient but was scared of the man who sky uppercutted a tauros in the face to save the nurse joy clones (cough I mean twins cough) kids who were trying to save a injured spearow that had a broken beak and leg.

He turned to look at them and they felt frozen in their spot (oak wished he took gary's alakazam so they can make a escape) as castor looked at them before landing his green eyes on lillie.

" you ! girl with that nice colored dress, what pokemon do you recommend " castor asked as lillie squeaked in fear.

" um how about a stoutland ? " lillie said as brock squeezed her hand in support and comfort, she felt better as brock gave her support.

Castor thanked her and pressed a couple buttons, a premier ball appeared in his hand and he sent it out.

Out came a soft white amber colored stoutland that had short hair and brown eyes, castor seemed shocked that the lovely stoutland dog was out.

" whiteyman no you can't battle you have a bunch of medical conditions that prevent you from doing so ! " castor yelled out as the dog got into a battle stance wagging his tail.

" what kind of medical conditions does he have ? " brock asked as he looked at the dog, it was breathing kind of weirdly and the dog did seem a little over the healthy weight range.

" has holes in the heart due to worms and has breathing problems among other things when he was a stray herdier who had to eat trash to survive " castor said, he did have another stoutland to use but somehow whiteyman's pokeball was brought up.

" then he needs to be put down cause he is no longer useful, he's a waste of resources and money " serena said, or at least that's what castor heard before a blood red aura of rage burst out of his body.

" HOW FUCKING DARE YOU LITTLE FUCKING BITCH !!! " castor screeched out as whiteyman let out the same angry howl.

Her sylveon was beaten black and blue by whiteyman beating the absolute shit out her and even broke the front left leg by using ice fang.

Finally the move take down took down sylveon, it was brutal and even castor was shocked at the sheer brutality whiteyman showed in the battle.

" damn boy you almost got me a new rug to put my lamp on " castor said as he petted the dog's head while serena looked like she was gonna vomit.

They returned their pokemon (with whiteyman even giving serena a mocking smile) and sent out two more.

Serena sent out pangoro and castor sent out a familiar looking pokemon that brock knew all too well. 

It was sceptile who didn't look like he was being controlled or anything, he was one of the pokemon that was ash's that got stolen.

" now don't rip him to shreds now cause he would make a lovely coat or bathrobe " castor said as the sceptile rolled his eyes.

The battle was won in castor's favor, serena barely raised her pokemon to battle and only raised them to do showcases.

After returning their pokemon they sent out their last ones and one was very and extremely familiar.

The pokemon that serena sent out her delphox and the pokemon castor sent out was greninja, the froggy ninja pokemon was very pissed at serena and the delphox that was stunned to see him.

" hey that's my boyfriend's pokemon how dare you take him ! " serena yelled out as castor rose a (non visible cause of the mask) eyebrow at her.

" didn't he break up with you cause you spend tons and tons of money on jewelry and clothes and expensive restaurants which by the way was his money that you were using " castor said bluntly as serena's face went pale with shock.

" oh don't worry little miss serena, I know everything you done to that boy who once thought of you as a good person " castor said in dark tone that made serena's face pale even faster with her shaking.

The battle was over in 4 minutes cause serena couldn't focus and her delphox was using every attacking move that she had to try to land a hit on greninja who just dodge the attacks with the grace of a ballerina and even sent the attacks back with them hitting harder, the battle ended with a blizzard of snorlax sized water shurikens.

They returned their pokemon and then castor sent out a smoke bomb that exploded and sent everyone out of there, but lillie grabbed something while running out with brock and oak.

Oak saw it was a locket that was made for men so he grabbed it and opened it up, in the locket was a picture of ash as a baby and the words " do it for him " was on the left with the picture on the right side.

They just unlocked some huge evidence that explained a lot of things.


(In loving memory to my aunt's two dogs maddie and whiteyman)

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