IV: Good Luck Ser

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Chapter Four
Good luck Ser

3rd Person POV

the poe cup, serena was forced to wake up and get ready. she hated this but if it was a way to win against bianca after what had happened in class the day before, she would truly do anything for it. they had always been like that, rena felt the need to beat bianca and she knew that this would be another way, they always lost but rena always got bianca back some how after it. she couldn't stand the thought of bianca beating her all the time and if this proved one thing, everyone would know that it was those two who would always be against each other and would always fight the other.

so she woke up and got dressed in the outfit that enid gave her, she liked it more then she thought it would. she never believed that she looked good in black but time after time, she proved herself wrong, one too many times had she worn it and one too many, had she gotten compliments for it.

so before she left her room, she looked in the mirror and sighed. she made herself visible and looked over herself one last time, she needed to at least look good when she beat Bianca and then she walked down to the stations.

"RENA" enid called out and she ran to her and grabbed her hand as Serena sighed and looked at her.

"what can I do for you enid?" she asked and enid smiled happily at the girl

"can I do your makeup?" enid questioned and Rena smiled and nodded as she sat down and turned to the girl with a smile

"do your worse," she said and enid squealed and smiled as she ran off she came back with the makeup she held it and began to face enid as she put on the makeup and the whiskers. then the tent curtain flew open and there stood Wednesday

"I was told my costume was in here" Wednesday said and rena nodded as she pulled it out and she left the tent with enid after she did her makeup. they stood outside of the tent as they waited for the black-haired girl , then the curtain flew open and out she walked.

"omg you look pur-fect, only thing, where are your whiskers?" enid asked and rena shook her head with a soft smile.

"ask again,and you'll be down to eight lives" Wednesday retorted and rena smiled softly. she quite liked the girl and her thought process. they walked to the boat and they got in, then the music went off and ms. weems began to speak.

rena shared a look with bianca and she winked at her as the girl smiled softly. she then heard Wednesday

"focus" she said but it wasn't to her. no it was to enid and then she watched as Wednesday looked at xavier and rena laughed softly. so much for focusing.

"good luck ser" bianca said in a sarcastic rude tone but serena didn't take it close to heart. no, she smiled at the girl and shook her head

"I'm not so sure that I'm the one who needs luck" serena retorted and then they heard it

"I want to welcome you all to the edgar allan poe cup. this is one of nevermores proudest annual traditions, stating back 125 years. each team must row across to raven island, pull a flag from crackstones crypt and hustle back without sinking or being sunk. first team to cross the finish line with their flag wins the cup and bragging rights for a year as well as some special privileges. let the poe cup begin" ms.weems said and they all shot off. Serena rowed with efficiency. she heard something and she turned to see xavier

"oh, excuse us" he said and he bumped them. Serena laughed softly at the boy, truthfully there was no bad blood between the two of them. she then heard something and she turned to see the other team

"duck" Serena called and they ducked as fast as they could and serena took a deep breathe. she almost got beheaded

"crazy fuckers" Rena said under her breathe and then they rowed away from them. She looked back as she saw the other boat begin to get pushed and she stared in shock. she knew that bianca would do anything but she was shocked that the girl had gone after them and not her first. she wasn't bad , bianca truly would do anything to win and she had seen that multiple times before.

"thing" Wednesday randomly said and rena leaned forward to see the hand and she sighed. she knew that they would have an advantage and god how she loved it. she watched him pull a lever and she didn't know what it did but she didn't care because that's when they got to land and Serena looked at the others

"go with Wednesday serena, watch her back" enid said and serena nodded as she got out of the boat with Wednesday and they began to run to the flags. Serena watched as Wednesday ran and she stayed close to her

"later , Wednesday. bye, R" xavier called and serena laughed under her breathe as she shook her head and then she went to grab the flag with Wednesday when all of a sudden they were both hit with a vision.

there serena stood as she watched Wednesday from behind a wall, she saw someone who looked like Wednesday talking to her and she stared in confusion

but it was all over as quickly as it began

"taking a cat nap" bianca asked as she helped serena up and laughed

"something like that" serena said and she grabbed her flag and helped Wednesday before they ran back to the boat and got in

"hurry up we have to go" enid said and they climbed in as they pushed off the land and began to head back to the school. they got far and then when they passed the jokers, they watched them and serena smiled

"I just asked myself, wwwd? what would Wednesday do? " enid said and serena smiled at the girl. they got neck and neck with the others until kent began to push their boat to the buoy and rena accepted her fate. that was until they were able to push back and serena looked at bianca, they rowed back and impaled their boat

"sorry" serena said and they rowed to the dock as they beached the boat and ran forward holding the flag and crossed the finish line. rena smiled at enid before she saw bianca on the dock and she sighed but she didn't feel bad, she beat her yet again and it made her feel good, god it made her feel amazing. they all changed and went to the quad as they stood at the front and listened to ms.weems

"the first poe cup took place in 1897, as a way to not only honor nevermores most famous alumni, but to celebrate those values that all outcasts share. community, perseverance and determination and we certainly saw those values on display today. congratulations to ophelia hall!! as a former resident, I will be happy to see the cup back on the mantle after all these years" ms.weems said and rena smiled as she saw bianca smiling at her. she was happy for the others and she knew that nothing could ruin their rival

this just made them both want to try harder.


I'm so fruity for both of them

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