Chapter 12: Deceptor

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Dreams are premonitions of a kind. Naturally they didn't make sense. The first reason we forgot our dream in an exponential manner. And the other thing was we were no psychics. I still remembered the sinking feeling I had. I was drowning in water, trying to grasp something when I couldn't breathe. I was doing fine in the water earlier. Then it changed to another scene. I was running and wooden planks and large stones were appearing alternatively below my feet with each step I took. They knew my movement before I did. The view was perfectly chaotic. The sky was blue and the water was unending. I stopped running to see behind me. The plank gave in and I fell in the water.

They made no sense to me like everything else happening in my life. I was dreaming vast, endless places with  no escape and major death scenarios. I wouldn't be sleeping anymore. I got up and decided to study. I had some hold on my mind reading power for now. I only had to not mess that up whenever I used it. Everyone wanted me to use it only when needed. Like I would do something that's highly unethical. I wouldn't target anyone and do something that would make me not normal. I didn't want to know what people thought in the privacy of their minds. It was same as what I would feel when someone spied on me. I didn't like that and I wouldn't do that to anybody.

My room was dark which I didn't like. Darkness made me feel helpless. I opened the curtain with my magic. It was an involuntary action which made me realise magic was my involuntary reaction. It always helped me when I was put of my mind.The moonlight streaming in soothed me and it felt good.

The morning dawned on me and I particularly didn't like the sunlight blinding me. I had to get up to practice again and maybe learn some things. I noticed some shadow from the corner of my eye when it moved. Before I could investigate it moved and ran towards the window. I ran after it and realised it was a girl whose face haunted my day. She wore black shirt and jeans and jumped down from the window. She made it look easy when she landed on her feet. She glanced back at me and before I could say anything she ran away. I managed to get out of the house but there was no sign of her. I was stupid to go through the stairs instead of jumping like she did.

The question was what was Will's sister doing here? She was lurking in my room for something. Did she want to kill me? Or did she want to steal something? This was major thing. I got back and saw the Wallace duo standing outside the door. They had a solid alarming system which never worked when someone came in but did when I ran out.

They must have seen something in my face because they became more alert than ever. I told them everything after we sat down in the living room.

"You could have transported."

"What's that?"

Chris looked at me with a crooked grin.

"You know, the thing you do, when you disappear from one place, poof and appear somewhere else in a split second."

"I can do that?"

"Yes, " both of them shouted.

Oh. I did another stupid thing. At this rate this would be my biography titled "I did another stupid thing then".

"So do you think Will knows that his sister hasn't disappeared?"

"He knows something, alright."

Mrs. Walker was furious when she knew about this. She called Will right away. He was yawning so hard when he came in.

"I was up studying last night. What happened? Why are you staring at me like that?" He looked at each of us.

"You lied to us about your sister."
Chris wasted no time in stating the obvious. We had the pleasure to see Will flinch. He paled and I thought he would faint. He seemed to collect himself before answering.

"I didn't want to tell you this. She wanted to keep it a secret. I would never betray her. But I had to lie about this, you have to understand. I never wanted to betray you. You seemed good when I first saw you and I didn't want you to keep me at distance because of this. So I lied to you about this. It wasn't a lie but I omitted some truth."

"Did you ever think that we would know all about this?"

Looked like Chris would do all the talking and I was fine with that. Otherwise I would have hit Will by now. I was so adamant that he was innocent that I didn't notice his lies.

"I know you would. You are smart people."

Yeah, we are smart.

"Now tell us the complete truth, Will."
Will looked at Mrs. Walker and nodded. He clearly respected that.

"Everything I told you about us is true, except our magic specialisation. I am a water elemental but my sister is not. She is a Deceptor and because of that she faced much troubles. So we didn't tell anyone when we moved away. I didn't want you to suspect me so I had to lie about that."

We didn't expect that. We were not talking about that and Will did not know that his sister was spotted here. He thought that we found out about his lie. I wouldn't tell the real reason when he was baring his soul to us.

"Why would they treat someone like that?"

"Don't you see? Most Deceptors had to do bad things in order to survive. It's how it is from the beginning. No one trusts them. Deceptors can  become anything they want. They can disguise, change into another person or conceal things. People feared them. So naturally she didn't want any spotlight on her."

Well, this prejudice was the reason a person got bullied. It hurt her to the extent that she had to lie to make people talk to her. I felt very bad for her. Next time I saw her, like when she lurked in my bedroom, I would help her out.

But now, we needed to find out the reason for why the Deceptor was in my room.

Author's note:

Hey guys. I'm back. I couldn't stay away. I'm incredibly thankful to all of my friends who always stuck with me and encouraged me and made me feel good. I love you guys forever. I can't say how loved you made me feel. Thank you guys! All of my chapters ate dedicated to you.

This chapter isn't much but it will kickstart the mystery now. Give you your theories and let's see who thinks like me😉

Thank you so much Sunidosh_Reemanchi8

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