XV: oh Serena where did your mind go

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Chapter Fifteen
oh Serena where did your mind go

3rd Person POV

after that night , serena felt like she was finally going to be okay. like she going to be in a good place and even though, her best friend was in a bad place, she wasn't. she had bianca and enid and mina everyone she needed

and yet here she was with Divina,ajax,yoko ,mina  and bianca in the middle of the woods helping Wednesday with her plan as they all waited for their signal

"who said i was alone?" Wednesday said and they stepped out from behind the stone and looked at the pair

"okay , i don't know what kind of sick joke you're playing, but I'm out of here" he said and he turned to Wednesday. serena grabbed biancas hand as they looked at the boy

"actually. you're coming with us" bianca said and they led him to xaviers shed. Wednesday tied him up and then once it was good, yoko snapped and he woke up. 

"welcome back" Wednesday said

"where the hell am i?" he asked

"somewhere where no one can hear your screams" Wednesday stated

"whats with the chains?" he questioned further

"don't ask stupid questions" Wednesday said and serena sighed as she leaned her head on her girlfriends shoulder

"this is going to take forever" she exclaimed and she blocked out her hearing to ignore everything that was happening around her. if there was one thing, serena liked to do it was ignore the bad things and take in the good things but most people did that anyways. she felt someone rest their head on her shoulder and she turned to see mina. the girl had been tired and wasn't sleeping.

"enid just texted. thornhills suspicious, how long until he morphs into that thing?" ajax asked and mina lifted her head as they all turned to him. Wednesday began to get torture things out and mina grabbed biancas hand and serenas as they left the room.

"we're leaving now" serena said and she left the room with the girls as they walked back to the school. they held each others hands and followed after each other.  serena and bianca walked to their rooms and kissed each other before they separated.

serena laid on her bed as she thought about everything again. the girl didn't know what to do but she had one thought. she closed her eyes and sighed. she began to drift but it stopped all of a sudden

"oh serena where did your mind go?" she heard and she looked around as she saw her grandma standing there but she shook her head

"grandma?" she asked and the women walked over and held serenas face. serena looked at her in confusion

" i had a long talk with your mother, shes been taking out the anger she has against me and your grandfather on you and that's not okay. mona hasn't been far to you in a while and you deserve better. I'm sorry that i didn't see that before and I'm sorry that i didn't try to help" she said and serena let the tears fall down her face as she hugged the women who sighed and hugged her back.

"what did i do to deserve this?" she asked and Andromeda shook her head and kissed the girls forehead

"nothing sweetheart you did nothing, i can promise you that. i will always be here for you no matter what" she spoke and she let go of the hug and began to drift away

"goodbye my love" Andromeda said and serena smiled as she wiped her tears.

"serena come on, wake up" she said and she woke up as she turned her head and she saw bianca looking at her. she sat up and yawned even though she wasn't tired, when she entered that state of mind it was hard to get out of it and it was even harder to act like she was okay

"bia? whats wrong?" she asked and bianca looked at the girl in confusion

"I should be asking you that, you're the one crying in your sleep" bianca stated and she le=ifted her head as she wiped the tears away from serenas face and then looked at her in the eyes.

"whats going on ser? you cant hide things from me" bianca said and serena sat up in bed as she shook her head and she looked around. there was no way out of this.

"nothing, what happened while i was in there" she questioned trying to move past the situation as fast as she could.

"Wednesday got expelled but other than that, nothing happened" bianca said and serena smiled sadly at the girl. she knew that Wednesday was going to get expelled but she hated it and she knew that she needed the girl more then anyone would ever need someone.

"we're okay right?" she asked the girl and bianca nodded softly. she kissed the girls forehead and serena smiled before there was a knock on the door and there stood enid looking at the girls with fear in her eyes and an angry look.

"E, whats going on?" she asked and Enid panted

"we need to get everyone out of the school and now. something bad is going to happen and we have to leave" enid said and serena turned to her girlfriend and nodded.

"we have to do this bia, no matter what" she stated and bianca nodded as she grabbed the girls hand.

"i know what we have to do" bianca said and she rounded up kent, divina and all of the other mina as they all went around the school using their siren song and getting people out.

serena didn't know what was going to happen but she didn't care because she knew that even if she died, she died saving everyone and that was enough for her. it had to be enough, she wasn't her mother and she would never be her.


serena does care about everyone yall. I've said it before and ill say it again. my girl has a heart.

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