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"I was never worth of anything."


"Did you sleep well?"

Jimin asked softly when he saw Yoongi sit up on the bed, looking drowsy. He was sitting on the floor, beside Yoongi's bed. Yoongi squinted his eyes and groaned, holding his head.

"W-What happened?"

He asked in a soft, weak tone. Jimin showed him a sad smile.

"You got your memories back."

The brunet replied in the softest tone he could. Yoongi fell silent. He looked down at his lap, his eyes showed no emotions as he remembered everything that had happened.

The night of argument.

His mum.


The crash.

"Where is Taehyung?"

Yoongi asked Jimin coldly. All the softness in his voice was completely gone. Jimin frowned at the sudden change in his attitude, but quickly replaced it with a smile as he could understand how he feels. For he would've done the same if he went through what Yoongi did.

"He had gone to the next floor to see if he could find anything. He told me to stay with you in case you wake up and need any help."

"I don't need no help! I'm old enough to do shit by myself!"

He spat angrily at the shorter boy who just smiled, getting up on his feet.

"Yeah, sure! Let's go to Taehyung and help him search, hmm?"

Yoongi started at Jimin for a good 2 minutes before nodding. He slowly got down from the bed and left the room without a word, leaving Jimin behind. Jimin sighed and followed him upstairs.


Taehyung looked at the direction of the voice and smiled brightly at the two.

"You two are quick to come."

"Did you find anything?"

Jimin asked but Taehyung hung his head low and shook it.

"No. But I do see different coloured door locks on each door."

He said, looking around the hall.

"Do we really have to explore this huge hospital by ourselves? It's just three of us!"

"You're not the only one here."

Another unknown voice spoke. They all looked at the direction of the voice. It was three more boys. Two of them were pretty tall, and the other one, well, he was about Yoongi's height.

"I'm Kim Seokjin."

"Kim Namjoon."

"I'm Jung Hoseok!"

The third guy smiled brightly and walked towards the other three for a handshake.

"And I also suppose there is one more person in here."

The dimpled one said with a serious tone.

"Namjoon's right. In fact, we also have all the informations about you all."

Seokjin said. Jimin's eyes widen.

"I-are you t-the one who brought us here!?"

Jimin exclaimed, almost like a whisper since he was in utter shock. But Seokjin spoke in a calm tone.

"Calm down. I didn't bring you here. In fact, I don't even know how I myself ended up here."

He started explaining.

"I woke up in the same room as Jimin's. I've tried waking him up but he looked..dead? So I headed to the ground floor, to the reception hall. And I've found a clipboard. There, I've found out about you all except."

He looked at Jimin.

"Except him. There is everyone's name but his. I suppose you are Jimin because that's what I saw on the tag on your bed."

Seokjin questioned, but Taehyung was the one to nod his head. All of them turned their attention to Jimin.

"W-What.. Me?"

He asked, his voice shaking a bit with fear and confusion.

"B-but I woke up the same way the others did.."

Jimin said, looking at the floor. He felt scared as all the eyes were on him now. He really didn't do anything and didn't want the other to think of him as the villain when he was one of the victims as well.

"Uh.. Seokjin-ssi, I think Jimin has to do something with all these."

Taehyung said all of a sudden.

"First of all, it's Hyung to you-"

He paused when Yoongi shot him a glare, confused at why the boy seemed pissed, but continued anyways.

"And yeah, your age is written in this page as well. Every information about you is written. Like your age, birthday and photos too. But... there's nothing about your family."

He said and then turned to Jimin.

"And I don't think Jimin is any type of clue here cause he woke up just like us."

Jimin quickly nodded his head. Taehyung quickly glanced at Jimin... His sad expression and his eyes shows something... He looks like he knows something, but hopeless at the same time...

"And I've also found a key with a dot of red nail polish on it?"

Seokjin said as he pulled the kep out and put it infront for everyone to see. Taehyung kept looking at him with his mouth open to say something until the older finished saying.

"I've seen a door with a red lock. It may be for that room."

"Could you take us there?"

Seokjin requested in a soft tone. Taehyung nodded and started walking further into the hospital corridor, and the others followed him from behind.


He stopped in front of a hospital room. Just like he said, it had a red colored lock. It looked just like any other rooms in the hospital.

"Lemme try."

He said as he tried the key on the lock and turned it around.

"It worked!!"

Seokjin exclaimed, tugging the door open.

"A coffee shop?"

"A.... Coffee shop..?"



(Not an important note, you can skip. It's not related to the story.)


Well, I have three more classes for the day and then two tuitions which will continue till 11 at night. So there is no use of taking my account back from eonnie. I'm writing this from the Eonnie's phone.

Anyways, I hope you like the chapter. I rushed it so I know it's probably trash but still-😌😌

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