Chapter 2:The Realisation

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I hated that I wanted to believe what he told me.It certainly explained some things.But it didn't mean I was okay with how things had turned out.Who would like to be kept in dark?I understood their reasoning.I just didn't like it.They wanted me to heal and be out of harm's way.I could see that.I also saw how I felt before.I felt lonely.

"You say that it was important for me to stay hidden,right?"

Chris nodded.He was sitting on the armchair across me.We had cut the afternoon classes. Because frankly I couldn't wait to know what had happened with the time freeze.It was bizarre and absurd.There was no way someone could manipulate time like that.And therewass the other part which was the disappearance and appearance part.So we were sitting in my living room.

"And I am a Princess?"

"Yes.And also a Projector.You can do magic.You can read minds,plant thoughts in anyone's mind too.I don't know what else you could do,"He said.

I nodded.

"And what can you do?"

"I am a Mind Reader.Unlike you, I can only read minds.The difference is that I can read easily.What comes by practice to you, its uh, it is an instinct to me.I can read anyone's mind without meaning to  read."

"I want you to tell me something.How come I haven't seen you till today?I don't remember seeing you.But you felt familiar so I didn't question."

"You have a spell on you.Its because you have to be protected.The magic would prevent anyone becoming close to you.But it is breaking now."

"What?How is it breaking?"

"How did you answer the question when you didn't know it?I was watching you.You didn't know it."

I interrupted him.

"I felt something.I can't explain the feeling."

"Your magic is working.Maybe not completely.If it had happened,you would have remembered everything.But you are healing.You could read someone's mind."

"That aside,why did the guy come here?Or appear before us?Who is he?"

He appeared angry.

"That is Savir.He thinks himself as a rebel.I don't know what he wants to gain in all this.If you ask me,I think he is a basket case.A dangerous basket case."

That cleared some things up.I had something to fear from this Savir guy.If I had chosen to believe this madness,I would have thought he was responsible for my condition.No one would harm a princess other than someone who wanted political power.

"If anyone sees me here,they will recognise me right?"

"It wouldn't work.No one can see you.I mean the real you.I don't know how you look.Its like an illusion.Its a projection.A very clever one.This projection would make you look different and easily forgettable.Also, it doesn't work on those who already know about the projection.This projection can be broken completely only when its entire information is known.Your father did this.I don't think it could be broken easily.So it is fool proof."

"So my lack of friends has a reason?"


I nodded.Well,at least it wasn't because I hadn't tried.There was some repelling magic on me.But I was mad because I was made lonely.

"I know what you are thinking.I am not reading your mind.I know how you think.We didn't want to isolate you.We wanted you to heal before dealing with the questions raised when you talk to people.They would hurt your feelings.We had no other choice.You couldn't stay in the palace due to same reason.You weren't ready to handle this information at once.It would overload your mind.Try to understand this, please."

Yeah.I understood it.It didn't mean I would accept it.Because how could I accept something which I haven't seen or felt.Even if it was the truth.It would take time for me to adjust.It was familiar but still I couldn't completely accept it.I met the person responsible for all this.And that guy was up to something sinister again.

"You say I am protected and all, then come this Savir guy find me?He froze our surroundings, threatened and disappeared in thin air."

"It was a projection.He specialises in time spells.But I can't tell you what he is capable of.He has many tricks up his sleeve.He came as a projection because he did not know your real location.He must have linked some of his magic to you when you fought that day.I don't know what happened.Only you know that.He was concentrating on you.He must have had a back up plan,just in case.He had gone to great lengths to capture you in his time shifted place.You don't remember,he used Memory stones to show us something.He had to attract us towards him.He used the stone to capture us.And even though it didn't turn out as he wanted,he got something.Your memory block."

"You say, you know me.What do you think I should do now?"

He gave me a rueful smile.

"I suggest, you try to be patient and keep your mind open.Magic is a part of you.It won't feel weird when you embrace it.You are confused because you don't remember the first time you used it, your training and everything else.You did read someone's mind today.Give it time.You will become your normal self."

His words made sense to me.And as much as I wanted to not listen to him, I couldn't really do it.I wanted to listen to him.

"How can you prove that, this, is all real?"

"I can call your parents.Or show you my memories.And more importantly, I can show you something."

He gave me a box.I opened it and saw a book.There were some pens and a folded piece of paper.I didn't check what was under it.I was forgetting something.He just picked up the box from the table behind him.The box wasn't present there earlier.

"Those are yours.And the book responds only to you.Those pens were your favorites.They were gifts from your parents and they have memory magic.Your parents had told me to give these if you had any doubts."

I took the first pen.At first,I felt calm and then somehow,I was transported somewhere else.I was again standing motionless for the second time in the day.I saw a young girl sitting at her desk.The girl looked up and smiled at me.She shouted,"Mama, is that for me?My first official pen."

I abruptly came back.It didn't take long for me to instinctively know that the young girl was me.I believed it now.Not because of the memory but because I remembered it now.I remembered about the second pen too.What did it mean?Was I remembering everything?Or was I remembering because I came in contact with my belongings?

Will I remember everything someday soon?

Author's note:
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