Chapter 1

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Someone's POV

I arrived at my lair with the human girl I rescued earlier. I laid her down on the bed and looked at her wounds. Most of it were just minor injuries but the worse one is the wound from her shoulder to her torso. I can still see that she's still breathing. I used my vampire powers to heal some of her wounds. I can't turn her into a vampire right now.

Most of her wounds are now healed so I left her there and sat down on a couch. I removed my shirt and threw it somewhere.

That was one intense battle earlier. I didn't get wounded so I was pretty bored while fighting. And besides, no one has succeeded in killing me. Many have tried but failed.

I'm a Royal Pureblood Vampire after all.

(A/N: I got that name from another fanfic. Credits to the owner.)

Ah. I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Kou Mishikima. I'm the Vampire Prince of the Mishikima clan. Well, make that the Vampire King of the Mishikima clan. My father was killed by vampire hunters. He was one stupid vampire who let himself get killed by a mere human.

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. I looked at the ceiling and wondered why I rescued that girl. It's like she have powers that can command anyone to save her when she's about to die. But how did she do that? She's a human but then she possesses strange powers I can't explain.

I wonder if I should turn her into a vampire right now. Then after turning her to a vampire, I'll leave her someplace else.

I stood up from the couch and went towards the bed. I looked at her with shining, red eyes to know if she's really capable of being a vampire. I then leaned down near her neck and push aside some of her hair covering her neck.

I held both of her shoulders because I know she'll feel the pain coursing through her body.

I slowly bite her neck with my fangs and I already felt her struggling in pain. I bite her deeper and she started screaming.

After biting her, I saw that she's breathing heavily. I licked the blood from her neck and my mouth.

There's only way to complete the transformation. I need to kiss her. I leaned down and placed my lips on top of hers. I kissed her passionately and surprisingly, she doesn't struggle.

After the kiss, I carried her and left her in front of an abandoned building. I checked the area for any signs of monsters but found none. I looked at her one last time and whispered to her ear, "May we meet again, scarlet princess."

It's short but here it is! Please don't kill me for making Kou kiss Maki. I just wanted to do that since I like a little spice to the story(lol what?)

Hope you like it~

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