Chapter 3:The Persistent Book

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"Why do those things show me something else?"I asked after putting the pen away.

"They are Memory Objects. Only few people use those now.And we found about those the hard way. You probably don't remember, but Savir used a Memory Stone to lure us in his wicked lair. We should have stayed clear of it. It acted like a GPS sensor for him. And we understood that very late. But you can trust these things. They are yours.There wouldn't be any foul play. I checked them. Don't worry."

"You may be right, Chris. But, I don't remember anything and I don't understand what to believe. It's like a sensory overload for me right now. I know you are being patient, and you are probably hurting by this, just give me more time to adjust to this. Okay?"

He nodded.I couldn't do anything yet.I believed him but it didn't mean I would jump into all this at once. There is a crazy guy with a more crazy diabolic plan. And I did not know how to use my magic. I would have to learn again all the things what made me, well me.

"Could you teach me some things?"

He raised his eyebrow in question.

"Like how to use magic and fight. I am sure I would have some muscle memory."

"More like brain memory.Don't worry.You will fight well if time comes. Till then, there is no harm in practicing. We can do that every morning. Do you want to keep going to the school? Because it isn't necessary for you. We did that, so you could have an alias if someone tried searching you. It is a fake you so no one would ask any questions. From appearance to back story, everything is fake. And you aren't living with your aunt."

The last statement caught me off guard. I thought she hated me. If she wasn't my aunt, then who was she?

"That's our mentor here. Mrs.Walker does the final tests normally. But you are a special case. So she was reassigned as our mentor for this internship and final test before graduation."

That explained why she was strict sometimes and loving sometimes. She is a mentor. She would naturally be strict.

"You know, I should tell her about what happened. I informed everyone at home already. I couldn't get a hold on her. Seemed like she was busy."

He fished out his phone from his backpack which appeared out of nowhere. How come I didn't get a phone?

"So you wouldn't post our location when you tag something."

I looked at him. He really must stop reading my mind. Or stop trying to read to mind.

"Hey, anyone can guess what you would think after seeing my phone. You will get your phone later and don't look forward to it. You aren't allowed any social media accounts. And you would have to switch the phone regularly."

That ruined my plan. I could ask when I go home. I just didn't know when that would happen.

"Do you want to eat something? I can only make juice. So we can just order something till Mrs.Walker comes home."

"I want Noodles."

That answer was spontaneous from me.

"You always loved that. Fine. I will get Noodles. Your mum would never allow that back home. I don't know why."

When he was gone, I decided to put the box in my room. It was becoming heavier by the second. Considering all the things I saw, this was the weirdest.

I put the box down on the floor and started rummaging. There was a book in that, and it had a different aura. Last time when I checked the box, the book wasn't there. How was it here now? The box became heavy because of the book but when I lifted it, it was so light.

The heaviness I felt must be so I would notice it. I picked up the book and placed it on the desk. It was old, brown with a rustic edge. No point in delaying the inevitable. Before I could flip it open, words started appearing on the cover.

Best Kind Of Projections

I felt shock. I knew this book. I opened it. It had all kinds of projections and much theory in it. The book was like the internet of projectors. I liked it.

"Do you know what this is?"

I asked Chris who came inside the room.I had been waiting for him to come after he went out to get food. He set up the plates and turned towards me.

"How did that book find you? It is, like attached, to you. I can't read it. In fact no one but you can see what is written in there. I thought it was a Mind Shifter thing at first. But seeing as how the book got here, I think it is connected to you. I think you should be careful till you find out more out it. It's not harmful, but you can never take enough precautions."

"So only I can read. I want to know about my memory loss. Do you think the book has information about it?"

"You can try after eating. I know you must be excited but first eat. Then you can check whatever you want in that book."

He was right about that. It didn't mean I liked that. But still, I ate quietly. I was waiting to explore that book. I couldn't concentrate on eating but I managed barely. As soon as we were done doing the dishes, I searched for the book.

I picked up, and I started searching for the letter M. I finally found a page on Memory Extraction and Removal.

Memory Extraction and Removal are used when someone has painful memories and if they are suffering. It is done by the physician and no one is allowed to do that in any other case. It is considered highly illegal, and doing it without the person's consent is ghastly. The person gets affected even with the presence of memory block if it is done by a highly skilful user.

It made sense why I forgot everything.

Author's note:
Sorry for the late update.
I hope you guys like that.And I'm really thinking to update twice a week.What do you say?
Tell me what you think:)

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