IX:her mother would never accept her for who she was

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Chapter Nine
her mother would never accept her for who she was

3rd Person POV

parent day. there was nothing serena hated more then parent day, she hated seeing her parents, she hated being in their presence and she hated the way they judged the school for everything top to bottom even though they were the ones that forced her to go there and learn. she hated that they would show up and judge her grades, friends, teachers and her all in one day. she knew that the day was going to be tiring and she didn't want to do it. she didn't want to do it any year but this one would be the most annoying.

so there she stood in the courtyard in front of the school with everyone. she stood next to ajax as they looked at the cars driving in and she sighed. she didn't want to be there, she wanted to be anywhere else but she didn't have anywhere else to go.

"are you alright?" ajax asked her and she nodded as she saw their car roll in and they stepped out

"yeah ill be alright" she exclaimed and she stepped forward as she saw them look at her and she looked back

"hi mom" she said to her and mona scoffed as she shook her head and stepped forward to hug her daughter softly.

"lets head inside" serena said as she just wanted this to be over and done with. she led her mom inside and she looked up on the ledge to see xavier standing there as he stared at everyone and she waved sadly. she couldn't help but feel bad for the boy who had no one.

"I see you took my suggestion" mona said and serena scoffed as she turned to her and her dad. she looked her mother in the eye and shook her head, trying to keep calm.

she wanted the day to be over and to frankly never see or hear from her mother ever again but she knew that as long as she lived and breathed, she would be haunted by the women and her life would be plagued. her mother would never accept her for who she was and that's how it would always be, Serena Oliver Lockhart was once a mommy's girl, to be honest, she used to look up to the women and worship where she walked. she listened to everything her mother had to say and thought but over time, it turned cold and so did her mother. nothing would ever be the same and she just had to accept that.

"he's just my friend mom, get that through your head please" she said and before her mother could retort and ruin the day even more, ms.weems spoke up and began her speech of the day.

"nevermore was created as a safe haven for our children to learn and to grow no matter who or what they are" and they clapped but serena wanted to shove nails in her ears and be done with the day.

"I realize most of you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving one of our students but I'm happy to report that Eugene is on the mend and is expected to make a full recovery so lets focus on the positive and make this parents weekend our very best yet" she finished and everyone clapped but serena. she felt her mother nudge her and she glared at the women who glared back at her

"so where is this bianca girl, you speak so fondly of?" mona said and serena tried to look at her dad but it was like he wasn't there. it was like he was a phantom

"probably with her family, can I show you around?" she asked and mona scoffed as she grabbed her husbands arm and nodded. she knew that her daughter was only trying to keep them away and protect her friends but that made her more angry. Serena looked up and saw bianca with xavier together and she scoffed.

but she didn't care, she saw bianca looking down at her with a sad look and serena shook her head. then she saw biancas mother walk over and saw the look on biancas face, she couldn't help but want to wonder and help the girl but she couldn't. that would only cause more issues with her mother and them.

"so that's bianca?" mona said and serena realized she was looking at the girl long enough for her mother to connect and realize.

"it is, I don't think you're going to meet her though, she'll be with mom the whole day and we'll be together the whole day too" serena stated and mona scoffed before they heard her father cough and they turned to him

"I think I'm going to go wait out in the car, I love you serena, be good" was all he said before he kissed her forehead and he left. Serena wanted to go after him, beg him not to leave her alone with her mother but that just wasn't possible and she hated it.

"well you've seen the courtyard and the quad, welcome to my room. i have a roommate but shes not here right now" serena exclaimed and mona scoffed

"she?" she asked and serena fought the need to yell. yes she was a lesbian but that didn't mean her mom needed to be homophobic and mean about it any chance she got.

"yes mom, she. they couldn't have me rooming with a boy" she stated and she hid anything that even held a hint of bianca and their somewhat relationship. the rest of the day, she spent leading her mother around and she hated it but she pretended that she didn't.

she had heard about what had happened with gomez addams and she didn't care, she couldn't care. she only cared about what was happening in her life and in biancas.

she would hate what would happen the next day.


I am not sorry for the amount of angst you are getting.


I want to say that Serena's parents weren't always that way to her but when you believe that you fucked up so badly that your child killed someone brutally its hard to come back from that and that's why they began to hate her. only because they hate themselves which is never a reason to neglect or treat your kids badly but it is what they did to her.

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