III: it's not a direct win

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Chapter Three
it's not a direct win

3rd Person POV

god how serena hated the poe cup and everything to do with it. she hated competing, she hated swimming, she hated the lake, she hated running and she hated going against others that weren't bianca. she only liked going against bianca, bianca was the only one she ever liked to go against. she liked to win against bianca but in this? it wasn't a direct win , more of a hidden secret win.

"god serena maybe paint the boat a little harder will you?" yoko said and serena looked at the boat and sighed

"why do I have to do this?" she asked and yoko stopped. Serena had always jumped at the chance to go against bianca but right now, it seemed like that was the last thing the girl wanted to do.

"okay what is wrong with you? you have literally always jumped at the chance to go against bianca and win but now you don't want to. what is wrong?" yoko asked and serena could say so much but she didn't. she could tell her about the dreams or visions or flashbacks , she could tell her that shes not doing well, she could tell her that she hasn't been sleeping or eating or drinking and shes trying to stop herself from feeding but she didn't.

the only thing that came out of her mouth?

"its not a direct win in my book, I'm leaving. ill see you later" Serena said and she got up from the ground and she left the rest of the girls as she walked to her room and she fell asleep. the next day, she got up and got dressed. she did everything she needed to and then she went to botany class where she sat down and then she looked around and saw Wednesday walking in, she looked at the girl in wonderment with a smile on her face but then a flash came into her mind and she froze

"no" she whispered to herself and bianca looked at the girl in confusion and worry. bianca didn't want to worry about the girl but she did. she wondered why serena was acting the way she was and what was happening

"stay away from her" her mother said and she stared at her in confusion. this wasn't a flashback, what was this? why was this happening? after she saw Wednesday, was Wednesday seeing the same thing

"mother, stay away from who?" serena asked in confusion. she truly didn't know or maybe she did. her mother had always warned her about anyone and everyone saying how they all hurt you and that no one was trustworthy. the few people serena had let in didn't end well and she didn't want to know how this one was going to go.

"you know who I'm talking about serena , be smarted then you. be as smart as me and your father, I thought we taught you better then that" her mother stated and serena felt the need to scoff

"taught me better? I'm leaving whatever this is" she stated and she closed her eyes hoping to leave whatever that was

and she did. she felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked up to see enid looking at her in worry and she lifted her hand as she wiped the blood that was coming for rena's nose

"what the?" serena said but she shook it off and told enid to sit down. she watched Wednesday walk over to xavier and stare at him

"there's an open spot next to me if you can stand sitting that close to an elitist snob" he stated and serena sighed. she didn't know where it came from and she almost felt bad for him but she wouldn't say that. Wednesday sat down and rena now watched as xavier hovered his hand over the notebook and he made the spider come to life.

"i doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks, mr.thorpe" ms.thornhill said and serena chuckled. his power was cool but someone like Wednesday only found very few things impressive and cool, that's what made Wednesday Wednesday, that's why serena liked her.

"admit it, you're a little impressed" xavier said to Wednesday and she slammed her hand down on the table murdering the made up spider and they all laughed including rena but some part of her felt bad for it. he was an artist and art didn't deserve to be treated that way. nothing and no one deserved to be treated that way.

"Wednesday, we're thrilled to have you join us on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants. now... who can tell us the name of this beauty?" ms. thornhill said and rena raised her hand at the same time that bianca did but Wednesday was the one to speak up before the both of them

"dendrophylax lindenii" she said and rena put her hand down as she made eye contact with bianca who looked at Wednesday and then at her. Rena didn't like where it was going and she knew that bianca didn't either.

"otherwise known as the ghost orchid." Bianca said and she looked at rena to continue on for her but Wednesday interrupted again. that was serena and biancas thing, to go back and forth. to practically fight for the answer and over it but right now, Wednesday was taking serenas spot and god how bianca wanted to punch the girl for it

"first discovered on the isle of wight in 1854" Wednesday led on and Serena stared at her, she didn't know that someone else knew that.

"very good, Wednesday. looks like you may have competition for first chair that isn't serena , bianca" Ms. Thornhill said and then they all looked at bianca and serena before they ooed and ms.thornhill spoke up again.

"Wednesday, perhaps you can identify the ghosts orchids greatest qualities" she continued and they all turned to Wednesday waiting for the answer.

"resilience and adaptability. its able to thrive in even the most hostile environments" Wednesday said. serena stared at the back of the girls head.

"but its mere presence can change the ecosystem, causing the established plants to reject it" Bianca retorted and she made eye contact with serena who nodded in agreement.

"usually because the native species is allowed to thrive unchecked. nothing a weedwhacker couldn't fix" Wednesday said

"you can most certainly try" bianca retorted

"are we still talking about flowers?" xavier asked and serena was wondering the same thing

"thank you, ladies, for those illuminating insights. clearly the plants arent the only carnivores in class today" Ms.Thornhill said and Serena sighed as she leaned her head against the table and bianca looked at her in worry.

"god it is going to be a long day" serena stated and bianca nodded but all they had was the rest of the day and then poe cup which could go one of two ways and serena really wanted it to go the first way.

she could only wonder


yes they are friends, yes bianca cares, yes they are academic rivals

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