VII: we're going to the dance together

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Chapter Seven
we're going to the dance together

3rd person pov

Serena didn't know what to do after everything, she couldn't stop thinking about her mom and the dream. she knew that it would be the same thing just said to her face if her mom showed up to parent day and she didn't want that. she didn't want her mom there and she didn't want to have to deal with it. she knew that none of them truly had a good home life but that didn't make her feel better at all, it made her feel worse.

but that's not what she cared about at the moment, there she was sitting in class next to bianca as she saw mina and enid sit down together and she smiled. at first, she felt bad for stealing the girls seat but now she was glad she did it. she saw the same look on mina and she smiled softly and she shook her head. but right now she had to focus on ms. thornhill and that's what she was going to do.

"while most plants reward their pollinators with sweet nectar, many carnivorous varieties turn to sexual trickery or deception" she said and serena giggled with bianca before she heard xavier sleeth and she looked over to see three long scratches against his neck and she worried about him. she would always worry about the boy

" the orchid produces a pheromone that mimics a female insect, luring the males in. now, once the plant is pollinated, what do the male insects get in exchange?" Ms. Thornhill asked and Bianca spoke up

"Nada. just like all the guys at the rave'n" Bianca exclaimed and she nudged serena as they both smiled at each other softly

" okay, okay. i know you're all excited about Saturday, which is why I haven't assigned any homework but I do still need volunteers for the decorating committee. anyone interested come and see me up here" Ms. Thornhill exclaimed and serena sighed as she turned to bianca and shook her head. she heard xavier talking to Wednesday but she ignored it. she didn't have the time or the care to even listen, she loved her best friend but sometimes he made her want to stab herself.

"Rena are you going to the dance with anyone?" Bianca asked and Serena looked at her and shruged

"I don't know are you?" Serena questioned and bianca shrugged

"is that your way of asking me?" Bianca asked and serena laughed and nodded softly

"i guess it is" Serena retorted and bianca smiled as the bell rang and they grabbed their bags, serena waited for an answer

"yes ser, i would love to go to the dance with you" She said and then she walked off as she met up with mina and serena met up with enid

"sooooo" enid asked and serena smiled

"we're going to the dance together" she said and enid jumped up and down as she spun around and smiled happily. Serena was forced to jump with her but she wasn't mad about it, she enjoyed it more than she thought she would.

"are you and mina?" Serena asked when they stopped jumping and enid sighed and shook her head

"i didn't have to guts to ask her, I'm such a coward" enid said and serena shook her head as they kept walking together.

"no enid, its okay. i hope someone asks you even if its not her, you deserve to be happy" Serena said and she hugged enid before they separated and she went to her room as enid went to hers. Serena already had her dress and she put it on as she made sure it fit and she smiled softly, she let it fit her and she spun around it like she was living for the first time

"god mom if you could see me now" she said to herself and she removed it with a smile as she hung it up on her door and she smiled again. she ran her hand over it again and put it back.

she leaned back on her bed as she smiled , god she felt like she was in the honeymoon with a girl that's not even her girlfriend but she liked it. she then heard a knock on the door and she opened it to see xavier looking at her with a sad look

"Wednesday thinks I'm the hyde, she snuck into the shed" he said and he walked into the room as he paced back and forth and she sighed

"are you okay?" she asked and he shook his head

"no not at all, why does it hurt so bad?" he asked and they sat down together.

"it always hurts when someone you liked chooses someone else or someone better in their opinion, you're not the hyde and i know that for a fact. Im here for you xavier, i always am" she said and he smiled at her as she smiled back.

they stayed there together for the rest of the night talking to each other and they felt safe and calm.

the next day, it was the rave'n, Serena spent the whole day getting ready with enid and she found out that mina hadn't asked enid but she knew that mina wanted to and to see enid with a normie would break her heart. Serena wouldn't say anything about that though, when the time came, Serena separated from enid who went and found her dance.

Serena left her room and walked to the center as she wanted to wait for Bianca but she couldn't find her and she didn't want to wait in the cold anymore. she walked in and she sat down at a table, she looked around and saw mina sitting there staring at enid with her date and she sighed.

that was when Serena looked up and was met with the one sight, she couldn't bare to look at. there in the doorway stood Xavier and Bianca together, Serena's jaw dropped and she looked at enid who looked at her, and then Serena looked at mina.

the night hadn't even begun and it was already shit.


we all know how much i love angst and hurting all of your feelings. I'm truly not sorry

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