Chapter 9: The Dream Wall

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"That poster wasn't here before, right? I can see it totally on your face."

What could I say? I could only nod. Someone entered my room and put it there. Why would that person do that?

"Maybe they did it because we would then become suspicious of Will." I reasoned.

"You know, I am already suspicious of him. I don't need any other thing to confront him."

"You can't. Maybe he is innocent and adding all this to his misery isn't good. You can't act impulsively. He needs someone to help him, not accuse him. So please just wait, until we have more evidence."

"Why do you suddenly make sense?" He smirked.

"I want to hit you so bad but I am a good person so I'm gonna refrain from that. You take the poster and analyse that because I'm no good at that. I don't know what I should do now."

"You have to calm down first. We didn't make it till now because we were scared. Yeah we were, but we tried to get out of it. You should never stop trying. Even if there is a dead end ahead. Because when situation changes, the dead end becomes a portal."

"I didn't know you were good at giving life lessons."

He laughed. " Yeah, I'm practising on you. Okay, I will be back in fifteen minutes. I need some calm room. Till then, read something in that book of yours."

I nodded but I didn't want to read. As much scary the virtual world was, I didn't want to know more about it. But knowing my weakness could make it my strength. Chris was rubbing off on me. I never thought I would take his advice on this matter. I searched the book and it appeared on the desk. The book had a mind of it's own and it also knew what I wanted. Before I could touch, it opened on it's own and showed the page on Dream wall. It sounded interesting but it was scary.

Dream wall separated reality from many other things. Like things trying to get into a person's head or the person moving into different worlds. The wall basically separated everything. It is not a wall but more of a layer. It can be present in many dimensions but its main purpose is to stop evil entities from breaching the person's head.

The Dream Wall is built by default when a person sleeps but breaking it is more difficult. It needs a magic drawing device to prevent its formation. Once the person sleeps without Dream wall, the person is transported to a world of colours. This world is manipulated by the person controlling the device and it becomes a nightmare which is very hard to escape from.

The person experiences suffocating world with no way of returning back. No one has been known to return this world without external aid. The device once tuned to a particular person can not be broken. Even if it is away from the person, it works. The device can be destroyed only by a trained Dream Projector.

Whoa. I needed a Dream Projector or else I would be stuck there permanently. This day kept getting worse. I wanted to tell Chris but I couldn't disturb him. I read about Dream Projectors but the book only said that they worked with dreams.

Chris returned after fifteen minutes. I told him what I learned and he looked worried.

"Do you know a Dream Projector?"

"Its not like people tell what they are specialised in. I think we can find someone if I tell my brother. I hope he knows someone."

He messaged someone and typed furiously for many minutes. I tried not to think of the consequences if we didn't find anyone. We had time at least. That poster was locked to my brain. It was a clever idea. I was bound to sleep sometime. And then once I entered it, I couldn't come back. Savir was one upping his game. It wasn't hard to figure out who was behind this. He found a way to make me miserable. I just didn't understand why he wasn't personally confronting me. He could just attack me here and I wouldn't be able to fight him. His decision to not attack me when he knew where I was was baffling. Something must be here which scared him.

Mrs. Walker was with Will. So I couldn't tell her this. When Chris returned, I told him and he agreed with me.

"That something must be powerful if he wants to play mind games now. But you don't worry. The person we found is your friend. It will be good. We never knew about this ability. You should talk to that person. But we have to tell about your memory loss first. Wait a minute. I'll be back."

His phone must have vibrated. I waited for him patiently because there was nothing else I could do. I couldn't sleep, obviously. And I didn't want to watch television. I had nothing to do. Atleast I could eat something. I made a sandwich and I was about to eat it when Chris entered the room with a girl.

I hated him at that moment.

Why couldn't people stop interrupting me from eating?

The girl was as tall as me with brown hair and brown eyes. She looked like she had cried earlier. I hoped it wasn't because of me. Because Chris said she was my friend, she must be close enough to care about me.

"Aria, this is Alexandra and you call her Lexie. She is specialising in both dreams and plants. A very different set of things. But she can help you."

The girl rushed forward and hugged me. She did care for me and I hugged her back. I didn't want her to feel bad. I patted her on the back and broke the hug. She had tears brimming in her eyes. I may not remember but she did. Friends are the most wonderful people in anyone's life. They stick with us even when you don't remember them. And I was lucky to have them in my life.

"You will make me cry, Lexie. Please don't cry. I may not remember now, but one day I will. Doesn't mean we aren't friends now."

She nodded and wiped her eyes with her shirt sleeve.

"Where is that poster?"

She recovered back fast. That was admirable. I understood why I must have liked her. She wasn't the "feeling pity" kind but taking action type.

Chris put the poster on the table and Lexie kneeled before it and touched it. She soon turned towards us to talk.

"You are lucky that you found out early. This was made with the intention of making you non sleeping time miserable. Once it got a hold of you in dreams, it could control you anytime. I guess you broke the connection when you woke up. That saved everyone. I will have to make a solution which will dissolve its magic. I will also give you counter magic charm which you can add to your necklace. No one would suspect it."

Something clicked in my mind. The necklace. I never thought it was important. It had been saving me. It helped me in that dream world and also when Savir tried to break my mind. The necklace was strong. How it helped me was something I had to know? And who gave it to me? It was a protection charm.

I wished for the millionth time that I  remembered my life.

Author's note:

Sorry for the late update. But I hope you guys like it. What did you think? I was working on my new story, The Battered Crown. Check it out too :)

Why was the necklace important? Who gave it to Aria?

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