Chapter 11: Mind Reading

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"Why can't I get in? Wait a minute. You did something?"

Chris was banging at the door. I was sleeping before he started doing that. Why was he doing that? It wasn't even dinner time or anything. I had fallen asleep and thank god, I had not entered any dream worlds. So why was he disturbing me? I would hit him so hard if he didn't have a solid reason for waking me up.

I opened the door before he could perform any magic. Judging by his face, he was about to do that.

"What?" I shouted.

"I felt the magic spiking here when I analysed the protection layers. You did something. I couldn't enter the room. What did you do?"

"I kept negative emotions out."

"What use is that? Negative emotion could be fear and anger. How will anyone help you if they are scared and angry, not at you though?"

"I didn't think of that. So I had to define the conditions too. Ugh."

"Obviously. How can you perform magic in a vague sense? That could be harmful. Consider it a blessing that it recognizes you as the caster. Or it wouldn't have let you in. I doubt you always have positive emotions."

"How can I make it right?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't say this earlier but, wow, you did a good job. You used your magic and projected it in your environment by your instinct. That means you are very near to your memories. You will remember everything in a few days, I guess. But wow, you did good. You can change it later. It's good in a way. No one can come in without your permission. I thought someone had broken in. And I was nervous that you were in danger. Only that case would be the con in this situation. We have more pros so we can let go of it. Come downstairs. We can see what Mrs. Walker tells us about Will. And dinner too. "

We were watching a movie about robots and when the movie was on its climax, they came back. I reluctantly switched the television off. Mrs. Walker looked exhausted and Will look frustrated.

We got them water and waited for them to talk. Finally Mrs. Walker did.

"The Elementals are notified of the situation. They wanted to train him and also find Ms. Martin. So, now he will be in an official Elemental school. It wouldn't be a problem because Elementals live among the non magical people. He will get a portal to travel from here to there and also get back in a split second or he can live in the academy. The choice is up to you, Mr. Martin."

"If you don't mind, I will stay with Chris. That way I can still search for my sister. I wouldn't be in lockdown or breaking any rules."

I turned towards Chris to see his expression. As much as he disliked Will, he wouldn't say no. And moreover, Carl would come to stay too.

"Sure, you can."

He had said that without any expression on his face. He would want to observe Will and rule out the possibility that he wasn't involved with Savir's plan. He wanted to keep his enemy closer.

With that settled, we had dinner. And both of them left the house. I returned to my room and as Chris had predicted, the magic didn't react to me. I would start my training the next day. I was excited for that. And it brought me a step closer to my understanding of my magical abilities. The book had many things listed in it. Like simple projections, illusions, mind magic, etc. I wanted to learn them all.

The morning was pleasant. I woke up early and got ready fast. I was about to learn many things today. I went to eat breakfast and then waited for the brothers to arrive. They would be late because they had to wait till Will left. I was quite shocked when Chris came alone.

"Before you ask anything, he will be here in ten minutes. He had some work to take care of before he left."

"Okay. Do you want something to eat? I had breakfast."

I made Chris some sandwiches and he complained about the tomatoes. I paid no attention to him till he ate that completely.

"Next time, you can make your sandwich. I'm not listening to you whine about the way the tomatoes are cut."

"Like you don't whine."

"I have seen you complain more than anyone I know."

Before i could retort, there was a flash in my peripheral vision. I saw something materializing and in a few seconds, Carl stood before us.

Carl looked lot like his brother. Both had nearly same height, same eyes. Carl had sharp features and a jovial face. Chris liked to look serious. And also Carl had black hair unlike Chris.

He grinned when he saw us. He hugged both of us and then looked at me.

"You look wise today. Did you stop getting in trouble?"

"I don't know what to answer." I told Carl. I was always in trouble.

"Your parents wanted me to tell you that they miss you and they want you to be back as soon as possible. They will visit you when they are out of public eye and also when the ministers don't monitor them. So, how did you get involved in a dream world?"

I told him everything and he listened very patiently. He was really similar to Chris in the way he talked. I wished I had a sibling.

"And you sealed your room?"

"Yes. I guess he told you,"I pointed at Chris.

"We can continue your training then. Your instincts will guide you on basic magic. Because you did seal the door without remembering. Then you can work without any problem on your special ability. Maybe it could break your memory block. So let's start by meditating half hour first."

I tried but my mind started wandering after five minutes. I would get better at it someday. It was hard trying to be quiet. When we got up to practice, Carl had us reading our notes on Mind Link, Mind Talk and Mind Block. I got the hang of Mind Block very early. It was easy, like playing a video game. I imagined a protection layer around me and an attack towards Chris. It may be a stream of energy or full on energy assault. Chris didn't expect it and he got blasted off his feet.

I was good at this. I suddenly thought why I couldn't break his block while attacking. I concentrated hard and I got in. I felt what he was going to do before he did it. I shielded my side as he attacked. And Carl yelled stop.

"You knew what he was going to do, right Aria?"

I nodded. He continued, "Did you know that?"

"No! I didn't get any feeling. I'm the Mind Reader here."

"Well, Aria, very good. You just demonstrated your first Mind Shifter skill."

Author's note:
What do you think?

What will it mean that Aria could read Chris's mind without him knowing?

Tell me your thoughts!

Here is your update ShiningDoll7

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