Chapter 10: The Magical Necklace

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I studied the necklace. It was ordinary. A silver ring attached to a simple chain, yet it protected me. I didn't know what it did, but it did something. The silver was calming and felt cool against my skin. I didn't know why I never thought of removing it. Even now, I couldn't put it on the table. Parting from it felt agonising. I didn't know how it worked. It just felt right to me. Like it was a charm made for me.

Lexie was gone. She went back to avoid suspicion. She told that the poster had a summoning magic and it can be reversed if it can be made reverse. Like a suction magic forming a magical vacuum would work perfectly against it. She did that and then she left. She hugged me and told me to take care to which I nodded. She was an awesome person and I wished I never forgot her.

I did not tell Chris about the necklace. He would just freak out and say that I shouldn't keep it close to me. I decided that I would tell him when I knew everything about the necklace. He would get worried and I didn't want to add things on his list to worry. He worried enough now. He was gone to drop Lexie, I didn't know where. I was sitting in my room staring at the ring and then the book. Both were puzzles I couldn't solve.

I got up and stared out from the window. It was nearing sun set and Will and Mrs. Walker were still out. I wanted to trust Will because I didn't get any weird or dangerous feeling from him. But Chris didn't trust him and I trusted Chris without any question. I had a major problem there. I didn't have any solution for that. It was like doubting my own instinct and also not trusting it. I was trusting and also mot trusting at the same time. It felt like Schrödinger's cat which was simultaneously both alive and dead.

How did I remember Schrödinger's cat? Was my memory coming back in pieces of physics information? That would be awesome. It also made me smile. I went downstairs and made another sandwich since the one I made had disappeared. I stopped and looked around to see if anyone would disturb me again. I was being paranoid but people really kept interrupting me. Finally I got to eat it and later Chris entered the room. I doubted he knew about the sandwich.

"She left safely. So how are you now? Did you sleep or something?"

"Sleep eluded me, now that I can sleep peacefully. If I was still in danger, I would be asleep by now. It's like my mind is always attracted to trouble."

"That's true. Most people are like that. You can't resist some things no matter how hard you try."

"Yeah. So what does this mean? What do I have to do to protect myself? I mean, these attacks aren't going to stop. There will always be something that will endanger my life. All for what, power! He is diabolical and crazy. I have to stop him. He isn't going to rule just but he will certainly harm the people. Whatever his agenda is, it isn't good. What good a ruler is who only thinks of himself and is drunk with power? Savir certainly wouldn't work with non magical people or even with projectors with not much power. He believes in only those who further his idea. The idea that puts a princess in his hand, then removing her from the equation."

"You are right and you must be remembering something. Because all of that wasn't something I remembered. You can practice from tomorrow. We would have started early if not for the unexpected guest."

He shook his head.

"We will start tomorrow, no matter what."

"Good. We would need someone to teach us other than Mrs. Walker. She is busy with Will or she is busy with her official work. We thought that we would just hide you or she would teach. We never thought what if both options didn't work."

"Yeah, things have a way to go awry near me. Who taught us before? Can't that person come?"

"Yeah, my brother taught us. I would have been angry with him if he left our home again. But now, I can only laugh. I will ask him. I'm sure he would love to come live here."

What did he mean by again?

"What does he do now?"

"He is a Mediator. Sort of trains non magical people, helps them and then gets them to join our offices. But trust me his job is awesome. He gets to meet many people and on top of that, he also teaches. He taught only us but it is still awesome."

He was smiling when he talked about his brother. I liked that. He had no frown or any worry on his face.

"Speak of the devil, he messaged me. I'll talk to him."

He got up and went out of the door. I was kind of calm after venting about Savir. Emotions really get bundled up and mess with my head. Now I could think clearly. The first thing I had to do was secure my room, with my magic.

I waited for Chris to return. He came back smiling after five minutes.

"He said he would ask your dad and others. Don't worry, he is good at persuading. Do you want to do something?"

"Did you just read my mind?" I asked him.

"I didn't have to. Your emotions were clearly suggesting that. Whatever you do, be careful. I will be here watching the television if you want my help."


I stood outside the door and concentrated on a shield which would keep negative emotions out. And reinforced it with bad emotions and all things negative. It would work well if whoever enters had a bad motive. I entered the room and covered everything with a layer of magic. It would not allow any sort of magic to attach to the layer.

I was glad I felt the magic flow through me or I would have thought I forgot how to use my magic. It was instinct and I couldn't forget how to use it. This proved I could use my magic and I was a Projector. And this time, I could feel the necklace pulsing its energy towards me.

Author's note:

What do you think of the necklace?

What does it do?

Thank you for reading!

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