Chapter 1:The Confrontation

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I was perfectly happy daydreaming in class.And I would have continued doing so.But unlike every other day,I got caught.Had I not stopped listening to the teacher droning on,I would have answered the question.I could feel everyone looking at me.Well,no one had noticed me,until now.I was always alone.It would have been different if I had some friends here.It wasn't like I made any effort.I was often exhausted, and I didn't know why I was going to school honestly.Because I was not interested in any of the stuff they taught here.And more importantly,I had flashes of a magical place.It must have been magical because of all the physics defying stunts, I saw every time I dreamed.I couldn't call them nightmares.I just couldn't understand them.They were dreams,after all.And reality was different.No matter how much I hated,I had to study.Which brought me to the conclusion that,I would be humiliated or at least embarrassed now.

"What is the answer to the question I asked just now,Miss Evans?"The teacher was glaring at me.

I personally thought it useless to ask a daydreaming student to answer a question.Because the student would not know naturally.I stood up and looked straight ahead.There was no point in delaying the inevitable.

I desperately wanted to run away.I did not know why.May be it was because I hated standing like an idiot who couldn't answer a simple question.Out of nowhere,I felt something.Rather I saw something in my mind.It was the number four.I mumbled out the number.Based on the shocked look on the teacher's face,it must have been the correct answer.And also it was a difficult question.I felt unease rolling onto me in waves from someone.Why was I feeling this?It made no sense.Nothing was making any sense.My dreams weren't,the voices in my head were not and I was sick of this.

I was losing my mind.That was the only rational conclusion I could make in this situation.I always felt like someone was watching me.Was it paranoia?Or was someone really watching me?I had more questions than answers.Even the answers had more questions with them.The class was done and I got up.I made my way towards the tree where no one came to eat.I liked being alone in a calm environment.

But today I had a visitor.A guy was sitting there.He was tall,taller than me and very good looking.He had light brown hair and piercing blue eyes.He was dressed in a black shirt and jeans.He was kind of familiar, but I had no idea where I had seen him.I must have stopped in my path because he looked up at me and smiled.That put a stop to thoughts in my head.

He knew me.

"I am Chris.We were in the same Math class right now.I think you didn't notice me."

Yeah.I didn't notice anyone with my dreams breaking my head open.I was just standing and not opening my mouth.It was rude, so I sat down beside him.

"Sorry for not recognising you!"

Something flashed in his eyes but he schooled his features quickly.

"No problem.So you don't mind, me sitting here?"

It was a good time for making a friend.And I nodded my head.He removed a plastic container with sandwiches and offered me one.Figures.I forgot to bring my lunch.We sat in a comfortable silence for a while.

"So how did you answer the question?"

I looked at him.Why was he asking me that?

"I don't know.It just came to me."I did not elaborate that.I didn't know how I got the answer in my mind.

He must have understood something because he nodded and got up.We had to go back to classes.I hated that part.

We were walking towards the school and something felt off to me.It was like I was walking straight into I did not voice out my thoughts.My soon to be friend would think I was insane if I had.As it turned out,he was feeling the same.

Because everything around us stopped.There was no movement.It was like we were suspended in a moment.I looked around and I saw everyone frozen.How was this possible?How could time around us,just stop?Because Chris was staring straight ahead with an intensity.I looked where he was watching and a man stepped out.

He wore a long cloak and a hat.He had  a wicked gleam in his eyes.And he started laughing.I couldn't make out his features perfectly.He came to a stop when he was ten feet away from us.

"Fancy seeing you here,Princess?"He chuckled.

I must have been dreaming.I was certain I was dreaming.

"Both of you are still together,I see.You are like a combo I get whenever I want to fight you.No matter what,this time you can't stop me."

I opened my mouth finally.Chris stood beside me with his hands clenched and an angry look on his face.

"What are you talking about?"

"I see.You don't remember our fight?I am so happy now.This way,you wouldn't interfere with my plans."

He turned towards Chris.

"It must be hard seeing your best friend like this every day.She doesn't remember anything,does she?My plan is working perfectly.Very soon,I will get what I want."

He turned towards me.
"Until then,good bye,Princess."

With that,he vanished.But the spell he had on us didn't.I turned towards Chris.He was the only one who understood what was happening.Because I had no idea what the person told me.

Chris was looking around.He was searching something.I decided to find something unusual.It was like an instinct.All things were normal like the benches and plants.

Chris turned towards me,"Give me your locket."

That was unusual.Given the circumstance,I decided to trust him.I put it in his outstretched palm.He closed his eyes and did something.Because the stone glowed and then the spell was lifted.People moved and there was no silence.No one knew what had happened.I was becoming crazy.

One look at Chris made me decide that it had happened for real.He looked serious.I realised something huge was happening and I was kept in dark.

"I think you have some explaining to do."

Author's note:
First chapter!!!!
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