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I will post something in the community tabs later after this

Also quick thing

Thanks for the support ! :)


Now kukui was a lot of things, a professor who is also married to another professor and is a great dad to his son.

Well kukui likes to think that ash was his son too after all, he learned that ash's dad wasn't in his life and delia seemed determined to make sure of that and to make sure he never meets his dad.

That raised a lot of red flags to him and that was alarming, even his wife was alarmed at this.

Was there a reason why she was determined to make sure ash never sees or meets his dad ?

That thought brewed in his mind recently as he was also helping his pseudo son's friends find him, it shocked him to the core that ash was missing.

He knew it also shocked his wife who even fell to her knees and started to cry, their son lei was asleep and unaware of what happened.

But now there was another player on the field, the new player was ash's dad castor.

How long was he watching ash and did he plan this scorched earth method incase something happened to his son ?

He also learned from oak (ash gave him oak's number) that half of ash's pokemon was stolen by castor which why would he ?

Couldn't he just ask for them if he was gonna do this ?

Of course he knew that was a stupid thought, he just couldn't think straight knowing ash was out there without any help.

He prayed to the deities of alola to find ash and bring him home, to bring his son back.

When this is over and ash is found and safe and alive, he will ask castor if he can adopt ash and he will give him visitation rights to see his son.

But now he was in his lab doing his job, he couldn't neglect it cause he still needed to raise lei.

But a message popped up on his computer and it was from oak who was panicking and looked sick.

" what the hell happened !? " he yelled out as oak just sent him a video.

It was showing a battle between giovanni and castor, giovanni had his rhyperior out and castor had ash's buizel out but the pokemon has clearly evolved into floatzel.

Rhyperior was clearly exhausted and had wounds all over him while floatzel just did that anime laugh (the one with the hand you know the one) while castor just let out a deep bone chilling laugh.

" oh this is pathetic from the great team rocket boss " castor said as giovanni was even covered in bruises from the attacks from floatzel.

" what the hell are you and why are you even caring about some trainer ! " giovanni yelled out as he wiped some blood off his nose.

Castor was blazing with dark aura (like jessie's mimikyu) and even kukui could feel the anger from the computer screen.

" that TRAINER is someone I care a great deal about you cretin " castor spat out venomously as the floatzel bared it's fangs that were crackling with ice powers.

That ice fang just obliterated rhyperior and the pokemon fainted with a whimper, they returned their pokemon.

Giovanni tried to run but was stopped suddenly by a psychic force, the psychic force brought giovanni closer to castor and the pokemon in question was mewtwo.

" oh no no no little giovanni you ain't going anywhere, but here is a little gift " castor said evilly as you can just imagine his big chesire grin.

Castor also sent out mew and both the small pink cat and the big grayish lavender cat (is that right ?) used their psychic powers on giovanni.

Kukui saw how giovanni kept whispering " no no no " as his pupils shrank and blood trickled down his nose, then tears trickled down his face as he was dropped down on the ground twitching until he stopped.

The video then ended with castor saying straight to the camera " one down more to go ".

Kukui then promptly ran to the nearest trash can and vomited into it until he felt his wife burnet rub his back with concern on her face.

" warn guzma about castor please " he whimpered out as his body was still making him lose his lunch.

Burnet nodded and ran off to a nearby phone, kukui just hoped castor wouldn't target guzma.


(I'm getting burn out fast)

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