Chapter 2

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Maki Nishikino's POV

I woke up on a cold, wet ground and I'm feeling really dizzy. I tried to look around but I can't see anything because of my eyesight.

"Ugh, what happened to me?" I groaned. I rubbed my eyes and tried to stand. Surprisingly, I can. When I looked down at my body, I saw that my wounds are all healed. How the heck did that happen?

I started walking slowly. Where am I? I wrap my jacket tightly around me when the cold air blew. The surroundings are so dark that I can't see a thing.

I wandered and wandered until a reach some kind of house. Well it's more like a haunted house.

Shaking with fear, I knocked twice. "Hello? Is someone there? I need help." I muttered under my breath.

No one answered but I heard noises coming from the inside. I backed away from the door and was about to ran away but I was tripped by something. When I looked at it, it's a demon with sharp fangs. It was about to bite me but it was turned into ashes. Huh? How did that happen?

I accidentally bit my lips when I stood up. I tasted blood coming from it. I felt fangs as I touched my lips. Wait. Fangs?

I looked at my reflection on a puddle of water but I didn't see any reflection. What the hell happened to me?!

I walked back and forth and tried to calm myself. How can someone like me become a vampire? I mean, I'm just an ordinary human. There's no way a vampire made me into a vampire, right?

I gasped when I noticed that I'm floating in thin air. Well, maybe it's not so bad being a vampire huh. I smelled blood up ahead so I ran or fly as fast as I can because I'm getting hungry.

When I reached the smell of the blood, I saw another vampire sucking the blood of a human girl. I looked at the girl and pitied her. I killed the vampire without me noticing. The girl's body fell to the ground and a pool of blood gathered around the girl's neck. I shook my head and told myself I won't drink human blood. I just need to find an animal or something to eat.

I started to wander again looking for a way home but I didn't even know what this place is. I think this is the realm of different kinds of monsters including vampires. I heard some cheering and shouting in some distant place and wondered what's going on. Wait. How did I hear that noises? Maybe because of my vampire powers?

I walked carefully to the place where I heard the cheering and shouting. I hid myself in the shadows and listened. I took a glance and I noticed immediately that those are a group of vampires. Not a small group but a rather large group. It seems like they're celebrating or something. They became silent when a vampire spoke up.

"There's another vampire lurking around the shadows here at this place. I'm guessing he's not invited here." A blue haired vampire girl said. Shit. Is she referring to me? I need to get out of here.

"Honoka." I heard the same vampire called out to one of her co-vampires. I saw a ginger haired vampire stood up from her place and nodded. Then she suddenly disappeared. What in the worl-

I flinched when I sensed a presence behind my back. My shoulders tensed up when the vampire suddenly hugged me from behind and whispered into my ear. "Hey there, cutie. Where did you come from?" She said.

I gulped. I have a feeling that this vampire might kill me if I don't answer properly. "I-I c-can't r-re-remember w-where." I said in a low voice. Damn it. Why am I so scared right now?

"You don't have to be afraid of me, cutie. I'm not gonna hurt you." She said. "W-who a-are you?" I asked. I then closed my eyes, waiting for her response. Please, don't kill me.

"The name's Honoka Kousaka. I'm part of the vampire council." The vampire introduced. Honoka? Where did I heard that name?

"Since you asked for my name, what's yours, cutie?" Honoka asked me in return. I opened my eyes and tried to look at her but she didn't allow me. "Maki. Nishikino Maki. I think I just became a vampire a few hours ago or maybe a few days ago." I said.

"So, it's Maki-chan, eh? What a beautiful name for a vampire." She mumbled. I was surprised that Honoka released me from her hug and turned me around to face her. She held out her hand and grinned playfully at me. "Come with me, Maki-chan. It seems like you're not a dangerous vampire. I'll introduce you to the president." Honoka said.

I took her hand since she looks like a friendly and playful and somehow seductive(in a playful way) vampire. Introduce me to the president, huh? Well, I hope I won't get killed..


It's been a while since I updated this, right? Well, here it is. Don't ask me why I included a little HonoMaki in this chapter haha. I ship Maki with everyone in muse that's why. See yah next update, everyone~!

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