V: no need to be jealous

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Chapter Five
no need to be jealous

3rd Person POV

Outreach day was something that Serena hated more than anything. going out in public and socializing with normies, treating them normal, and acting like everything was fine when it indeed was not. she hated it more than her parents or the school or quite literally anything. outreach day was an enigma that stung her in the back of her neck and wouldn't go away until she forced it to and she never did. she could never get it to go away, they did every year, and every year, it was the same boring thing. pilgrim world, weathervane, or something else. they were things that made Serena wish that she could stay at the school and just learn.

so Serena stood next to Xavier and the others as they all waited for ms. weems to give them their assignments and give the speech. outreach day was tired and boring and annoying and all Serena wanted was for it to begin and then be over with. she wanted the whole day to end and yet it was only beginning.

"sorry about yesterday," Xavier said to Serena and she shook her head with a laugh

"It happens every year, don't apologize for trying to impress your dad" she exclaimed and he looked down at the ground

"I don't like how you always know" he stated and she chuckled again

"I know you too well xav, I was trying to do the same thing too" she replied and he grabbed her hand as they smiled at each other. the two friends could always know when the other needed to be comforted and they cared about the emotions of others. Bianca stared at them in confusion, she didn't even know that the two were that close and after what had happened the night before in the hidden library, she thought that Xavier liked Wednesday but at that moment, she didn't think so

"you're staring" Divina said to Bianca and Bianca snapped her head to them

"no I'm not" Bianca dejected and Divina laughed with a nod and a smile

"the fact that you knew who I was talking about tells me that you were, she and Xavier are just friends, no need to be jealous" Divina stated and Bianca sighed

"I'm not jealous," she said

"sure" Divina exclaimed and Bianca thought for a second. 'am I jealous?' she asked herself and then she shook her head again. that's when she saw ms. Weems walk up and they all looked at her as she began to speak.

"all students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10;00 a.m, sharp, followed by a community lunch at one. as you know, this year outreach day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial statue in the town square, which will also include performances by nevermore students. as representatives of our school, I trust you will all put your best face forward" And Serena laughed with xavier and ajax

"serena where did you get?" ajax said and serena sighed

"weathervane, you?" she asked and ajax sighed with her and xavier smiled at her. they would be going together.

"pilgrim world, want to switch?" he asked and Serena nodded with a smile as they switched cards, they didn't even know that the person they liked would be there. well ajax knew that xavier was going to weathervane but Serena didn't know that bianca would be at pilgrim world.

so she walked to the bus with the others and she sat down next to xavier as he handed her one his headphones and they listened to music together. she smiled at him before they got off the bus and they walked to the bleachers with the rest of the students. Serena sat down and she felt something poke her thigh, she looked up and saw bianca looking at her with a smile and she smiled back at the girl

"yes alright everyone take a seat, we have a special announcement" ms.weems said and they all turned their attention forward

"welcome,welcome, nevermore academy. now, on behalf of the entire jericho community, we are so,so pleased to have you all here today. your generosity and hard work are truly outreachous" he said but no one laughed and serena felt bad for the man. just then weems stepped forward again

"okay, everyone, we'll see you back here at one o'clock for lunch, enjoy" she said and serena got up as she went with the others to pilgrim world. she felt someone nudge her shin and she looked back to see Bianca standing there with a smile

"hey there partner" she said and serena smiled at her. yoko grabbed bianca as they went and stood in the photo stand. Serena stood with eugene as he took their picture. a girl now walked in front of them and stood there

"good morrow, my young nevermore kin. I am mistress arlene, a real oc. an original colonist. now prithee, put your cell phones on vibrate and make haste, for you are about to travel back in time to the year of our lord 1625, to jerichos first pilgrim settlement" she said and serena sighed as she put the headphones in and followed after the others.

"lord kill me now" serena said and bianca nudged her with a smile and she laughed as they walked to ye olde fudgery. Serena looked at bianca and leaned her head against her shoulder as she sighed again

"at least I'm here with you" she said and bianca smiled at the girl happily. she had never know that serena felt so comfortable with it but she saw it now and it made so much sense to her. they got to work until serena saw Wednesday outside with eugene and she watched. she didn't know that Wednesday could protect someone else that wasn't her but she liked it, she liked that sight of Wednesday.

"rena, lets get back to work" Bianca said and serena nodded with a smile as they got back to what they were doing. Serena saw bianca talk to the lady and she smiled again.

she liked where her and bianca were. she just didn't know where it was truly going but she didn't care to ask and she didn't care to worry.

she hated worrying.


the reason that I made it so xavier and serena are best friends is because we don't see male and female character being just friends and having a good relationship through that. i have a lot of male friends and its annoying being asked if we're dating or not. boys and girls can be friends and I'm making it happen with these two. thank you for coming to my ted talk.

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