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I saw her today like I did every day.It was hard for me acting like I didn't know her.She was my best friend.And she was here because I couldn't protect her from him.I found it really hard to watch her from the shadows and not talk to her.Even if I did talk to her,she wouldn't remember me.That was a heart breaking kind of situation.I was not present when she fought him.Because I was unconscious myself.But her parents had seen her in the infirmary.And she didn't recognise them.There was no chance she would have recognised me then.The King and Queen made the final decision.They thought it wouldn't be safe for her if she stayed in the Projector world.Because who would listen to a princess who had no recollection of her own world?It would certainly harm her mentally.And no one could bear seeing her in pain.So the king decided for her to stay away till she could be strong enough.Strong enough to face her past.

It only made me train harder.Because I couldn't help her when she faced him.He had frozen me and I couldn't move any way.I really tried to help her, but it only resulted in me knocked out unconscious with a powerful blue light stream.I woke up later in hospital where my brother Carl told me how he found us.

I checked the house perimeter she lived in.There was no sign of anything out of ordinary, but it didn't mean I could slack off.I reinforced all protective charms and returned to my room.I lived in the opposite house.She wouldn't be in immediate danger because Mrs.Walker was her guardian.She was awesome, and she was an ambassador in the non Projector human world.So it would make sense that the princess was training under the ambassador.At least it wouldn't arouse any suspicion.And we were happy with that.I had to report every single thing to my mentor Jim.Rather than a magical message,I sent an email.No one would bother checking our email because they would only concentrate on magical means.It would be safe, and no harm would be done.

Also, I was forbidden to use social media and I didn't understand their reasoning.Anyway,I found a message from my brother.Or rather a series of text messages on my phone.His logic was that as long as we deleted the messages,it would be a loophole for the rules set on me.

How are you,Bro?


I figured he was waiting for a long time and called him.He didn't lift the call but sent me another text.

R u back

Yes.I am.We are good.


It was the end of conversation and I deleted the messages.He had come back after leaving us for nearly two years.He went away after mum passed away.I was seriously depressed, and Aria had pulled me out of that.She was always with me.At least with her,I felt the pain was ...bearable.I missed mum every day.But I had no one to tell that.Dad had immersed himself in his work, so I moved into the apartment in the palace.I spent all my time sitting and playing guitar.I had thought I was making my feelings very well.But Aria pointed out that I wasn't doing a good job at that.She saw right through me.I felt that my pain couldn't be understood by anyone else.It was true.I remembered everything about her.How she encouraged me,how she always smiled and made me happy.It was hard to not feel pain.My every thought dominated with a what if.Carl came back and I was relieved.It felt good to see him and talk to him about our mutual pain.And I was happy that I had him back.Him leaving was also another reason I couldn't live in our house.I couldn't blame Dad for this.He was dealing in his own way.

But the good thing was that Carl became our instructor.We nearly had same projection ability and I was a Mind Reader.Aria was a Mind Shifter.There weren't any other students with us.So he came back as our instructor.He taught us many things like Mind Talk,Blocks and magic control.And it felt nice talking with him and also spending time with him.

Everything changed when we came across the Memory stone.Aria didn't leave it alone, and we became entangled in a mess.It was no use remembering all those matters.I got ready to sleep.But my thoughts were still focused on Aria.We were going to a local high school for the time being.She was not studying or anything.It seemed like she was barely paying any attention to anything.She always had a far off expression on her face.I had to restrain myself from approaching her.I couldn't interfere with her healing process.And she didn't make any friends.It would be easy to explain her disappearance when she became well.

I wrote my total report of the day and sent the email.I waited for the signal from Mrs.Walker.I got her "okay" text.I could sleep then.

Sleep eluded me.I got up and read my notes on my powers.The only way I could improve was by improving my concentration skills.I needed to meditate from now on.And also I had to investigate things about Keepers.They didn't help much.They were quiet about this whole incident.If they had intervened,none of this would have happened.Why did they act like innocent bystanders?It didn't make any sense.Nothing in my life made sense now.I was going through the motions.I was entangled in a mess due to a memory and I was still sorting it out.

At this rate,I was going to exhaust myself to sleep.Which I definitely didn't mind.It would give me some rest without my mind wandering all night.And I dreaded dreaming out my past.Because there were some new nightmares.I knew Aria also had same problem.The only difference was that she would not remember anything happening in her dreams.They wouldn't be like a memory to her.They would be just some unrealistic dreams.Nightmares made life a living hell.The person would be tired all day and the night would terrify him.I never thought I would experience this.

It's funny how life teaches lessons when you least expect them.I learned to never take anything granted and to not let failure weigh me down.

Author's note:

What do you think?Thanks for reading!
Thank you Angelinacolbe for the amazing cover❤😊
You are awesome!

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