I: I just hate her because she hates me

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Chapter One
I just hate her because she hates me

3rd Person POV

the middle of the semester had just began and it was the middle of the day, lunch time pre say. Rena sat there next to yoko as they ate lunch and talked to each other. Rena looked up to see Enid looking at her and smiling. the two girls had been friends for a while. It was odd to see the two girls together but people liked it. they made sense.

"you know who is staring again" yoko said and rena sighed

"isn't she always?" she asked. Bianca, it was always Bianca. she had begun to hold some sort of weird hatred for the Lockhart girl who just did her work and worked with what she had. Rena didn't even know what she did. she didn't know why the Barclay girl had started to hate her but it made her work harder and do what she needed to beat Bianca and be better than her.

"I don't know why you two hate each other so much, nothing even happened" Yoko stated and Rena nodded and groaned inwardly

"Nothing, I just hate her because she hates me. I did my work, I did it better than her and somehow it made her hate me" Rena replied and she heard the bell ring as she grabbed her bag and walked to her room. she looked around and then at the mirror as she made herself visible and she stared at herself. the night before she snuck out and she did what any vampire would do when they needed to, every month she went out and she drank someones blood, she didn't kill them just drained some of their blood and then she ran. she needed the blood to stay alive and it would always last her a month until she would have to go out and do it again. no one knew she did it but there she stood in front of the mirror as she just then noticed the blood on her let and she wiped it out. she knew that if she took a shower and cleaned it off, she would be late to class but she didn't care , she couldn't let anyone know what she was up to and what she was doing.

she put her hair up and she walked into her bathroom as she took a quick shower and she watched the blood off. when she was done, she grabbed her fencing outfit as she walked to the room and in. she saw everyone already standing there waiting and she sighed

"oh serena, thank you for joining us" he said and serena turned to him and looked in his eyes

"sorry I'm late, I won't do it again" she stated and she put her bag against the wall as she looked at Xavier and he looked at the ground with her

"sorry" he mouthed when he looked back up and she shrugged and shook her head. she knew that he couldn't do anything about it and he felt bad but she didn't blame him. she looked around and she saw enid and mina standing next to each other which made her smile. she had always known the two girls would get together and even if they weren't at the moment , she wanted them to be together.

"rena today you'll be going against xavier" he said and serena nodded as they walked over to xavier and turned to him

"sorry for not covering for you" he said and she shrugged

"its alright, I knew I was going to be late" she replied and she covered her face as he covered his

"en-guard " they heard and they began to go against each other as everyone else did too. suddenly there was a slam on the ground and rena stopped to see rowan on the ground and bianca on top of him with her sabor pointed at him. rena knew that she did that only because rena had just done the same thing to xavier two minutes before and bianca needed to show that she was better than her. rena scoffed in amusement as she took off her cover and xavier did too

"when can I get some real competition? does anyone else want to challenge me?" she asked as she looked at rena and made eye contact. Rena almost stepped forward feeling the need to knock the barclay girl down another peg but Wednesday was already stepping forward

"I will" she said and Serena looked at Bianca who looked at her and then at Wednesday . it was almost like bianca was mad that someone else was finally challenging her that wasn't her. Rena smiled at the girl sarcastically

"you must be the psycho they let in" Bianca said to Wednesday

"and you must be the self appointed queen bee. interesting thing about bees, you take out their stingers and they drop dead" Wednesday stated and Rena smiled. Finally someone was standing up to bianca that wasn't her or xavier.

"rowan doesn't need to save him. he's not helpless, just lazy" she retorted

"are we doing this or not?" Wednesday asked and they all watched with baited breathe as they watched in fear

"en-guard" he called and they watched the two girls go against each other. Wednesday got the first point, bianca got the second one and now it was the round where they would decide who wins

"first to draw blood wins" Wednesday stated and Rena's eyebrows shot up, they had never done anything that like before and rena didn't know how to feel about it. she watched them again as Wednesday fought long and hard but she ended up with a cut on her eyebrow

"your face finally got the splash of color it so desperately needed" she said and the bell rang as Wednesday walked out of the room and everyone followed.

"serena wait" she heard and she turned to see bianca coming towards her

"bianca whats up?" she asked in confusion. the two girls had never talked to each other naturally like that before

"why didn't you challenge me today?" she questioned and rena sighed

"Wednesday did it before I could. is that all?" she replied and bianca nodded. she didn't realize before that she liked being in renas presence so naturally but in that moment, she liked it

"no no are you going to the fair tomorrow?" she asked and rena nodded

"well it is mandatory barclay, ill see you around" she stated and she walked away from the girl. she almost felt choked with the tension between the two of them but she didn't care to say anything about it.

she just didn't know what was going to happen at the fair.


if you really truly thought I wouldn't give one of my other Wednesday ocs a cameo , you're wrong.

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