Chapter 4

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Three weeks have now passed, and before I know it the last day of term three has arrived. More surprisingly, I recently began to grow closer to Mark. I found out that it is possible for me to become friends with the male species. Who would have thought, right? Unfortunately, as I learnt more about Mark and the many things we have in common, it only made me like him more, and it turns out that liking someone who you know you'll never have a chance with is one of the most awful feelings in the world. Still, as I sit under the shade of the tree, the leaves barely moving in the hot and humid November air, I can't help feeling grateful. I'm friends with Mark, and that's all I can ask for really. I use my hand to fan myself, despite reading somewhere that it only increases your body temperature.

They sure don't call Queensland the 'Sunshine State' for nothing, I muse.

I turn my attention back towards Mark. As he continued to sit with us more often, I grew more comfortable around him.

He's usually quiet around us, happy just to observe, but he's not one who is afraid to voice his opinion either, especially with Justine.

"Oh come on," Justine rolls her eyes at him. "As if you know everything."

Mark grins. "You're just jealous because you know I'm right."

I watch the two bicker for a while longer. I can't help noticing that the two acted like two old friends who constantly tease and make jokes.

"Have any of you seen Anita?" I interrupt suddenly.

Mark glances at me and frowns. "No, I haven't seen her all day."

Justine snorts. "Knowing Anita, she's probably sitting in a detention room because she couldn't keep her opinions to herself. A bit like someone here." She looks pointedly at Mark.

"Look who's talking," Mark smirks.

"Excuse me?" she elbows him playfully, and then the two are at it again, but this time it doesn't last very long before Mark's phone buzzes.

He takes it out, checking the message and for a split second, I see a look of concern cross his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

He hesitates a moment before looking up at me. "What? No, nothing. I... have to go." He grabs his bag and stands up.

"Wait, where are you going?" Justine stares at him questioningly.

Mark shakes his head and walks off at a fast pace.

"What was up with that?" I glance at Justine quizzically.

She shrugs. "I don't know. Don't worry about it. Mark's weird." She shuts her eyes for a moment and rubs her temples. "This heat is doing my head in!"

"Summer hasn't even started," I point out.

Justine grumbles something inaudible under her breath.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. It's just that I prefer winter, that's all," she stands up abruptly, lifting her bag. "I'm going to the bathroom to freshen up."

"But..." I say, not sure whether to follow Mark and see if he's alright, or whether to follow Justine and leave the matter to him. "What about Mark?" I call out.

She waves a hand in a careless gesture before disappearing around a corner, leaving me to my bewildered thoughts.

I sigh in defeat and am about to lean against the trunk of the tree when something catches my attention. I could have sworn I just heard a girl's scream being cut off.

I strain to hear over the loud chatter of the students around me. It sounds like a commotion happening somewhere nearby, but I can't pinpoint where exactly.

Has someone started a fistfight? Or maybe-

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a loud bang. This time, I know for certain that someone has screamed, and by the instant silence around me, it's clear that everyone else has now caught on that something is wrong. I stand up curiously, lifting my bag. Intent on finding the source of the disturbance, I take a step forward, just as the school alarm goes off. That's when the real commotion starts.


| Dedicated to angelyntjf |

A great gal who has commented on pretty much all my chapters. Thanks! Xx

A shorter chapter than usual, but hopefully still interesting to you all nonetheless.

Comments and votes very much appreciated, like always :)


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