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Go check out what I wrote in the communications tab Please



Lillie was in hoenn walking through a park with snowy (who evolved into alolan ninetails) right next to her, lillie wanted to get away from kanto and hopefully not be in castor's sight.

She did hear about how castor killed giovanni by using mew and mewtwo to destroy his brain and how kukui feared guzma would be next.

' would he target me next ? ' she thought as she found a bench to sit down with snowy sitting on the bench next to her.

She also remembers that kukui said that " now since ash is gone his dad is going scorched earth ".

But she in a way could understand, a parent will raise hell and make people regret hurting their children.

She was knocked out of her train of thought when she heard a explosion go off, she went to see what happened but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw who was there.

There was archie and maxie (their ORAS versions btw) and their signature pokemon vs castor and his two pokemon whiteyman and maddie.

The two dog pokemon were coated in blood and the opponent's pokemon was dead, the sharpedo was charred and even smoking while the camerupt was laying on it's side with the volcanoes on it's back facing archie and maxie had it's face caved in and a huge chunk of it's torso missing with the organs spilled out.

Archie and maxie looked at their pokemon with horror and pale faces, archie especially looking like he was about to vomit.

" that was absolutely pathetic of two evil team leaders, their pokemon couldn't even withstand giga beam at all even when I toned the power level down " castor said as the dog pokemon shook their bodies to get the blood off.

" t-t-that move do-doesn't exist " maxie stuttered out as he stared at his camerupt, that was his first pokemon all those years ago and now the volcano camel was dead.

" ye-yeah wha-what he said " archie said as he was trying so hard to keep his lunch down, like with maxie's camerupt, sharpedo was his first pokemon as well and seeing it as a charred corpse crushed his will to live.

" it's a move I made myself, it's a move that gives a crushing and stabbing pain by combining hyper beam with the different types of beam moves with it, it makes the user recharge for 3 turns after usage " castor explained like he was talking to children.

Lillie stared in horror at the corpses of the pokemon, sure they were part of a evil team but they didn't deserve this !

" but hey this could have been avoided if you and your absolutely pathetic ideas of expanding the sea/land left my son alone " castor hissed with venom in his voice.

Castor went on to explain that his son and his friends (he claimed the girl in the group was a complete bitch and her brother was the only good kid that his parents made) were caught up in their shit.

" and since your actions hurt my son then I hurt you, but don't worry you will be with your pokemon again " castor said in a dark tone as he returned his pokemon and sent more out.

The pokemon that were sent out were groundon/kyorge/rayquaza, lillie was shocked that castor had more legendary pokemon.

' how many does he have ! ' she yelled in her head as she looked at the legendaries, they didn't look like they were controlled or anything.

Castor then told the legendaries to use their strongest attacks on archie and maxie, the pokemon looked like they even licked their lips at the opportunity.

Lillie had to look away and even snowy did too as a bright light combined with a loud boom covered the area.

When the noise and light died down she looked and was disturbed at what she seen, archie and maxie were on the ground with smoke coming from their bodies.

Archie's left arm was gone and was covered in fourth degree burns as the anchor chain on his chest and neck melted and caused the burns to be worse, maxie's glasses shattered and the glass cut his eyes all the pieces and his body was covered in fourth degree burns and his bottom torso looked like it was burned to the bone.

She could faintly see their chests go up and down as they were fighting to live, lillie noticed that castor was recording as he said what he said when he killed giovanni.

" three down and so many more to go " 

He then returned the legendaries to their pokeballs and put them back in that tablet looking thing on his wrist before sending out mewtwo and having the pokemon teleport him away.

Lillie had a suspension of who he sent the video to and when she made it to professor birch's lab she saw him finish vomiting into a trash can.

He turned to look at her and he just cried as the pain of vomiting made his stomach and throat hurt, she went over to him and helped him over to a sink.

" he just blasted them and I heard their screams " birch weakly said as he wiped his mouth with his lab coat sleeves.

Later both her and birch got the report that archie and maxie died on the way to the hospital from norman who ran out to the scene cause there was a shop nearby that max went to get some things that his wife (as in max's mom) wanted him to get for dinner that day.

Lillie slumped down the wall and onto the floor where birch was, they had one thought on their minds.

' who's next ? '


(Sorry for the delay as I was stumped on what to write)

(And do check out what I wrote on the commutation tab)

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