Chapter 8:The Dream World

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There were may things but I couldn't see anything but the light, different colours were surrounding me. Blue, green, yellow, red were suffocating me. I tried to see what lay beyond them but I only saw black void. I was in a nightmare box. I tried bringing myself out of it but the colors pulled me in. I desperately needed to get out and see if it was real or I was dreaming. I knew that I wasn't dreaming because I was conscious enough. And I had control of myself. I was trapped with no way to get out. It wouldn't work if I was agitated. I tried to calm myself and it was easy said than done. I was so scared that I couldn't think any calming thoughts. I needed an anchor to pull myself out of this strange dream world. I thought of the room I slept in. I focused on that room and closed my eyes.

As if it was conjured by my thoughts alone, I was in my room when I opened my eyes. I turned on the table lamp and saw the time. It was three in the morning. I was supposed to be sleeping and resting not battling in a pseudo dream world. The most bizarre thing about it was I never knew how I entered it.

It was the perfect end of the day, though. I worried incessantly about the Deceptors in the evening and ate very less in the dinner. Now, I was hungry and very irritated. Everyone loved their sleep and I hated anything that kept me from sleeping.

The solution was not to think far ahead but to think simple. If I could enter a virtual world easily, I could also get back easily. But the question was that, who opened the door to that world for me? I was getting more and more entangled in this mess. It was not possible for me to fall asleep now. I got up and tiptoed my way down the stairs.

The moonlight was streaming in through the window and illuminated the room in a familiar white glow. It made me quiet down and I felt calm like never before. I opened the door and stepped in the back garden. I sat down on the steps there.

"How did you know I was out here?"

I didn't have to look up and confirm because I already knew who it was. It was like he tracked my movements.

"I was surprised that you woke up so early. You never woke up this early so I had to check. I have some protection spells which get triggered when someone steps on them. Luckily it was you or else the traps could have caught you."

"So there are traps. How does the trap know it's me?"

"Simple. It's like password. And you are one of the passwords. Only few people can come here. It was my idea. And so far, it is working fine. I'll have to think how to overcome loopholes though. So it would be fool proof plan." He looked so animated about it while talking so I didn't interrupt.

"Do you want to tell what happened?"

The question wasn't out of the blue and I shouldn't have felt shocked. I didn't think he would bring it up so soon. He normally would have waited till I forgot about the matter and then ask about it. He must have been really tired because he wasn't wasting time.

I explained about all colors and how I felt suffocated and his expression never changed throughout my explanation. I could see his changing emotions even then because I could read him. I didn't need my powers for that and maybe that was the reason we were friends at the first place. It was easy to talk to him.

"So what do you think?"

"Someone breached my security. There is something there which is transporting you wherever that place is. We should check it out. Not now, because whatever it was,it would be observing you now. During daytime, we can. If it can control your entry through your sleep and when you are not awake, it wouldn't work in daytime. It would be waste of resources and time for the person. It's best if you don't sleep in your room now."

This day wasn't ending well and it already spoiled my next day. I didn't want to get up once I fell asleep and face the consequences of whatever has been happening in my life. I wanted to stay in my bed all my life and not deal with anything.

But reality soon settled in and I found myself nodding. Chris got some blankets and pillows from somewhere and I got to make a comfy bed in the sofa. He went back to his room and I closed my eyes.

I was bleary eyed when I woke up. I was barely awake and Chris entered the room with a steaming cup of coffee. For himself. I had to go get ready for the day. Bu the time I was back, everyone were eating breakfast. I didn't bring up anything because Will was there. Mrs.Walker had a concerned look on her face but she didn't say anything.

After eating, Mrs. Walker turned towards Will and said, "So Mr. Martin, let's go to the headquarters and see if they have any leads."

I tuned out their conversation.Soon, they were gone.

"What did she say?"

"She asked us to search the object which was new to your room yesterday. Something which wasn't there, earlier. It would give us some clue it something."

"Let's go then." I said with a firm voice but I was getting a bad feeling internally.

We searched everywhere but nothing seemed out of place. We worked together calmly without much talking. There were no objects which were harbouring virtual world summoning magic. I was getting so frustrated when I realised something.

Nova Martin was looking at me through her poster. I didn't bring it up with me to my room. I had placed it in the living room before heading up to sleep. How did it find it's way to my desk?

Author's note:
Hey everyone.
I am so sorry for the delay. Please forgive me.

Who do you guys think brought the dream world Projector in the room?

I hope you like this chapter. And would you like a new story completely different from the Mind Shifter universe?

If you like this chapter, please consider voting and leaving comments :)

And thank you AerialKnight44 for your support, love you❤❤❤

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