Chapter 5

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I watch as students hurry to get up, packing everything in their bags. As they pass by, I hear snippets of people's conversations.

"This is the alarm for the lockdown right? Is it a drill?" one girl asks her friend.

"Yeah it is, but I doubt it's a drill. Did you hear that sound?" her friend replies as they urgently make their way through the crowd of nervous kids.

A group of grade eight boys nearby try to play it cool by refusing to move, but a teacher soon hurries towards them, forcing them to hide in a classroom.

"What's the worst that could happen? The whole school explodes?" one of the boys said.

His friend snorted. "Wouldn't be such a bad idea."

I bite my lip anxiously as the lockdown alarm continues to ring loudly.

A few teachers on lunch duty are already running around, shouting at students to make their way to the nearest classroom. Students run frantically, a few screaming, while the teachers desperately to try to calm them.

I stand there, frozen, just watching it all happen as if in slow motion. I shake my head, suddenly returning to reality.

I need to find Justine! She's probably still in the bathroom!

I run past hundreds of panicked students, taking extra care to avoid the teachers around me in fear that they'll force me to hide.

I need to make sure she's okay first.

I make it to the girls' bathroom, slamming open every stall door, but I find no one. For a split second, I worry that the scream I heard was Justine's, but I quickly shake the thought from my head.

She's probably already made it to a classroom.

"Justine?" I call out, just to be sure. No one replies, and I try to ignore the nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach.

That scream sounded like it came from somewhere near here.

I dump my bag on the bathroom floor and begin to pace subconsciously.

She's fine. She can look after herself.

I peek out of the bathroom entrance curiously and find that the whole school is empty. One minute full of kids talking, laughing and now nothing. It's almost peaceful. Almost. I clamp my hands over my ears in an attempt to block out the wailing alarm, but it's to no avail. I sigh and decide to check if the coast is clear.

Maybe I can make a run for it. The nearest classroom isn't too far.

Admittedly, being alone in a bathroom during a lockdown is turning out to be scarier than I had first thought.

I'm about to step outside when I'm suddenly shoved back into the bathroom. On instinct, I squeeze my eyes shut and am about to let out a scream when a hand clamps over my mouth. Too terrified to open my eyes, I blindly attempt to punch and kick at my captor.

My father once used to take me to karate classes but that was a long time ago, and I find that I can't remember a single move.

How convenient.

My captor pins me against a wall just as I kick wildly once more and I manage to connect with something this time. I open my eyes now, ready to make a dash for it when I notice the familiar person crouched on the bathroom floor.

"Mark!" I say breathlessly.

He groans before standing up slowly. "You sure have a lot of fight in you."

"Mark," I blush, realising where I had kicked him. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you!"

He grimaces. "It's okay. Really."

Still in shock, I stare at him in disbelief.

Where had Mark gone? Why is he back? And–

"Why are you in the girls' bathroom?" I look at him curiously.

"I was looking for you, of course."

I shake my head in confusion. "How did you even know where I'd be?"

"Justine texted me. She guessed you'd be here looking for her."

Why does Justine have Mark's phone number? I don't have his phone number!

"Wait, what-"

He shushes me and clutches my arm. I instantly feel my cheeks growing hot.

Stupid face. Just stop blushing and get a grip of yourself, Audrey, I scold myself. You're in the middle of a lockdown for goodness sake!

"Listen," he says, grabbing my attention. "It's not safe for you here."

"I don't think it's safe for anyone at the moment," I laugh, but quickly stop myself when I notice his frown.

"You need to get out of here," he urges.

The alarm's ear-splitting sound continues to wail, and I find it harder and harder to concentrate on what he's saying. I free my arm from his grip and rub my throbbing head.

"I don't think you understand the idea of a lockdown," I can't help but add a little annoyance in my voice. Will that bell ever shut up?

"You just don't get it do you?" he cries, frustration in his voice.

I'm about to retort when I hear heavy footsteps coming from somewhere outside.

I glance at Mark nervously as he puts a finger to his lips. I nod my head to show I understand. He slowly creeps towards the bathroom entrance and peeks outside. I realise I'm holding my breath in suspense and slowly breathe out. After what seems like forever, he turns to face me, his face unreadable.

"Well? What's going on out there?"

When he doesn't answer, I push past him, my patience reaching its limit. I hear Mark hissing at me to wait, but I ignore him, my curiosity getting the better of me. I stick my head out of the bathroom entrance and take a look.


|Dedicated to Sparkling_sunrise|

Her comments are so supportive and funny XD


If you're really getting into the Christmas spirit, why not give me a generous vote/comment while you're at it? ;) 


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